Job Research Rubric
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Meaning / - Establishes and maintains a controlling idea about the major differences and/or similarities of the three jobs. / - Establishes and reinforces a controlling idea about the major differences and/or similarities of the three jobs. / - Provides a simple but valid controlling idea about the major differences and/or similarities of the three jobs. / - Indicates a confused or inaccurate understanding of the task or the materials / - No controlling idea and shows little understanding of the task and the materials
Content / - Develops ideas clearly and fully providing and explaining several supporting details / - Develops some ideas more fully than others using several details some of which may not be explained fully / - Develops ideas briefly using some evidence which is not explained fully / - Ideas are incomplete, unexplained, and little evidence is given to support them / - Ideas lack development, explanation and supporting evidence
Organization / - Uses introduction, Well-constructed supporting paragraphs, and conclusion - Skillful use of transitions / - Uses introduction, supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, and conclusion - Use of transitions / - Missing introduction or conclusion and/or supporting paragraphs may be poorly structured
- Little use of transitions / - Missing introduction and conclusion with poorly structured paragraphs - Paper lacks coherence / - Paper lacks focus and organization
Language Use / - Uses fluent and original language - Varies structure and length of sentences effectively - Contains almost no errors, even with sophisticated language / - Uses appropriate language - Varies structure and length of sentences - Contains very few errors / - Uses basic but sometimes effective vocabulary - Attempts to vary sentence structure and length - Contains occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension / - Uses basic or simple vocabulary - Sentences contain simple structures and similar lengths - Contains several errors that may make comprehension difficult / - Uses language that is imprecise or unsuitable - No attempt to vary sentences - Contains several errors that make comprehension difficult
Total Points: ______
Score Conversion:Raw / % / Raw / % / Raw / % / Raw / %
20 / 100 / 15 / 80 / 9 / 55 / 4 / 30
19 / 96 / 14 / 75 / 8 / 50 / 3 / 25
18 / 92 / 13 / 70 / 7 / 45 / 2 / 20
17 / 88 / 12 / 65 / 6 / 40 / 1 / 15
16 / 84 / 10 / 60 / 5 / 35