Guildford AC Soccer Board of Directors
2018 Elections Candidate Form
NOMINATOR CONTACT INFORMATION (This is the person who is doing the nomination on behalf of someone else)
Name of Nominator:Address:
City and Postal Code:
Phone – Day time: / Mobile:
Nominator’s Registered player in GAC:
Nominator in good standing? / (Must answer Yes or No)Yes
NOMINEE CONTACT INFORMATION (This is the person who is being nominated for a position)
Name of Nominee:Position nominated for:
City and Postal Code:
Phone – Day time: / Mobile:
Nominee’s Registered player in GAC:
Nominee in good standing? / (Must answer Yes or No)
This completed form must be received by May 5, 2018 at 5:00 PM in order that candidate information can be compiled and distributed to the Membership by May 9, 2018and posted on the GAC Website. This form and any additional information required can be sent by email to Jennifer Peckham, GAC Secretary at .
To assist the Membership in evaluating your candidacy for the GAC Soccer Board of Directors, please respond to the following questions. Before doing so, you should consult the following documents available on the GAC Soccer website:
High-level Description of GAC Positions
Director's roles and responsibilities/Commitment Level for GAC Board Positions
Please respond to each question:
- What previous Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Boards have you served with?
- What positions have you held with on these aforementioned Boards?
- What previous soccer related experience do you have? What roles have you played within the soccer community (i.e. Coach, manager, player, referee, parent)
- What specific skills do you possess that will assist you in serving as a Director on the GAC Board?
- If elected/ re-elected to the Board of GAC Soccer, what is your vision for the club?
- What do you see as the biggest challenge before GAC Soccer? Why?
I hereby declare my candidacy for a seat on the GAC Soccer Board of Directors.
Signature: / Date (mm/dd/yyyy):Email completed form to Jennifer Peckham, Club Secretary