AP European History: Primary Source Analysis – Chapter 13
Cromwell Abolishes the English Monarchy
- How was the establishment of the Cromwellian government a departure from the previous system of government in England?
- Why was the condemnation of Charles Stuart a threat to the future of the monarchy?
- List three of the criticisms of Charles I that Cromwell levies against the former ruler.
The Divine Right of Kings (1598) James I
- How does James I see the relationship between a king and his subjects?
- How might members of Parliament respond to this treatise?
Jean Domat, On Social Order and Absolute Monarchy
- How does Jean Domat justify absolute monarchy and the legal and social inequality that it accompanied it in France under Louis XIV?
Louis XIV Writes to His Son (1661)
- Does Louis XIV seem arrogant, or is he simply offering his son experienced advice? Explain.
- Is there anything Louis suggests not to do?
- List three things Louis believe a successful ruler will do.
- Overall, do you think that Louis gives his son good or bad advice? Why?
Peter the Great, Correspondence with Alexis (1715)
- What were Peter the Great’s views regarding war? What beliefs or idea informed his view?
- How did Peter the Great hope to increase the power and prestige of Russia in Europe?
- What did this letter say about the succession issue? What was Peter’s view about who would inherit the Russian throne after his death? His son’s response?
On the Corruption of Morals in Russia (late 18th c.) Prince Mikhail MikhailovichScherbatov
- What were the areas in which the author says Peter makes changes or “westernizes”?
- What social changes does he see?
- How does the “magnificence and luxury” spread downward through the various ranks of people?
- What are the problems that resulted from Peter’s “westernization”?
- Why do Peter’s ideas and reforms lead to a decline?
Paul Rycaut, On the State of the Ottoman Empire (1668)
- What conclusions does Rycaut reach as to the tyrannical slant of Ottoman government? Does he envision the possibility or desirability of reform?
- What attitude do the Turks assume towards dogs and camels?
- Who are the janissaries and how are they recruited?
Portrait of an Ottoman Gentleman
- How is Melek portrayed?
- How does this portrayal compare to nations of a “gentleman” that were current in Western Europe at this time?
- How would you describe Melek’s relationship with his wife?
Venetian Observations
- How does succession work? What are the undesirable outcomes?
- To what extent do they rule?
- How large is the military security force?
- What is Morosini’s opinion about the fighting quality of the Turkish soldiers? Strengths? Weaknesses?