Instructor Mrs. Rodgers

Office hours by appointment 206-934-6026

Location/Dates/TimeIB 3404April 3 – June 14Tues/Thurs5:30 - 7:40P

Final Location/Date/TimeIB 3404June 14Thurs5:30 - 7:40P

Required TextGO! With Microsoft Office 2010, Volume 1 withCD included

Gaskin * Ferrett * Vargas * McLellan Publisher: Pearson


1) Textbook2) thumbdrive 2GB A thumb drive is required for the file management grade. It will be used with all lessonsand be checked by the instructor at completion of each application.

As a backup, you can open files from your student cd or from Mrs. Rodgers web site:

Course Description

This basic five-credit course is designed as a hands-on learning experience that allows the student a primary understanding of Microsoft Office 2010Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint applications. In-class assignments and homework are assigned to reinforce the chapter concepts and skills for creating, formatting, editing, copying, and deleting a variety of business documents. Some basic file management using a student cd anda thumb drive will also becovered.


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following computer applications:

  • word processing (Word)
  • spreadsheets (Excel)
  • database (Access)
  • presentation graphics (PowerPoint)

Students will demonstrate the following computer skills:

  • create a variety of business documents
  • apply editing, formatting and layout techniques
  • utilize file management (using a thumb drive)

Required – First Week

  1. Create a Net ID Account – first week; purchase textbooks and suggested supplies – no later than first week
  2. Submit educational access considerations – no later than first week
  3. Add to your printing account – suggest $3.00 -$5.00
  4. Plan where and how you will study in order to complete computer assignments

Students who do not have access to a computer are expected to utilize the school’s computer lab.

The Lab is located in the IB Building, Room 3303

Days and Hours: Mon-Thursday (7:45 am – 9 pm) Fri (7:45am-4:00pm) Sat and Sun (noon - 6 pm)

Grading *See Expectations of Students*

Grading is scored with points earned. Most homework assignments are worth 10 points.

Examples: Assignments worth 10 points that are completed without error = 10 points earned.

10/10 = 100% = 4.0 = A+

Assignments worth 10 points that are completed with 3 errors = 7 points earned.

7/10 = 70% = .7 = D-

(35%)Completed Homework

(10%)In-Class Assignments/File Management Thumb Drive Check

(Incomplete file management- ½ pt. each file. No makeup for In-class participation assignments)

(20%)Written (Closed Book)

(35%)Production Quizzes (Open Book)


Standard Grading System

The Seattle Community Colleges use a numerical grading system. Numerical grades may be considered equivalent to letter grades as follows:

Letter Grade / Numeric Grade / Letter Grade / Numeric Grade
A / 4.0 - 3.9 / C / 2.1 - 1.9
A – / 3.8 - 3.5 / C – / 1.8 - 1.5
B + / 3.4 - 3.2 / D + / 1.4 - 1.2
B / 3.1 - 2.9 / D / 1.1 - 0.9
B – / 2.8 - 2.5 / D – / 0.8 - 0.7
C + / 2.4 - 2.2 / E / 0.0
Conversion Of Percentages To Decimal Grade Equivalent
96 - 100% = 4.0 / 89 = 3.3 / 82 = 2.6 / 75 = 1.9 / 68 = 1.2
95 = 3.9 / 88 = 3.2 / 81 = 2.5 / 74 = 1.8 / 67 = 1.1
94 = 3.8 / 87 = 3.1 / 80 = 2.4 / 73 = 1.7 / 66 = 1.0
93 = 3.7 / 86 = 3.0 / 79 = 2.3 / 72 = 1.6 / 65 = 0.9
92 = 3.6 / 85 = 2.9 / 78 = 2.2 / 71 = 1.5 / 64 = 0.8
91 = 3.5 / 84 = 2.8 / 77 = 2.1 / 70 = 1.4 / 63 = 0.7
90 = 3.4 / 83 = 2.7 / 76 = 2.0 / 69 = 1.3 / 62 = 0.0

*If you need to miss an exam because of avery important and unexpected situation, you must notify the instructor priorto the exam in order to be allowed to make up the missed exam. Make up exams may be a different but equal exam than the one administered on the examdate.

All Students: To avoid any potential problems in meeting your educational goals, you are strongly encouraged to meet with your instructor and an advisor before dropping any classes. All students who have registered and paid fees must officially withdraw if they wish to discontinue attendance. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade being assigned at the end of the quarter. Questions regarding withdrawal procedures can be answered at the Registration Office.

*Expectations of Students*

  • Attend class- Repeated absences may interfere with the student’s class participation and result in a lower grade for that component of the course.
  • Late enrolled students will be given the appropriate time to make up missed class sessions:

1 week late, 1 week; 2 weeks late, 2 weeks; thereafter, work will be considered late.

  • Arrive to class on time with work completed; participate in reviews of course assignments; complete In-class participation assignments. Class demonstrations will not be repeated for late comers; it is the student’s responsibility to contact another student for missed course information or check the website.
  • Always have your Print Account ready for printing –suggest not going below 60 cents.
  • Print work before class; see lab hours if you do not have a printer. Homework is collected by the instructor prior to class.
  • Submit completed assignments in hard copy in a timely manner and according to acceptable standards. (Besides the hours of class time, a student will need to spend hours outside of class to complete homework assignments--the time required for this may vary depending on the student’s reading and typing skills)
  • Late assignments – All work is marked late if not placed in the instructor’s basket before class begins.

Any work after that is marked late. (Grading: late one class session 90%; up to one week late 85%, thereafter = No Credit) Late submissions must be placed in basket prior to class. No partial assignments; one-time submission for homework assignments.

  • It is expected that you use class time for class participation. Talking and keyboarding during instruction is not acceptable for classroom behavior. It is interruptive to the overall classroom and students will complain about not being able to hear instruction.
  • Unauthorized use of reference materials, notes, or classmates on a Quiz will result in a 0.0.
  • Respect the diversity that is a core value of NSCC. Share the responsibility of fostering a learning environment that is welcoming, supportive, and respectful of cultural and individual differences.
  • We are a fragrance-free campus;please refrain from wearing scented products during class sessions, since some individuals may experience chemical sensitivities to fragrances that interfere with their learning.
  • Absolutely no food or beverages in computer classrooms and labs.
  • Turn off cell phones(if you need to take a call, please step outside to do so). Text messaging, facebook, twitter are not an appropriate use of class time.

Miscellaneous Information for Students

The following areas can be accessed through the North Seattle Community College web site. To Look Up End of Quarter Grades
Withdrawing from Classes
A grade of "W" will be recorded on the academic transcript for withdrawals made after the tenth instructional day of the quarter. After the eighth week of the quarter, students may not withdraw from classes.
Financial Aid Recipients
Withdrawing from class may affect your financial aid eligibility. You should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping any classes.
International Students
Dropping below 12 credit hours may impact your visa eligibility. Please talk with the International Student Office prior to dropping any classes.