Present: President: Thea Trimble
Faculty Senators: Greg Turner, Lisa Hott, Joseph Teller, Juan Arzola, Deborah Nolan, Shannan Cooper, Sarah Harris, Randy Emery, Gabriel Giannandrea, Milena Seyed, Landon Spencer, Christina Lynch, Brice Nakamura, David Heywood, Rob Morris, Ryan Froese, Teresa Mendoza, Catherine Medrano, Emily Briones, John Davis,
Guests: Dr. Tom Harris
Absent: James McDonell, Chris Mangels, Stephanie Collier, Mainou Her, Mark Fulmer.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
4:10-5:30 pm, Room 1
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Thea Trimble at approximately 4:10 p.m.
2. Public Comment
A. Regarding items NOT on the Agenda:
1. Chris Lynch requested that we add to the Giant Questionnaire “what do you see as the biggest obstacle you face in completing your education”. The topic will be discussed at the next meeting.
2. Juan Arzola received an email involving an equity and 10+1 issue. An instructor in Social Science made their online class available a week before the start of the semester and made an assignment due. A student brought this to attention. He requested that we discuss this.
3. GE is in need of 2 representatives. Please contact Sarah Harris if interested.
B. Regarding items on the Agenda: None
3. Action Items
A. Minutes: MSA
B. Curriculum: MSA
C. Faculty Appointments: None
D. Academic Senate and Committee Evaluations: MSA
E. AP/BP 6100: MSA
F. AP/BP 6150: MSA
G. AP/BP 6200: MSA, but add “the” on the first bullet on BP. On AP, delete remove “and District
Objectives” from #1. Remove “(Described in 6250) from the end of 4th bullet on BP.
H. AP/BP 6250: MSA
4. Discussion
A. Dr. Tom Harris: Consultant for COS Search Candidates for President: held a forum to discuss preferences for qualifications for candidates for president.
B. Senate Bylaws: Greg Turner explained that the bylaws can easily be changed to specify that the Academic Senate VP be a representative on DGS. We do not have to change the District Governance Manual. This will come back in 30 days. Senate can change item #4 under the VP of Academic—“represent Academic Senate on DGS” instead of “IC”. Greg Turner also the District Governance Manual regarding IC still states that IC has a representative from Academic Senate. He recommends that we request removal, since we’ve determined that we don’t need a representative IC.
C. AP/BP 6100: Moved to action: MSA
D. AP/BP 6150: Moved to action: MSA
E. AP/BP 6200: Moved to action: MSA
F. AP/BP 6250: Moved to action: MSA
G. AP/BP 6300: Academic Senate will request that someone (Christine Statton) attend the next meeting to discuss these.
H. 2017 COS 2.0 Manuals: Request that DGS remove the reference to Academic Senate representative from IC in the manuals. MSA.
I. FEC Report: Joseph Teller announced that representatives are needed from Ag, Business, Fine Arts, P.E., Science, and a member from our adjunct faculty. Please contact Joseph if interested.
5. Reports from Standing Committees
6. New Business
7. Old Business
8. Adjournment
Submitted by Sondra Bergen