LIBO Member Handbook
First things first. The intent of this handbook is not to overwhelm. Rather, it can be difficult when first joining LIBO to know where things are and how to find things. This handbook endeavors to make things substantially easier.
1. Membership Policy
LIBO does have a membership policy, which attempts to outline behavior and practices. Specifically, there are sections in the membership policy regarding Table Talk, Kingmaking, General Courtesy and Takebacks.
2. Attendance
To “join” LIBO (and maintain good standing) there is a minimum attendance requirement. Each month, LIBO holds two ‘formal’ meetings: one is an all-day GameDay (held on a Saturday from 11am-midnight (or later)), and the second is a Replay GameNite (held on a Friday from 7:30pm-midnight (or later)). There are three options for reaching the attendance requirement:
a. attend 50% of the GameDays and 50% of the GameNites
b. attend 67% of the GameDays and 33% of the GameNites
c. attend 75% of the GameDays
This does NOT include “impromptu events” – which are plentiful. Those do count towards overall attendance, and the statistics do count; but to maintain standing in LIBO, one of the three conditions above must be met, each year.
3. What does a Member get?
There are two benefits to being a member (as compared to being a prospective member). First, once you become a member, and as long as you maintain good standing, your place in LIBO is guaranteed. Obviously, because we meet in players’ homes, space can be a bit of a concern. As recruiting continues, it’s natural that those members that fail to make the requisite number of events might be asked to step aside to allow those who wish to attend more regularly to join. If you are in good standing, your place is guaranteed.
Second, as a LIBO member, you are entitled to “Table Choices” and “Game Choices” – this will be explained later in this document. Additionally, you are able to participate in Players Choice GameDay.
4. The Message Board
The LIBO message board is the lifeblood of the organization. All relevant (and, sadly, quite a bit of irrelevant) discussion takes place on the board. It is strongly urged that all members check the board at least once a week, preferably more often.
The board is broken up into four sections: Forum Announcements, Polls, General Discussion and Archives. The last section is ONLY visible by LIBO members.
4. The Message Board (continued)
There are several ways to check for new messages. Whenever you see a folder icon to the left of a board with a blue color, it means there are new messages contained within. Clicking on that icon, will reveal which specific threads have new messages (indicated by a small “new” icon next to each thread). Clicking on the second icon will take you to the first new post in each thread.
Conversely, you may also click on the “Show unread posts since your last visit,” link on the left hand side of the home page. That will reveal all unread posts, regardless of board.
Finally, you can also simply scroll through each board.
Polls are extremely important, as we use those responses to plan out events, etc. Please make every attempt to vote in polls as quickly as you can.
Finally, the message board is a public board (although the archives are not). Please don’t place any extremely personal information in your posts. Also, keep language, etc. at worst at a PG-13 level.
5. The Website
The website is maintained by Chris, and updated fairly frequently. For specific information on what you can find, and where, please see the three blog posts written by Chris that provide a roadmap to navigate the site:
For the LIBO-specific section
For other sections (non-sports-game-related)
For sports-game-related section
6. LIBO-Specific
Specifically, there are two primary pages on the LIBO site all members should be aware of. The first page of the section provides an upcoming calendar and some basic information, while the Policies page outlines the current basic policies for the organization. There are other interesting pages (like the leaderboards, ratings and individual member pages), but those first two are vital.
7. Table & Game Choices
Each GameDay has a ‘theme’ – currently, that theme is based on nothing more than a common publisher; a some point, in early-2008, that will change to have GameDays based on common themes and mechanics.
Once the poll for attendance has closed, Chris begins to plan the games that will be played that day, ensuring games have the proper complement of players and that the times all roughly match up, allowing players to play with a host of different people each day.
7. Table & Game Choices (continued)
If players have received “Game Choices,” they can also submit a choice of game to Chris. Game choices are given out infrequently; normally through writing (see below) or as special incentive. Most of the time, players receive “Table Choices,” – through writing, normally – which they can cash in at the GameDay to ensure they play a specific game (as compared to taking a chance by drawing a seating card). Only “members” are able to receive Table and/or Game choices.
8. Blog and Writing
Once a player has become a member, he/she can be signed up as an ‘author’ on the LIBO blog (Wheat Chit and Die).
This is where the Writeup Policy takes effect for that member.
In a nutshell:
a. All members receive 4 table choices per year
b. If the member wishes to write a monthly (or more frequent) column, he/she will receive an additional table choice for each month.
c. For all writers, there are three tiers – if you write 500-1999 words in a month, you will receive one table choice. From 2000-4999 words will get two table choices, and 5000+ words gets three table choices.
d. Columnists have already received their first table choice in advance, so they get their next bump at 2000 words.
e. Whomever submits the most words each month, receives a Game Choice, as well as the Table Choices earned.
f. Game choices do not expire. Table choices expire every year (there is no carry-over of table choices from year to year).
g. All members get a Players Choice during Players Choice GameDay. However, if games need to be sacrificed due to time, non-writer choices will be the first to be eliminated.
h. Special projects will also earn members table and/or game choices.
i. Finally, the player who played *worst* in the previous month, will also receive a free table choice, to compensate.
9. Offshoot Projects and Leagues
Aside from the formal GameDay and GameNite each month, and the varied impromptu events hosted by other members, LIBO also offers a variety of additional projects.
a. The LIBO Role-Playing Group looks to play a variety of systems using short scenarios and a rotating GM process. Plans are to meet every other week on a weekday evening.
b. The LIBO Fantasy Football League kicks off each September and runs the length of the actual NFL Football season.
c. The LIBO RTD (Road-to-Divorce) Strat-O-Matic Computer Football League also kicks off each September (albeit after the Fantasy League has launched), and concludes in late December.
9. Offshoot Projects and Leagues (continued)
d. The LIBO Heroscape League begins play each January, following the conclusion of the Strat-O-Matic League, and plays through until May. The Heroscape League meets one Sunday a month and one weekday evening a month. Besides offering a fun draft, the Heroscape League also tinkers with variants and alternate rules of play for the game, which is extraordinarily flexible.
e. There are special one-off days (for 2007, there is an Age of Steam Day and a VideoGaming Tournament planned).
f. LIBO also attends a variety of conventions, including ICON (where we volunteer to run games), the World Boardgaming Championships, and GMT East, as well as other conventions and tournaments.
g. Finally, future plans for leagues and/or tournaments may include games like Formula De, 18xx series, Duel of Ages. Members should feel free to recommend games that might be suitable for league play or one-off tournaments.
10. Questions
Any questions should be directed to Chris, either by email or through the LIBO message board.