Success Through Succession:Application Form
Section One: Company details
Contact Name / Position in CompanyName of Company
Company Address
Telephone Number / Fax Number
Mobile Number / Email
Website / No of Years Trading
VAT registered? / Yes No / Is the company Account Managed by Scottish Enterprise?
Nature of Business sector / IT, Media, Software Construction Arts, Crafts, Design
Food & Beverage Telecommunications Engineering Other______
Is the company part or wholly owned by another business? / Yes No / If yes, please enter the name of the other business
How many people did your business employ in the last accounting period / 9 or less / 10-49 / 50+ / 100+
What was the annual turnover (£) of your business in the last accounting period? What percentage was exports? / £ / % export sales (If any)?
Section Two: Succession planning and your business
Have you carried out any of the listed activities in the last 5 years? / Please tick (√)1 / Business planning
2 / Succession planning
3 / Change in ownership
4 / Family members exiting out of the business
5 / New family members into the business
6 / New non-family managers into the business
7 / New product or service delivery
The Special EU Programmes Body is the Managing Authority for the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Cross Border Programme
The STSpartnerswill use this information as part of the STS Programme administration, to provide you with advice, to analyse your preferences and to ensure that the support services we offer are tailored to your needs and interests. The partners may also use this information for record keeping, statistical, research and evaluation purposes and may keep your information for a reasonable period for these purposes.By providing us with your personal information, you consent to our processing it (including any sensitive personal data, such as financial health data) for the above purposes.
Signature ______Date ______
Please submit the completed and signed application form to Fiona Kennedy, Room 714, Department of Management, Hamish Wood Building, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA.For further enquiries, please telephone:0141 331 8316 or email:
The Special EU Programmes Body is the Managing Authority for the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Cross Border Programme