CRYF Committee Meeting Minutes 2/17/17

Initiated at 6:03 by Tom and an overview of the purpose

Dave provided the 2016 version of the CRYF mission and objectives.

•Action – A Google Documents will be created to incorporate input and ideas on the mission and objectives. The goal being to incorporate a agreed upon mission into the committee “constitution or bylaws” (Owner is Dave T)

Subcommittee introductions; a focus on critical next steps – Three primary areas of focus were discussed for critical next steps including coaches placement, communication (particularly the website) and getting a jump on registration; all committee members agree the sub-committees should be “self starting” organizing activities and actions and reporting back to the larger group.

Coaches placement– General agreement by the committee on several points driven by the goal to have head coaches in place for all teams by the end of March

•Includes online CRYF coaching application, the MYAS process/training and background checks –Actions: Kelly Hesli and Emily Thom will begin the process of standing up the application and associated links on the CRAA CRYF website pages.

•Also discussed was the proposal to include additional resources for coaches (E.g., USA Football) –Action: Don R and coaching sub-committee will research and make a recommendation on options

•Continue to encourage prospective coaches to participate in the CRHS coaching clinics

•Conclusions – Coaching sub-committee will meet/discuss plans, work towards a full recommendation and approach for the 3/5 meeting which will include a CRYF committee vote as needed.

Communication – Kelly Hesli made a proposal with regards to the current CRYF page, within the CRAA site. Kelly outlined some limitations regarding concurrent running registrations and also raised the idea of a separate CRYF site.

•Action– Kelly will develop a long terms proposal/options including costs which will need to be reviewed with CRAA. The timing of said proposal for review and approval with the CRYF committee and CRAA are TBD.

•Long term general agreement by the committee, including the CRHS coach is to ensure alignment of the sites for all CR football related entities and site

•Short term –Actions: Current CRYF pages on the CRAA site will be used until a longer term solution is approved. Kelly will coordinate with Emily T, the current interim CRYF page administrator to get set up with access (this will require approval from Ted and CRAA). Emily will also bring Kelly up to speed on the current Sports Engine capabilities we have with the CRAA site.

•Short term –Action: Kelly and Emily will need to work with the coaching committee to send a notice and links to the coaches application process on the CRYF current site.

•Short term –Action: Kelly, Emily and Eric Cederstrand will need to connect on current email lists and to decide how to proceed with the communication committee taking over ownership of all lists and outgoing communication.

Also discussed and agreed upon was the need to begin driving early registration as a way to gauge numbers for the upcoming season, provide additional opportunities/flexibility for the registration process.

•Chris A discussed current recruitment efforts for Grade 7 players at Basketball activities and Tom indicated flyers will be available

•Tom outlined the existing registration processes for awareness (E.g., Fliers at the end of school, camps, etc) and also mentioned some of the challenges.

•Short term –Action: Kelly, Emily and Andrea will connect on current registration capabilities.

•Action- The Registration committee will develop a proposal for registration activities including timelines and proposed tactics. Review at an upcoming committee, date and time TBD

•Action– ensure registration activities are aligned with future upcoming events (E.g., camps, communications, other youth sports activities)

Key Milestones– Tom provided and overview of planned dates and activities

•2/26 – Coaching clinic #2

•6/3 Summer football camp for grades 6-8.

•7/17 -19th Annual youth football camp

•8/26 – 27 – Andover scrimmages

•9/15 – Youth night for all CRYF players at the CRHS Varsity game

•9/16 – CRYF jambori, grades 2-8 play their games

•Reminder that the new fields at Sand Creek will be used this year; great facility and opportunity to promote, build pride for community

Coach Malling provided an update; continued to show strong support for the purpose of the committee; outlined vision of alignment and continuity from grade 2 through 12

•Supports the idea of linking all football related websites

•Discussed the idea behind the coaching clinics and concept based teaching

League update was provided by Chris Alton – Chris and Tom participated in the Blaine, SLP and Centennial league meeting to gain an understanding of this league; discussed pros and cons of this league and the John Swanson league

•Brief discussion on the Bl, C and SPL leagues training of referees.

•General alignment that any league we choose must be in alignment with the vision of the CRYF (E.g., safety, experience); committee would like to review proposed leagues at an upcoming meeting (TBD)

Director discussion Committee constitution and bylaws – A brief discussion on if the positions of Director is required as part of this committee, there was general agreement that the position was needed but no resolution

•The topic of bylaws or constitution for the committee was raised and the need to get this structure in place as soon as possible.

•Decision was made to make the bylaws and additional required positions a focus of the next committee meeting

•Action– Dave will send on, with the meeting notes, the draft bylaws for review and as a starting point for discussion

Decision - The next committee meeting was set for Sunday, March 5th (final time and place to follow)

Proposed 3/5 Meeting Agenda topics

•Review bylaws; suggest changes and ratify if possible

•Updates and recommendations on Coaching selection process – Coaches subcommittee

•Update on website, communication and registration activities

Meeting was adjourned at 8:03.