Ref: AGLS/CC/OMC-2119/ /2004 Dt. 20/11/2004 (PAGE 1/19)
M/s ______
Sub : Invitation of Bid for Replacement of failed Tri-Metallic Clad on Aluminium Stem & bracket assemblies of Smelter Plant, NALCO.
Ref : Our NIT No. AGLS/CC/OMC-2219/192/NIT/1703, Dt. 12/11/2004
Dear Sir,
Sealed item rate tenders are invited on behalf of M/s National Aluminium Company Ltd for the above subject work. The scope of work along with terms & conditions and Special conditions of contract if any are enclosed herewith.
You are requested to submit your tender IN TWO SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPES super scribing clearly the name of work, NIT No. and Envelope-I (Technical Bid) and Envelope-II (Price Bid) etc. as mentioned below :
Must contain :-
i)Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD).
ii)Copies of relevant work orders and documents as per pre-qualifying requirement
indicated on NIT.
iii)Copies of latest valid Income Tax / Sales Tax clearance certificates.
iv)Documentary evidence regarding Service Tax Registration Certificate.
v)Documentary evidence of having independent PF & ESI code.
Must contain :-
i)Prices in figures and in words for the rates and amount to be duly filled in the enclosed Annexure-IV “QUANTITY & RATE SCHEDULE”.
The earnest money amount, date, time & place of submission & opening of the tender etc. are already mentioned in the NIT. A copy of the above-referred NIT is enclosed herewith for ready reference.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
for National Aluminium Company Ltd.
Encl: a/a
1.0SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work shall be as detailed in enclosed at Annexure-I. The work shall be carried out as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
2.1The quantity & rate schedule is enclosed at Annexure-III. You are requested to quote your rate in the enclosed Annexure-III itself.
2.2Bidders are required to submit the duly filled ORIGINAL ANNEXURE-III & IV itself supplied with the NIT without which the offer(s) will NOT BE ACCEPTED.
2.3No discount over quoted rate/ total amount, mentioned separately in the offer shall be considered for evaluation.
2.4Rates & amounts for all items (essentially, Rates) should be written in both figures and words. Other wise the tender will be liable for rejection.
2.5All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender papers shall be signed in full by the tenderer with date. Erasures, use of white fluid and over-writings will not be acceptable.
2.6Rates/Amounts written over erasures, white fluid and over-writings will be deemed as "Not quoted" & treated accordingly. For evaluation, rates will be considered up to 2 decimal digits only.
3.0QUANTITY VARIATION: The Quantities mentioned in the schedule are approximate in nature and may vary by a wide margin for which the contractor shall have no option but to execute the works, as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge at the same rates, terms & conditions.
The contract period for execution of work shall be for a period of 01 (One) year from the date of issue of our Brief order/ work order
5.0EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of National Aluminium Company Ltd., Smelter Plant, Nalconagar payable at Nalconagar, Angul. Exemption of EMD under any circumstances will not be considered. Bids without EMD in the form of DD will be considered as unresponsive and will be rejected.
EMD deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded after finalization of the contract.
6.1DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD: 01 (One) Year from the date of completion of the contract period as per GCC.
6.2Other special conditions are enclosed at Annexure-II.
7.1A total sum of 10% of the contract value shall be retained by Nalco towards security deposit. The Initial Security Deposit amounting to 2.5% of the contract value shall have to be deposited at the time of signing the agreement. The EMD amount, if submitted (and not refunded), shall be adjusted towards the initial security deposit and the balance initial security deposit shall have to be deposited in the form of either bank draft or bank guarantee from any Nationalized bank. The balance amount of the security deposit shall be recovered through deductions from bills as indicated under Payment term.
7.2The Earnest Money Deposited with the tender, if any shall be adjusted towards security deposit.
7.3The security deposit will be released after successful completion of the defect liability period.
8.1Payment shall be made against monthly bills duly approved and certified by the Engineer-in-charge. Such Certificate/ approval by the EIC and passing of the amount so payable shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
8.2If full security deposit has been submitted or security deposit is not applicable as per contract terms, then the amount passed will be paid in full. Otherwise, 90% of the amount passed will be paid and 10% will be retained towards the balance security deposit, till full recovery of total security deposit.
8.3The materials drawn if any by the party as free issue materials from Nalco shall be reconciled. The reconciliation statement of free issue items/materials should be submitted to the Engineer in-charge for certification. The final reconciliation statement should be submitted along with final bill for release of payment.
9.1Rates quoted by the contractor shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties applicable as on date and the same will be considered for evaluation. Separately, no reimbursement shall be made to the contractor for payment made by them for any type of taxes and duties for the contract.
9.2The contractor is required to get themselves registered under the jurisdictional Range Office of Central Excise & Customs and submit documentary evidence along with their tender, failing which their offer may not be considered & treated as invalid.
9.3The Service Tax will be paid by the contractor as per the rate quoted by them. It shall also be the responsibility of the contractor to satisfy Excise Authorities with supporting documents regarding supply value of item being supplied under maintenance contract, which are exempted from Service Tax.
