Vanessa Crispin-Peralta

3752 Diamond Court

Simi Valley, CA 93063



University of California, Santa Barbara

PhD in American History, 2013

Dissertation Topic: “Children at the Edge of the Empire: A History of Childhood in Coastal California’s Spanish Missions and Pueblos”

Fields: Colonial America, U.S. History with an emphasis on childhood, Colonial Latin America, and Anthropology

Committee: Ann Plane, Lisa Jacobson, and Monica Orozco

University of California, Santa Barbara

M.A. in American History, 2006

Research Interests: Native American History, Colonial U.S. History, U.S. Women’s History in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and Public History

California State University, Chico

B.A. in History, 2002

Areas of Concentration: American Indian Studies and Women’s Studies

Teaching Experience

Moorpark College, Part-Time Faculty, Summer 2007- present

Socialand Political History of the United States, through 1867

Social and Political History of the United States, from 1867

History of Native Americans

Women’s History in the United States

California History

Western Civilization from 1700

Western Civilization until 1700

Westmont College, Adjunct Faculty, 2007 – Spring 2013

Socialand Political History of the United States, through 1867

Socialand Political History of the United States, from 1867

Colonial and Revolutionary America

Civil War America

Recent America, 1945 to the present

The California Experience

University of California, Santa Barbara, Adjunct Faculty, Winter 2008, 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015

The History of Colonial America, Upper Division

Colonial American History, Research Seminar

19th Century American Women, Upper Division

The American People (Colonial through Jacksonian Era)

Revolutionary America, Upper Division

Native American History through 1838, Upper Division

California State University, Channel Islands, Adjunct Faculty, Spring 2015

Social and Political History of the United States, through 1900

Lead Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005-2006

Organized and ran a full day orientation as well as a year long program created to train new teaching assistants while at the same time further deepening the skill sets of more experienced teaching assistants.

Fellowships and Awards

History Associates Fellowship, 2008 and 2009, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Department Dissertation Fellowship, 2008, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Wilbur R. Jacobs Prize, 2008, University of California, Santa Barbara

History Associates Fellowship, 2005, Department of History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Wilbur R. Jacobs Prize, 2004, University of California, Santa Barbara

Phi Beta Kappa, Undergraduate Honor Society, California State University, Chico, 2001

Other Work Experience

The Public Historian, Editorial Assistant

Coordinated with authors, peer reviewers, book and museum reviewers, and editors to ensure a timely release of new issues, solicitation of peer reviewers, copy reading, generated reports of museum exhibits and films for review.