REA 0002

College Preparatory Reading II

Syllabus Fall 2010

Meeting Time: Monday 6:00 P.M to 8:45 P.M.

Meeting Location: Building 1-232

Instructor: Melissa Sealey


Required Text/Materials:



Reading Across the Disciplines, McWhorter (packaged together with Thinking Through the Test)

REA 0002 Lab Learning Book

3 Ring Binder (at least 2 inches)

College-level Dictionary and Thesaurus (Optional)


Course Description:

REA 0002 develops reading and thinking skills that are necessary for success in college classes. This course will emphasize critical (inferential), rather than literal, reading skills. Due to the emphasis on critical comprehension, this course is as much a course in thinking as it is in reading. Reading is a skill—a means rather than an end—and like all skills, practice is necessary to achieve mastery. Thus, three hours of classroom instruction plus lab support are requirements for successful completion of this course. Students are also encouraged to read extensively outside of lab and class.


(1) become an independent, active reader, (2) development of “successful student” behaviors that will also help you in other classes, (3) efficiently reading of textbooks, (4) improve test taking skills, (5) increase student vocabulary, (6) become critical reader and thinker. Required lab work is a homework component of this course. In order to pass the course, students must earn a “C” or above in the course.

Valencia Community College Competencies:

  1. Think – Think clearly, critically, and creatively. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
  2. Communicate – Communicate with different audiences using varied means.
  3. Value – Make reasoned value judgment and responsible commitments.
  4. Act – Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.

The college catalog outlines these competencies. The activities in this course will further develop your mastery of the four core competencies.

CLAS (College Level Academic Skills) Competencies:

Evidence of College Level Academic Skills (CLAS) is a graduation requirement. To the extent possible, you will be encouraged to develop reading skills as part of your work in this course. Additional information is available in the Current Valencia College Catalog.

Cell Phones:

All cell phones and pagers must be turned off before the beginning of class. Text messaging is not allowed during class time.

Student Code of Conduct:

It is expected that students come to campus to learn. Therefore, please respect the goal of learning in the classroom at all times. If you are an interruption to group work or instruction you will be asked to leave class and will be marked absent.


Attendance is required in class. You are expected to attend all sessions, be on time, and complete the required work when assigned. Class attendance and participation are significant factors that promote college success. Absences should be reserved for medical or personal emergencies. In order to pass this course, it is imperative that you attend each session. Please notify me via email if you plan to be out. You will need to email me your assignments or have them placed in my mailbox before midnight of that same class period. You will also be responsible for following the syllabus to complete any work assigned. If you miss more than 3 classes, you will automatically be withdrawn from this course.

NOTE: If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, you will be considered absent.


Students are expected to check the atlas e-mail account frequently during the course. Important information will be e-mailed to you on a regular basis. Contact of instructor will ONLY be through atlas e-mail. Emergencies must contact the Department office.

Late work and makeup work:

One late assignment will be accepted, after that points will be deducted based on the number of days late. Each day (weekdays) will receive a deduction of 5%. Drop off late work in the Communications Dept. in Building 5 (top of the stairs). They will place it in my mailbox with a date stamp on the front.

Grading Scale

A= 90 – 100

B= 80 – 89

C= 70 – 79

Grades that NOT satisfy the course requirement:

D= 60 – 69

F= below 60

Determination of final course grade:

A minimum of 70% on the lab work is required.

A minimum of 70% for a class grade is required.

A minimum grade of 70% on the final exam is required in order to pass the course.

If you have a grade of C or better in this class, you will be given 2 attempts to pass the state competency exam.

The Final Grade for this course will be calculated like this:

Quizzes: 20%

Homework Assignments:20%

Practice Exam: 20%

Class Work:20%

LAB Work 20%

TOTAL 100%

Lab Assignments:

The work completed in lab will be submitted to your instructor via skill plan sheets. Each plan sheet varies in length and will be given a due date by your instructor. Whether or not you are assigned any given plan sheet is dependent upon your performance on a diagnostic test administered during the first class period. Do not email me lab results. Do not print the entire lab. Cut and paste scores into a Word document and bring to class on the date due.

**You will not be given credit for assignments that are incomplete or are completed too hastily. The printouts state the amount of time spent on each lab lesson. If the amount of time is deemed inappropriate for the activity, no credit will be given.

Academic Honesty:

All work submitted must be your own, original work. Cheating in any aspect of the course will result in failure.

Withdrawal Deadline:

11/5/2010 -Students withdrawn after this date will receive either WP (Withdrawn Passing) or WF (Withdrawn Failing).

Special Needs:

Students who need special accommodations, please let the instructor know early in the semester.


Instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus at any time during the course. Students are responsible for keeping up with the changes.