Recreation Committee Meeting
CMHLG Board Room
April 22, 2013, Noon
Mission: Making Play Possible of Leads and Grenville facilitates access to recreational activities for children and youth of Leeds-Grenville, so that they will grow up physically and mentally strong.
Present: Catherine Deplaedt, Marg Fancy, Krista Gill, Beth Steele, Christine Cullum, Joanne Desmoureux, Lorena Crosbie, Kevin Kapler, Beth Kent
Regrets: Randy Hopkins, John LeVatte, Keith McPhee, Lois Dewey, Sue Dunfield, Suzanne Rivard
2 month Leave of Absence Requests received from:
Randy Hopkins
John LeVatte
Keith McPhee
Committee Chair/Co-Chair
- This Meeting
- Future Meetings
- The perception would be a concern that there would be a negative perspective on a fledging committee
- Consensus that while unsuccessful candidates will be valued when they return to the committee that it would be potentially seen as a conflict of interest to have unsuccessful candidates act as chair.
Co-chair self-nomination –
- Catherine
- looking to engage who is here and what role members of the committee can provide
- aim to get some things completed in the next year – will let her name stand
- Lived in Brockville for 4 years
- Krista
- has written grants, and has a fundraising background.
- Dedicated to networking and moving the program forward. Corporate networking etc.
- One-year position
- Contribute and add something for a year and then in a year re-evaluate the situation
- Potential situation to have co-chairs with one that graduates off and another enters
Krista and Catherine has accepted the co-chair position for a one year term to be re-evaluated in April 2014.
Trillium Grant
Grant Review, targets, reporting and requirements
- A copy of the letter of agreement is attached along with a copy of the originally submitted work plan
- Reporting and targets will have to be managed by the sustainability contractor with updates at each of the committee meetings
- Tracking tools will be used to track throughout the process to ensure material is captured for final reports
- Donor Database
- Should capture both who gives and who doesn’t, the reasons for not giving and if there is potential to give next year. Web-based? Names, Addresses, # of Years
Supervision of Sustainability Contractor
- There is a need to have a sustainability contractor who is self-directed
- The committee as a whole will need to be aware of the targets and the sustainability contractor will have to respond to these targets at each of the meetings
Tracking Tools – drafts developed by Margaret Fancy and Beth Kent
- The client database will capture most of the data for the Coordinator targets
- The contractor will have to develop a set of tools to capture in kind donations, requests, donations and giving
Interview questions
- Sueling for questions on fundraising
- Marg for collaboration and contractor self-run questions
- Interview panel, Marg Fancy, Kevin Kapler, Krista Gill and Catherine Deplaedt
Champion for Kids – on a future meeting
Guidelines Committee
Update from Beth Steele
- Guidelines rather than P&Ps
- Making sure we are in-line with Mission Vision Principles
- Is the school soccer/dance program fitting
- Sue has never really turned down people
- The timing of the invoice and the need for having it flipped
- Issues that Sue faces
- Competitive levels
- Documents attached
Next Steps
- Might not have Sue at every meeting
- Check to see if there is any additional information
- Summer launch to use in September
Additions - none
Next Meeting Dates: Tuesday May 14, 2013 (Noon) June 17, 2013 (Noon)