2014 Campaign Plan Input to
Candidate Resource Committee (CRC)
The following Campaign Plan questions were based on the 2014 Republican Party of Texas Sample Campaign Plan. It is recommended that you review and study this plan. It can serve as a template if you have not prepared one, or you might find it useful in improving upon your current plan. If you have a prepared plan, you might use some of the answers to improve your plan. The RPT Sample Plan can be downloaded at
Some of the questions require only a simple input to answer, and some may require multiple inputs. A few will require a short paragraph (normally less than 100 words) to show the Committee that you have “done your homework.” The Committee is looking for elements of a plan that have been well thought-out and organized. The goal is quality not quantity. Use an attached paper if you believe you need to explain an item in more detail.
Please take advantage of the information available on the Texas RPT CRC web site to aid you in your campaign planning and execution. The CRC will use the information you have provided via your application, campaign plan, estimated budget and spending schedule to determine possible campaign contributions to your campaign from available funds collected by the SREC and CRC committee.
Note: The information you provide the CRC will not be distributed outside the CRC Committee members and will be destroyed at the completion of the 2014 CRC cycle for local level candidate campaign planning evaluations and funding donations.
Requested Information on Your 2014 Campaign Plan
How did Republican candidates do in your district during the last two election cycles?
How well did incumbents do?
What is your estimate of the types of voters in your district?
Republican: %
Swing: %
Percent of registered voters who voted in the last election for the office you are seeking? %
What is the voting trends or growth patterns (military, new subdivisions, etc.)?
Provide an estimate the following data for the district in which you are running:
Median income:$
Median cost of homes:$
Percent of married couples: %
Percent of college graduates: %
Percent of Senior Citizens: %
Ethnicity in district:% Caucasian
% Hispanic
% African-American
% Asian
Major businesses or industry:
Major employers:
What are the three (3) top issues in your district in the past year?
Name three (3) message points you will use to define yourself:
- Name three (3) message points you will use to define your opponent:
Dates for Literature drops?
Dates for Phone Banks?
Will phone calls be automated or made by volunteers?
When will you conduct door-to-door campaigning?
What percent of the door-to-door campaigning will you do vs. volunteers? %
Indicate the type Media campaign will you use and periods?
Campaign Signs: Estimated numbers, when placed
Bumper Sticker: Number: Locations:
Yard: ...... Number: Locations:
Window ...... Number: Locations:
Fence ...... Number: Locations:
Election Day
Will you be appointing any Poll Watchers?
Do you have anyone monitoring Ballot Integrity?
Will you provide any transportation to polls?
Have you planned a Victory Party?
Indicate the type of Media campaign you will use and periods.
Campaign Signs: Estimated numbers and placement dates.
Bumper Stickers:Number: Date:
Yard:Number: Date:
Window:Number: Date:
Fence Row:Number: Date:
List a few of your target groups.
Briefly describe how you are planning to organize your campaign.
Whom will you utilize as the key decision makers in your campaign?
Candidates Positives and Negatives
Positives / NegativesSelf
Positives / NegativesSubmit by mail: Jane Cansino Submit by email:
CRC ChairSubmit by fax: 806-793-8570
7008 61st Street
Lubbock, TX 79407
DUE: JUNE 1, 2014 01/14CRC Application Form