9.4It may also be noted by contractor that if Service Tax is not indicated by them for any items in the BOQ of their offer and later on if it is found that Service tax is applicable for that item, then the extra burden towards Service Tax for that item shall be to the bidder's account and the bidder will be solely responsible for the lapse.
10.0DEDUCTION OF INCOME TAX: Income Tax as applicable at the prevailing rate on the gross amount billed shall be deducted from the contractor's bills as per section 194C of Income Tax Act.
11.1The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for supply and storage of his materials / consumables and general tools, tackles, welding sets, electrodes, chain pulley blocks, slings, gas welding/cutting sets, in connection with execution of work. No extra payment shall be applicable for such provisions. Wherever required Oxygen, D.A., M.S. Wire Spool and Aluminium Wire Spool (Aluminium Wire Spool confirming to IS-5897/1985 & NG-21 Grade) or specified grade as approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be in Contractor’s scope and contractor has to arrange for these materials at their own cost.
11.2Wherever applicable Argon Gas & Co2 will be supplied by Nalco as Free Issue Item if required for the work executed inside plant. The contractor will do transportation from issue point to work site. Reconcillation statement for free issue materials have to be submitted as per the consumption norm in each R.A. bill.
11.3Electrical energy and Water for the work executed inside plant/township, if required, will be supplied by Nalco free of cost from any suitable point. The contractor shall have to make arrangements, at his own cost, for tapping and using the power/water so required.
For availing Electrical energy, the contractor shall have to provide, at his own cost, a MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) at the point of power supply by Nalco. The MCB shall have to be of a suitable capacity as decided by Nalco’s electrical authorities for the concerned area and shall have to be replaced, as and when warranted, on the grounds of changed power requirements or the MCB having been defective and/or damaged.
12.0SUPERVISION: - The contractor shall have to work as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge, from time to time and shall report to him daily regarding day to day progress. The contractor shall give full access to the Engineer-in-charge/ authorized representative of Nalco to supervise day-to-day work executed by them. Besides the contractor shall have to engage his own supervisor, which is a part of the scope of work.
13.0EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: The contractor shall have to execute an agreement on Rs.50/- non-judicial stamp paper to be purchased from any stamp vendor under the jurisdiction of the Orissa High Court, in the specific format form. The agreement should be submitted in the office of CM(M), Contract Cell within 15 days of issuance of this order, provided the order value is more than Rs.50,000/-.
14.0GATE PASS & SECURITY: The contractor shall have to arrange valid gate pass for the labour/ workers engaged by him in order to enter into the factory premises if the work is to be executed inside Smelter Plant.
15.0TIME OF WORK: The factory timings are as follows:
`A' Shift - 6.00 AM to 2.00 PM
`B' shift - 2.00 PM to 10.00 PM
`C' shift - 10.00 PM to 6.00 AM
`G' shift - 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM (with 1.00 Hr break 1PM to 2PM)
16.0SAFETY: The contractor shall have to take necessary safety arrangements/ precautions for the workmen engaged by him and shall be responsible for any First Aid/ Emergency treatment for his labours/workmen. In addition you shall have to abide by all fire & safety regulations of the owner. The contractor has to execute the works after taking necessary instruction & clearance from the safety officer, available at SMELTER. The contractor should provide Safety appliance like safety shoes, helmet etc. to all workmen working under him. In case the contractor fails to provide necessary safety appliances to his workmen, Nalco will issue the same to the contractor and necessary recoveries shall be made from the contractor's bills.
17.0PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS (PPEs): The contractor shall have to provide all necessary PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS (PPEs) to the workmen engaged by them for the subject job in consultation with the Safety Deptt. of NALCO Smelter Plant.
The PPE format with duly signed declaration should be submitted along with TENDER failing which, the TENDER is liable for rejection.
Incase the contractor fails to provide PPEs as per requirement, at the time of starting the job, they will not be allowed to carry out the assigned job. PPEs can be got issued from Nalco on request at the procurement cost + 25% service charges or at the rates mentioned in the PPE format whichever is higher..
18.1The contractor shall be responsible to promote awareness on the Environmental requirements among the workmen engaged by them for the subject job and ensure adherence to sound environmental practices as detailed in the "GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY"‚ enclosed herewith.
18.2The contractor shall remove all the scrap/waste/debris generated during the work on each occasion & dispose off to a place identified by Engineer-in-charge. The thorough upkeeping of the work spot before the contractor leaves the work spot is essential. In case the contractor fails to comply with the above, the owner may get the up keeping done & recover the expenses with overheads from the contractor.
19.0LABOUR LAWS: The contractor shall have to abide by all statutory provision in this regard to the satisfaction of the Central & State Government Authority. The contractor shall have to abide by the labour rules of the Government, E.P.F. & M.P.Act,Factories Act.,Payment of wage Act,Insurance Act. etc. in force. In addition the contractor shall have valid labour licence during the contract period.
20.0PF & ESI A/C CODES: The contractor should preferably possess / obtain independent "Account Codes” from the concerned Regional Provident Fund Commissioner for PF and independent "Account Codes" from concerned Regional Director, ESIC, for ESI.
21.1Payment of wages to the labour employed by the contractor shall be as per the Central Government notification fixing minimum wages for different categories of labour in Central Public Enterprises from time to time. As per the last notification, effective from 01/10/2004 minimum wages for un-skilled labour is Rs.58.96 with an additional element of Rs.12/- (as a part of wages), the total minimum wages is Rs.70.96 per day. The contractor shall have to make labour payment accordingly, along with statutory benefits.
21.2Labour escalation amount due to increase in minimum wages to come into effect from time to time will be compensated as per the following escalation formula.
VL = 0.85 W X Y X ( L1 - L0 )
100 L0
Where: - VL = Variation in labour cost ,
W = Value of the work done
Y = Actual labour component of the contract value
L1 = Minimum daily wage of an unskilled labour as revised.
L0 = Existing minimum daily wage of an unskilled labour ie.,
Rs.70.96 per day plus Statutory benefits.
Labour Component (Y) for this work is 25.59 %
21.3In case the contractor fails to pay wages to the workmen employed by him for the subject work, NALCO will make the payment and recover the same from the contractor's bill along with 10% service charge for the amount paid.
22.0PENALTY: In case the contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated period, the contractor shall be liable for a penalty @ 1.0% of the contract value per week of delay subject to a maximum of 10.0% of the value of the contract.
23.0ARBITRATION: The clause No.87 of General Conditions of contract shall be applicable incase of any dispute or difference whatsoever, which at any time arise.
24.0TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: If your performance is found unsatisfactory during the period of contract, your contract will be terminated with short notice and the same shall be carried out by any other agency at your risk & cost.EMD and Security Deposit may also be forfeited.
25.1Before submission of the bid the bidders are requested to make themselves fully conversant with the GCC, Special Conditions of Contract, Conditions of bidding, Specific conditions, technical Specifications, if any, bid drawings, site conditions etc. so that, no ambiguity may arise in these respect subsequent to submission of the bids.
25.2NALCO's General Conditions of Contract (GCC) & Special Conditions of Contract if any shall form part of this contract. The tenderer is advised to see the same in the office of the undersigned during office hours before quoting the rates. It will be taken for granted by NALCO that tenderer has seen and gone through the terms and conditions and shall abide by this.
25.3Wherever transport of material is applicable, the contractor has to ensure that goods carried during transportation do not exceed permitted laden weight as certified by registering authority for the respective vehicles.
25.4Wherever applicable Bank Guarantee are to be submitted in Nalco's revised prescribed format only from NALCO’s approved Banker.
25.5Bidders are requested to quote their best prices considering the fact that price negotiation if required may be held with the lowest tenderer only.
25.6In evaluation of bids, if price and other conditions are same and application of preferences are necessitated for selecting contractor(s) for award of work, the following modus operandi will be followed: -
a)1st stage preference: - The bidder having both PF & ESI account codes as on the date of
submission of tender.
b)2nd stage preference: - The bidder having only PF account code as on the date of submission of
c)3rd stage preference: - The bidder having only ESI account code as on the date of submission of
d)4th stage preference: - The bidder who is the existing contractor as on the date of submission of
e)5th stage preference: - The bidder having minimum work order value in Smelter Plant as on the
date of submission of the tender.
25.7Letters/Fax of Intent is an acceptance of offer and the tenderer should communicate the acceptance of the same within 07 days of issue of letter / Fax of Intent, failing which it will deemed to have been accepted by the tenderer.
26.1All covering letters & information are to be included in the offer. Proposal forms should be submitted along with the offer itself. The bidder shall submit the bid in the enclosed proforma.
26.2The tender should be submitted in sealed envelope duly super scribing clearly the name of the work with the note "Quotation DO NOT OPEN" written prominently. The full name, postal address and telegraphic address of tenderers shall be written on the bottom left corner of the sealed envelope.
26.3Tenderers are advised to submit complete set of tender documents as issued duly filled in with no deviations in the specific requirements, terms & conditions and signed on the bottom of each page with official seal along with a forwarding letter addressed to the CM (Mech) Contract Cell, Nalco, Smelter Plant.
26.4Tenders are to be dropped in the tender box kept at CISF Office, Smelter Main Gate, Smelter Plant, Nalco, Angul on or before 3.00 P.M. of 14/12/2004 during normal office working hours. The PART-I bids of tender may be opened immediately thereafter.
26.5Postal Bids are to be sent through REGISTERED POST /SPEED POST OF DEPTT. OF POST & TELEGRAPHS only and the same shall be received during office hours of all working days except sundays & holidays UPTO 2.30 P.M. of 14/12/2004 in the Office of Chief Manager (Mech), Contract Cell, Smelter Plant, P.O.-Nalconagar-759145, Dist-Angul(Orissa), India. The PART-I bids postally received shall also be opened together with the bids received in the tender box as stated in 26.4.
In the event of office remaining closed on the above-mentioned date, tenders will be accepted on the next working day.
Tenders received late in time/date due to delays of Postal/ transit and/or delivery at wrong place shall not be considered.