Grade 6 Math Outline and Communication Plan

This year’s math program will be a dynamic one that allows students to learn in a variety of ways. We will be learning through hands on exploration using manipulatives, through technology, paper and pencil practice activities, by applying our knowledge, making real world connections, and by reflecting on our knowledge and experience

The grade six math program is designed to meet the curriculum outcomes of the Nova Scotia Department of Education(for info regarding specific curriculum outcomes feel free to contact me or check out, they are all listed on that school’s website). The units to be studied are as follows:

Unit #1Number Patterns

(approximate time: 2 weeks- Sept.)

Unit #2Whole Numbers

(approximate time: 3-4 weeks- Sept./Oct.)

Unit #3Geometry

(approximate time: 2 weeks- Oct.)

Unit #4Decimals

(approximate time: 3-4 weeks- Nov.)

Unit #5Data Management

(approximate time: 2-3 weeks- Dec.)

Unit #6Measurement

(approximate time: 2 weeks- Jan.)

Unit #7Transformational Geometry

(approximate time: 2 weeks- Jan.)

Unit #8Fractions, Percents, Ratios, and Rates

(approximate time: 3-4 weeks- Feb./March)

Unit #9Perimeter and Area

(approximate time: 2-3 weeks- March/Apr.)

Unit #10Patterns in Numbers and Geometry

(approximate time: 2 weeks- Apr.)

Unit #11Probability

(approximate time: 1-2 weeks- Apr./May)

JuneCatch Up Time/Review


There will be a variety of resources used in Math class, these will include but are not limited to the following; The Dept. of Educations Curriculum Guide, Math Makes Sense 6, Mental Math in the Elementary Grades, problem of the week booklets, handouts and teacher generated worksheets.


Students are expected to arrive to class with math binders, pencils, and colors, on time and ready to work each class. All work should be dated and completed neatly. All handouts and tests should be secured in a binder and recorded in a table of contents. All tests should be signed by a parent or guardian. All assignments and homework should be completed on time, unless there are extenuating circumstances (I am flexible) in which case students or parents should contact me prior to the due date if at all possible. Students who are having difficulty with a concept should take advantage of lunch time extra help.

Evaluation and Assessment

Evaluation and Assessment may include the following tools among others:




assignmentsself/peer assessment


The breakdown of the grade 6 math mark is as follows:

Class Mark20%

Problem of the Week 20%

Assignments and Quizzes30%

Skills Inventory(Tests)30%

Formal/Informal Communication by the Teacher

-parent/teacher conference, telephone calls/email, notes/letters home, meetings, school website, informal classroom visits, etc., Happy Notes(I send home good behavior notes too!)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or by email.


Janet Parsons

Parent Signature: ______