COE Technology Committee Minutes
Monday –December 9, 2013
3:30 p.m. – SEC 137
Maxine Davis, IRTSMindy Noble, IRTS
Magdalena Galloway, C & I
Michael Fanelli, Ed Psych
Travis Ficklin, HPELS
Aaron Howard, ITS-Admin
Nikki Lyons, Grad Student
Mary Herring, Associate Dean
Neil Clopton, IRTS
Scott Miller, Undergrad Student
Rodd Grady, IRTS
Amy Staples, Special Education /Absent:
Vickie Robinson, ELPELinda Rosulek, OSFE
Maryam Ghayoor Rad – Grad Student
Zach Benton-Slocum – Grad Student
Jason Vetter ITS/COE
Daniel Mourlam – TQP Tech Specialist
Farah Kashef, ITS/COE
♦ Maxine opened the meeting by updating members on learning commons project. There will be (5) new cord reels that will hang from the ceiling and (2) outlets in the floor that will include data as well. Work will be completed over Christmas break. This will be installed in the lobby area on the second floor of SEC. Maxine submitted a work order for the WRC lobby area to see if additional electrical and data are needed. Travis added that moving the tables in and out for their usage in the common learning area will not be a problem as previously thought.
Rodd stated he is looking into being able to mount the Dell “All in One” at the end of desk. This will allow for then to be off the desk and allow for more work space on the smart desks.
♦ Subcommittee Reports: Premier Points – Maxine stated they have not met yet but stated Farah has been working with the faculty frequently. Premier Points committee will be meeting and have more to report at the next Tech meeting.
Funded proposals for 12/13 – Magda stated they had not met yet but she felt the presentations should be in the room where they are installed so they can actually show how the products are being used. Discussions ensued about when they would meet and what the expectations would be.
♦ Magda wanted to know about updates to computers over break. Rodd said the WRC will be updated with new Dell “All in One” computers.
♦ 123A Mary stated it is very hard to see the screen b/c the platform is too high. She has asked the platform be lowered so you can see the screen better.
♦ Magda also has concerns about Apple TV dropping. She stated it has become an issue. Aaron informed her the Apple rep will be on campus in January and the issue can be addressed.
♦ Meeting adjourned @ 4pm
Next meeting: Monday, February 4.
Respectfully submitted,
Mindy Noble