TAZREACH Medical Outreach – Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP)
The MOICDP aims to increase access to a range of health services, including expanding primary health for Indigenous people in the treatment and management of chronic diseases.Expressions of Interest are being called to support Aboriginal outreach health services in Hobart in the following areas:
-Cardio-pulmonary Program
-Pain Management Program
Evaluation of Submission of Service Proposal
Funding for outreach services is increasingly sought after in Tasmania. For this reason, service proposals will be evaluated and ranked according to:
1.the degree of need in the nominated community
2.the extent to which the proposed service increases access for people in the nominated community
3.the professional standards of safety and quality for the proposed service
4.the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the proposed service
5.the extent to which the service will support the health literacy of its clients
Please refer to the evaluation criteria listed at the end of this package when preparing this service proposal application.
Phone: (03) 6777 2981
Postal Address:Reply Paid 83471
Launceston TAS 7250 / Service Delivery Standards and further information can be downloaded from:

Submission Process
Please submit this completed service proposal application and supporting documentation to TAZREACH using the contact details above.
All TAZREACH service proposals are considered by an Advisory Forum for approval by the Commonwealth Department of Health (DoH). The Advisory Forum is a State based forum comprised of local stakeholders who provide DoH with recommendations about whether service proposals meet both the priorities of the Fund and the needs of the proposed location. The approval process can take several weeks.
A member of the TAZREACH team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss the progress of this submission.

TAZREACH – Improving access to health services across Tasmania

Service Proposal Application Package

Contact Details
Organisation Name (if applicable):
Phone No:
Proposed Service Details
Service Provider:
Is the service providera private or public salaried clinician?
If the prover is a public salaried clinician, will the position be backfilled during outreach visits?
Service Providers Base Location:
Service Location & Host Site:
Frequency of visits per year:
Billing Information:
 I will claim from the Medicare Benefit Schedule
 All patients will be privately billed (please outline basic consultation fee to be charged: $______)
 All patients will be bulk billed
 Only concession card holders will be bulk billed
 There will be no billing
Does the proposed service intend to use Telemedicine:  Yes  No  Optional
Proposed Service Structure
Please describe the proposed itinerary of the service:
(Please include details such as travel and accommodation requirements, intended length of outreach visits, number of clinicians delivering the service, anticipated numberof clients per visit and other arrangements to deliver the outreach service)
Please describe the referral pathways to access the proposed service:
(Please include details of who can refer to the proposed service, if a GP referral is required and the contact details for referrals)
Please provide details of how the administration and clinic co-ordination aspects of the service will be managed; and who will be responsible for performing them.
(Activities may include but are not limited to clinical coordination, booking appointments, patient follow ups, triaging referrals, managing wait lists and general administration. If support for some/all of the listed activities are required, please specify)
Please describe the clinical governance process for the proposed service:
(Please include details on how the service will ensure professional standards for safety and quality)
Proposed Service Structure (cont.)
If you indicated above that the proposed service intends to utilise Telemedicine, please describe how it will structured and what support would be required.
Will the service include any formal upskilling? If so, please describe the nature of the upskilling and how it will be organised?
(If support for organisation of upskilling is required, please specify)
Please describe how the service will use health literacy strategies to ensure client understanding:
Community Need Evidence
Please describe how this service fills a gap in health service delivery to the targeted region/community:
(Please specify any existing services in the area, closest services available, waiting list period to access closest services, client travel requirements to closest services etc)
Please provide data to evidence the current gap in health service delivery:
(Evidence should include both quantitative and qualitative data. Examples include information from Australian Bureau of Statistics, waiting list figures, research and letters of support etc)
Please list who has been consulted with as part of this service proposal and include a letter or email of support from at least two of the persons listed:
(Please consider all relevant persons, organisations, supporting services and community members as part of the consultation process)
Proposed Budget
In order to determine the appropriate ‘Set fee per visit’ amount we require some basic information about the associated costs of delivering the proposed outreach service.
We cannot fund salaries, patient transport, medical supplies or medications or the purchasing of equipment.
Below is a list of costs associated with delivering outreach. Can you please tick the applicable cost items and quantities for this service proposal. For the full funding guidelines please refer to the service delivery standards on our website:
Please note in accordance with our funding guidelines ATO rates are applied for all travel expenses.
Can the health professional claim against the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for this service?
Travel: / Applicable?  / Quantity
Return airfares per person
Accommodation nights
Car hire (for interstate/public clinicians only)
Parking(atbase location)
Taxi(applicable only if not hiring a vehicle)
Total No. of estimated kilometres if using own/hired vehicle
Administration support(set fee)
Room hire(paid directly to host site)
Workforce Support (No. of estimated hours):
Travel time to and from outreach location
Professional support
Other expenses:
Equipment leasing
Case conferencing(this will be considered case-by-case)
Other (please provide detail)
Evaluation Criteria
1. Demonstrated need for the service
  • the clinical speciality has been identified as an area of need by local clinical staff or other service providers
  • Prevalence of condition to be treated (statistical data)
  • Location of nearest alternative provider/s
  • Waiting list of nearest alternative provider/s
  • Impact on patient of delayed treatment
2. Increased access
  • Remoteness classification of area to be serviced
  • Billing arrangements
  • Location of outreach service host facility
  • Patient travel time and cost
  • Type of transport required by clients to attend clinic (car/bus/plane)
  • Upskilling of local clinicians (if provided, this increases locally available clinical support)
3. The professional standards of safety and qualityfor the proposed service
  • the clinical governance structure
  • professional oversight and review of individual practice
  • complaints procedure for clients
  • suitability of venue
4. Cost effectiveness
  • consultation or other fees for clients
  • costs avoided for clients, e.g. by not requiring travel to an alternative provider
  • costs avoided for DHHS e.g. Patient Travel Assistance Scheme, alternative recruitment
  • cost compared to relevantly similar services in a relevantly similar region
  • the service utilises strategies to enhance the capacity of local clinicians
5.The extent to which the service will support the health literacy of its clients
  • that the service proposer demonstrates an understanding of the significance of health literacy for clients
  • that health literacy strategies can be implemented at the clinic location
  • that health literacy strategies can be personalised for each patient

Collection of Personal Information
Under the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 the Department of Health and Human Services is the custodian of personal information and the collection, use and disclosure of that information is governed by the Act. For more information please visit

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