Campus Neighborhoods Revitalization Corporation
Regular Meeting, September 14, 2016
7:30 AM, 709 Beechurst Ave., Suite 30
Morgantown, WV
Present were Board President Tanner, Vice President David Satterfield, Narvel Weese, Ron Justice, Bill Kawecki, Ryan Hess, and Mayor Marti Shamberger (Ex. Officio). Absent on vacation was City Manager Glenn Kelly. Also in attendance were David Weaver & Chet Parsons (AECOM); James Craig, Sunnyside Stakeholder; and Damien Davis, City Engineer.
Vice President Satterfield called the meeting to order at 7:32 AM. Board President Tanner was delayed by a business commitment.
Minutes were approved unanimously as printed. Motion by Justice, second by Weese.
1. Presentation of brief video on Complete Streets Study of University Ave. delayed due to out of town commitment for Bill Austin. Presentation of video will occur at the October 12, 2016 meeting.
2. Update by AECOM on the Streetscape for Third Street and focus on several aspects of completed intersection at University Place.
Dave Weaver reiterated AECOM's desire to conclude discussion of concept phase of Streetscape at this meeting and to move on to the preliminary design phase for Third Street project.
a. Issues with completed U. Ave./Beverly/Third intersection: turning radius & storm water drainage issues. (Dave Weaver)
Damien Davis reported that the drainage problem has been solved by repaving of U. Ave. Referenced video of water now running into storm drops. He also reported on accidents at intersection back to 2008. Last accident was in 2015, right before project started. Approximately 20 accidents '08 to '15; no accidents since new intersection opened.
Issue of U. turn from U. Ave. to Beverly:
· recommend moving stop bar 19' 1” north; cost = $9k;
· option to prohibit right turn from U. Ave. to Beverly, but not recommended;
· option to use mountable curb where Beverly meets Third St., but have seasonal drainage issues which would be exacerbated;
· steep grade and tight radius prohibits right turn from U. Ave. across grassy island created by removal of Kisner building;
· option to open Fourth St. to U. Ave. where it crosses Beverly, but steepness of grade (more than 28% grade) and closeness to intersection with Third St. would prohibit that;
- before current reconstruction of U. Ave., turn from U. Ave. to Beverly could not be made without going fully into Third St. ROW to turn right; can now make turn but barely & with extreme caution = turning radius better now than it was before reconstruction;
Issue of turning right on U. Ave. from Third St.:
· wide turning radius better than most any other turning radius in Morgantown. If terrain were flat, it would be extremely accommodating, but can be improved by 1. moving stop bar back from the intersection so that Third St. traffic does not come face to face with traffic on U. Ave.; 2. create a better visual cue for right turn by relocating visual delineators along curb in front of U. Place. Damien will talk with U. Place on working this improvement.
Conclusion: AECOM happy to follow up with visuals showing topics discussed from AECOM's standpoint, along with estimates of costs. Recommend moving stop bars, which City can do.
Third Street Streetscape (Chet Parsons): changes proposed in Sept. report:
· underground utilities: $100 to 200k additional cost if go that route, + technical requirements that would be added. AECOM recommends not going that route.
· ROW cost must be added for turn lanes at Beechurst, approx. $150k; ad an additional $200k for acq. of parking lot, storage structure and turning lanes.
· Recommendation that electric service on Third remain as is, on poles vs underground;
- asking CNRC Board to move forward to construction design phase on Thrid St. project. AECOM also asking that the Beverly Ave. intersection be excluded at this time for more discussion before move to modify as built.
Board wants to see copies of next presentation before meeting on Oct. 12 so that a considered opinion can be offered on Third St. and a decision made by vote.
Following brief discussion, motion to approve the budget by Satterfield, Second by Weese. Vote was unanimous.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 AM.
Narvel G. Weese, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer