Judith Beyer CurriculumVitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Judith Beyer
Schwetschke-Strasse 1
06110 Halle/Saale
0151 42 31 39 43 (tel)
Twitter: Judith Beyer
Academic career
2010 – Research Fellow. Department Law & Anthropology. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
2004 – 2009 PhD (Anthropology). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
and Martin Luther University Halle/Wittenberg, Germany.
Thesis: According to salt. An ethnography of customary law in Talas, Kyrgyzstan
2003 Exchange Student (Kyrgyz Ethnology, Law, Russian and Kyrgyz Language)
American University in Central Asia. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
1998 – 2004 MA (Anthropology, Public and International Law, Slavonic Studies).
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany.
Thesis: Recht in ‘Transformation’: Zur Rhetorik der Verfassungsreform in Kirgistan [Law in‘transformation’: The rhetoric of the Kyrgyz constitutional reform]
Professional training
2010 - Member of Minerva-FemmeNet. A mentoring program of the Max Planck Society, addressing the (junior) female scientists and alumnae of all sections.
2009 -2013 Participation in “Zertifikat Hochschuldidaktik”, a certification program preparing young scholars for a university career
Research areas
Southeast Asia (particularly Myanmar)
Central Asia (particularly Kyrgyzstan)
Scholarships and awards
2012 – 2014 International Scholar (Mentor) of the Central Asia and Caucasus Research and Training Initiative (CARTI) of the Open Society Foundations (2 years)
2009 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Workshop Grant
(jointly with Madeleine Reeves and Johan Rasanayagam)
2009 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata, India. Visiting fellowship (one month)
2006 – 2009 Volkswagen Foundation and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Research position and fieldwork grant (three years and ten months)
2007 Best Graduate Student Paper on Eurasia. At: ‘Nation, Community and the State’, ASN World Convention, Columbia University, New York City, USA April 12-14
2005 Graduate School ‘Asian and African Studies’, Martin Luther University
Halle/Wittenberg. Stipend (one year)
2005 Hermann Hesse stipend, Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw (three months)
2004 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Travel grant (two weeks)
2003 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Stipend (six months)
2000 Universitätsbund, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Travel grant (three months)
German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Russian (good)
Kyrgyz (good)
French (good)
Myanma (beginner)
2012-13 Myanmar (Yangon). Field research on land and property regimes of the Christian communities (four months)
2011 Germany (Saxony): Field research on insight meditation (one week)
2010 England (Wales). Field research on insight meditation (two weeks)
2010 Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek and Talas). Field research on the constitutional referendum and ethnonationalism; revisiting my field site (three weeks)
2009 Myanmar (Yangon, Inle-Lake, Mandalay, Bagan). Exploratory field trip (two weeks)
2009 India (Kolkata). Library-based research on interrelations between India and Myanmar; establishing contacts to local research institutions (one month)
2008 Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek and Talas). Follow-up field research for doctoral dissertation (one month)
2005-2006 Doctoral dissertation research on legal pluralism and the ordering of everyday life in two villages in northern Kyrgyzstan (fifteen months)
2003 Field research for Master’s thesis on state judges’ perceptions of
‘transformation’ during the constitutional reform in Kyrgyzstan (six months)
Courses taught
Martin Luther University Halle/Wittenberg
2011 Einführung in die Religionsethnologie (Introduction to the anthropology of religion)
2009 Entwicklung und Transformation: „Transferierte Hilfe“ in postkoloniale und postsozialistische Gesellschaften (Development and transformation: ‘Transferring help’ to postcolonial and postsocialist societies)
2008 Streitprävention und Streitschlichtung im interkulturellen Vergleich (Dispute prevention and dispute settlement in intercultural comparison)
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
1999-2002 Einführung in die Bibliotheksrecherche (Introduction to library research)
Professional activities
2012 - Country of Origin Expert (COI) for the Fahamu Refugee Programme (FRP).
2012 Consultant for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
Designing a qualitative study on 'Price rises and food security in the context of
Kyrgyzstan's Customs Union accession'. Sept 2012.
2010 Advisor for United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
Expertise on the preparation of a report on ‘The responsibility of the aksakal courts to protect property and inheritance rights of women’ (in Russian). Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Oct 2010
2008 Consultant for the International Council on Human Rights. Expertise on the preparation of a report on ‘Human Rights, State and Non-State Law’. Geneva, Switzerland. Nov 2008
2007 Consultant for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Writing a report on legal, political, and economic development strategies in Kyrgyzstan. Aug 2007
2001 – 03 Student assistant in the pilot-project ‘Regionalisierung Mittelasien’ [Regional Specialization Central Asia], funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Institute of Anthropology, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Oct 2001 – April 2003
1999 – 00 Student assistant at the library of the Institute of Anthropology, Eberhard Karls
University Tübingen. Oct 1999 – Sept 2000
Organization of conferences and workshops
2013 Panel organizer (jointly with Markus Weilenmann). Title: ‘Recht und Ethnologie – „außeruniversitär“. Neue Herausforderungen an die Rechtsethnologie.’ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde-Tagung. Mainz, Germany. Oct 2-5, 2013
2013 Panel organizer. Title: ‘Tracing legal connections. Comparing interactional patterns between courts of elders (aksakaldar sotu) and state courts across Northern Kyrgyzstan.’ European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS). Astana, Kazakhstan. Aug 5-6, 2013
2011 Organisation of the Joint Institutes’ Colloquium of the MPI for Social Anthropology and the Institute for Social Anthropology, MLU, Halle, (jointly with Patrice Ladwig, Michaela Schäuble and Katharina Schramm): “Traces of the Colonial: Critical Reflections on (Post-) Colonial Theory”
2009 Conference organizer (jointly with Madeleine Reeves and Johan Rasanayagam).
Title: ‘Rethinking the political in Central Asia.’ University of Manchester. Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change. Manchester, England. Sept 14-16, 2009
2008 Panel organizer (jointly with Madeleine Reeves). Title: ‘Ethnographies of moral reasoning.’ First regional conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS). Yssyk Köl, Kyrgyzstan. Aug. 4-7, 2008
Invited lectures
2011 Settling descent. Place-making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. At: Seminar Series ‘Central Asia in a Terrible State? Issues and Methods.’ L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. Feb. 10, 2011
2009 Customizing law: Social ordering through salt in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. At: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies. Kolkata, India. Feb 2009
2007 Imagining the state: How perceptions of the state influence customary law in the Kyrgyz aksakal courts. At: Harvard University, Central Asian and Caucasus Program, Boston, USA April 2007
2006 Verfassungen und Verfassungswirklichkeiten: Ergebnisse einer einjährigen Feldforschung in Zentralasien. [Constitutions and constitutional realities. Results of a year-long field research in Central Asia]. At: ‘Verfassungstheorie: Verfassungs-, europa- und völkerrechtliche Aspekte’, Faculty of Law, Eberhard Karls-University Tübingen, Germany (in German). December 2007
2002 Kirgistan – eine Nation? [Kyrgyzstan – one nation?] At: Adult Education
Program (VHS). Göppingen, Germany (in German). October 2002
in prep. According to customary law. Legal pluralism and the ordering of everyday life in Kyrgyzstan. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
2010 (together with Zemfira Inogamova) Baiyz apa zhashoo tarzhymaly [The life history of Baiyz Apa]. Bishkek: Gulchynar. (in Kyrgyz)
2007 (together with Roman Knee) Kirgistan: Ein ethnografischer Bildband über Talas / Kirgistan: A photoethnography of Talas. München: Hirmer-Verlag (in German and English
Edited Volume
forthc. (together with Madeleine Reeves and Johan Rasanayagam) Ethnographies of the state in Central Asia: Performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
under review The customization of law. Courts of elders in urban and rural Kyrgyzstan. Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR)
under review Ordering morality. Accomplishing well-being through emotional social security in a Kyrgyz cooperative of elders. Central Asian Survey
under review Constitutional faith. Law and hope in revolutionary Kyrgyzstan. Ethnos
2011 Settling descent. Place-making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. In: Reeves, Madeleine (ed.) Movement, power and place. in Central Asia. Central Asian Survey 30 (3-4). pp. 455-468
2006 Revitalisation, invention and continued existence of the Kyrgyz aksakal courts: Listening to pluralistic accounts of history. In: Benda-Beckmann, Franz von and Keebet von Benda- Beckmann (eds.) Dynamics of plural legal orders. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Volume 53/54. pp. 141-175
Online journal articles
2010 Ethnonationalismus in Kirgistan. Die Ereignisse im Juni 2010 [Ethno- nationalism in Kyrgyzstan. The June 2010 events]. Zentralasien-Analysen 31/32. pp.11-14 (in German)
2010 Kyrgyzstan. Referendum in a time of upheaval. openDemocracy.net. Available here: http://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/judith-beyer/kyrgyzstan-referendum-in-time-of-upheaval
2005 ‘It has to start from above’: Making politics before and after the March revolution in Kyrgyzstan. Danish Society for Central Asia’s Electronic Quarterly 1. pp.7-16. Available here: http://www.centralasien.dk/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view= article&id=24:journal-july-2005&catid=8:journal&Itemid=14
Articles in edited volumes
2013 (together with Johan Rasanayagam and Madeleine Reeves) Introduction: Performances, possibilities, and practices of the political in Central Asia. In: Reeves, Madeleine, Johan Rasanayagam and Judith Beyer (eds.): Ethnographies of the state: Performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
2013 ‘There is this law.’ Performing the state in the Kyrgyz courts of elders. In: Reeves, Madeleine, Johan Rasanayagam and Judith Beyer (eds.): Ethnographies of the state: Performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
2012 Settling descent: Place-making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. In: Reeves, Madeleine (ed.). Movement, power and place in Central Asia and beyond: Contested trajectories. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 97-110.
2010 Authority as accomplishment. Intergenerational dynamics in Talas, Northern Kyrgyzstan. In: Sengupta, Anita and Suchandana Chatterjee (eds). Eurasian Perspectives. In search of alternatives. New Delhi: Shipra. pp. 78-92
2006 Rhetoric of ‘transformation’: The case of the Kyrgyz constitutional reform. In: Berg, Andrea and Anna Kreikemeyer (eds.): Realities of transformation: Democratization policies in Central Asia revisited. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 43-62
2005 Die Aksakal-Gerichte in Kirgistan: Historische Entwicklung und aktuelle Situation einer traditionellen Rechtsinstanz in Zentralasien [The aksakal courts in Kyrgyzstan. Historical development and current situation of a traditional legal institution in Central Asia]. In: Kemper, Michael and Maurus Reinkowski (eds.): Rechtspluralismus in der islamischen Welt: Gewohnheitsrecht zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 342-358 (in German)
2005 Sravnitelnyi analiz transformacionnykh processov v Kyrgyzstane i Nigerii (Zapadnaia Afrika). [Comparative analysis of transformation processes in Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria] In: Iskakova, Gulnara: Konstitutsionnoe stroitelstvo prezidentsko-parlamentskikh vzaimootno-shenii na postsovetskom prostranstve. Bishkek: Soros-Foundation. pp. 44-55 (in Russian)
Working papers
2007 Imagining the state in rural Kyrgyzstan: How perceptions of the state create customary law in the Kyrgyz aksakal courts. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers. No. 95. Available here: http://www.eth.mpg.de/cms/de/publications/working_papers/wp0095.html
in prep. …. Legalism. Anthropology and history. For: Social Anthropology
2012 Franziska Torma 2011. Turkestan-Expeditionen. Zur Kulturgeschichte deutscher Forschungsreisen nach Mittelasien (1890-1930). For: Werkstatt Geschichte 60. pp. 114-116
2011 Mark Edele 2008. Soviet veterans of World War II. A popular movement in an authoritarian society, 1941-1991. For: Europe-Asia Studies 63,1. pp. 158-159
2009 Fernanda Pirie 2007. Peace and conflict in Ladakh. The construction of a fragile web of order. For: Journal of Legal Pluralism 59. pp. 161-164
2008 Bhavna Dave 2007. Kazakhstan: Ethnicity, language and power. For: Nationalities Papers 36,5. pp. 903-905
2013 Cover photograph for ‘Ethnographies of the state: Performing politics.’ Bloomington: Indiana University Press
2009 Photographs for the journal ‘Max Planck Forschung’ 02/2009. pp. 88-95
2008 Photographs for the official calendar ‘Bilder aus der Wissenschaft’ of the
Max Planck Society
2007 Photographs for ‘Kyrgyzstandagy mazar basuu: Talas tazhryjbasynyn negizinde. [Mazar worship in Kyrgyzstan. Rituals and practitioners in Talas]. Bishkek: Maxprint
2001 Photographs for the university calendar of the Institute of Ethnology
and Cultural Anthropology, Eberhard Karls-University Tübingen, Germany
2000 Photographs for the annual report of the Volkswagen Foundation. Hannover,
2010 Television interview for 3Sat/Kulturzeit. ‘Wahlen in Kirgistan’ [Elections in
Kyrgyzstan]. June 28, 2010. Source: http://www.3sat.de/webtv/?100628
2010 Radio interview for Deutschlandradio Kultur. ‘Ethnologin: Die ethnische Karte gespielt. Judith Beyer über den Konflikt in Kirgistan’ [Anthropologist: Playing the ethnic card. Judith Beyer on the conflict in Kyrgyzstan]. June 21, 2010
2007 Article for Klosterglöckchen. Nachrichten für die Mitglieder des Vereins ehemaliger Korbacher Gymnasiasten. ‘Ein ethnographischer Bilderbericht über Leben und Alltagskultur in Zentralasien’ [An ethnographic photo essay on everyday life in Central Asia]. Available here: http://www.alte-landesschule.de/kloster0703.pdf