Minutes of Regular Meeting December6, 2016
The Grady County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, December6, 2016 with ChairmanCharles Norton, Vice-Chairman Elwyn Childs, Commissioners Thomas David, LaFaye Copelandand Ray Prince in attendance. Also present were County Administrator Carlos Tobar, County Attorney Kevin Cauley and County Clerk Carrie Croy.
Chairman Norton called the Regular meeting to order at6:00 p.m. and asked Mr. Childs to offer the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Croy asked for an item to be added to the Consent Items. Mr. Childsmade a motion to adopt the Agenda, with the addition, with Mr. David making the second. The Board gave their unanimous approval.
Chairman Norton called for Public Comments. Ms. Betty Godwin spoke against the Commissioners granting themselves a pay increase. She indicated the timing was not good with Social Security granting such a small percentage.
Mr. Peter Wright, 304 Stephens Road, stated he was dismayed at the Board proceeding with a pool. He stated it should be placed back on the ballot.
Attorney Cauley advised he was continuing work on the ROW around the lake and was nearing closure. He advised that Administrator Tobar had assisted with several property owners. Mr. Cauley also advised that the Resolution for Commissioner Salary Increase was in the Formal Action section for approval.
Ms. Christine Mayer from Mental Health gave the Board and overview of the services offered at the Mental Health Building and clientele served through daily support groups. Ms. Mayer expressed the need for new flooring especially with the new Federal auditing and inspections that will begin. Ms. Mayer suggested carpeting. Commissioner Copeland asked if they had considered tile flooring instead. The cost is estimated to be $7,000.00 and would be split with the County if approved. Mr. David made a motion to approve the expenditure of $3500.00 from the Contingency Fund to help with the flooring replacement. Mr. Childs seconded the motion with the Board giving their unanimous approval.
The Calendar of Events wasreviewed.
Mrs.Copelandmotioned to approve the below listed Consent Items. Mr. Davidseconded with unanimous approval from the Board. Consent Items approved were:
- Approved minutes from the November 15, 2016 Regular Meeting.
- Approved software support invoice from Election Systems & Software in the amount of $8,810.00 for the Probate Court.
- Approved ACCG Invoice for membership dues in the amount of $3,412.27.
- Approved purchase of new vehicle for the Sheriff’s Office from Stallings Motors in the amount of $22,733.00. Other bids received were: Dean Chrysler for $22,333.00 and the State Contract price of $26,245.00.
- Reappointed Ms. Teresa Groves to another term on the Community Service Board.
- Reappointed Ms. Renee Theophile to another term on the Workforce Development Board.
Mr. Tobar asked for two additional items to be added to the Formal Action Section of the meeting.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to authorize the Resolution raising the Commissioner’s base salary. Mr. David made the second with the Board approving unanimously. Mr. Childs stated that he had never received the County’s Insurance and Mr. Norton stated that the mileage supplement received nowhere near covered the amount travelled.
Mr. Prince made a motion to approve the Striping Agreement with Gaines and Sons Striping in the amount of $145,239.80. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board unanimously approving.
Mr. Childs made a motion to approve the Krebs proposal to prepare Watershed Management Plan in the amount of $42,200.00. Mrs. Copeland made the second with the Board approving unanimously.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to approve the Resolution to apply for the Safety Action Plan Grant. Mr. David made the second with the Board unanimously approving the motion.
A lot of discussion occurred concerning the Aquatic Center. Mr. Tobar advised he had spoken with City Manager Addleton about the history of the pool at Holder Park and the specs of that pool. It has six lanes and is twenty five meters long. It is fourteen foot in the deep end and four and a half feet on the shallow end. It would be an excellent practice facility for competitive swimming as it meets the guidelines. There is plenty of depth for “turn around” in the deep end.
Mr. Tobar encouraged the Board to consider a pool with a shallow end for water safety training and swimming lessons. The grant received from DNR can be used but a new environmental study would have to be completed as the scope is expanded.
Attorney Cauley cautioned the Board of voting on a project that would be against the intent of the ballot. Recreation Director Becky Bracewell asked the Board to build a project that would be the “best fit” for the whole community. Attorney Cauley several times cautioned the Board on their discussion in a Public Forum as such.
Mrs. Copeland asked if the new roof was finished on the Historical Society Building. It was advised yes it was.
Mrs. Copeland made a motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. Mr. Prince made the second with the Board unanimously approving going into Closed Session.
Mr. David made a motion to come out of Closed Session with Mrs. Copeland making the second. The Board unanimously voted coming out of Closed Session. No action was taken as a result of Closed Session.
Mrs. Princemade a motion to adjourn with Mrs. Copelandmaking the second. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote.