Sauganash School PTA – Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 08, 2017 – 6:30 p.m. Location: ZalinskiCafé
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve by Carrie Frieswyk, seconded by Emily Trapp)
Introduction of Board Members
Approval of Minutes (motion to approve by Kate Rettell, seconded by Ms. Bertini)
Treasurer’s Reports – Kate Rettell
- January, 2017
Balance at Hand: $110,753.44
Pending Transactions: $196.59
Total Including Pending Transactions: $110,753.44
Approval of Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve by Carrie Frieswyk , seconded by Sarah Creviston)
New Business:
- Spring Benefit – Sarah Creviston, Sarah Datz, MalinVasavanont
- Meeting tomorrow night.
- Have a meeting with Gesture to have a training on how to upload the auction items.
- Had a meeting with the room parents to communicate what is going on. Communication will be consistent. Save the Dates will be coming out.
- Small Business Fair – Marcia Shapiro
- Will be held on April 22 from 9:00-3:00.
- Modifications from last year: Area small businesses, going to focus more on products than services.
- PTA Candidate Search for 2017-2018 Officers – Marilyn Chapman
- Kate Rettell came forward as secretary.
- Looking for a President and Treasurer for the 2017-18 School Year
- Need three parents on the nominating committee to assist in finding people to fill these positions.
- Family Dinner Night – Marilyn Chapman
- Will be held on March 22nd from 5:00-7:30.
- Raffle for the kindergarten and eighth grade, need to decide when those will take place (Sarah Creviston will take care of this)
Old Business
- Cook Book project is scrapped.
Principal’s Report
- The Board cut 50% of funds, so the school quickly purchased another iPad cart for STEM. The cart will service K-8, will go along with Project Lead the Way. This is good because then they will not take money from 115 account Spending. They did take 225 account funds, however. This is our discretionary funds that was roll-over money from September. This money is to go towards instructional materials, not personnel funds. This is the importance of the student fee; CPS cannot touch the internal money (which funds things such as Girls on Run, sports, principal nights, etc.). Will need to reduce budget to negate the negative balance since over $13,000 was taken from Sauganash. We are not losing teaching positions or miscellaneous personnel, and we are moving forward in curriculum planning and professional development. Many other schools lost more than we did. In addition, 40 schools received additional funds; those are Title 1 schools. They took federal funds, not state funds. Though we lost money for instructional materials, all of the instructional materials that will be purchased for next year will be done through an internal account.
- March 2nd, will ask the 6th grade parents to come in for a coffee to meet the 7th and 8th grade teachers. Want to ask parents to be on the panel so that they can give their input on their middle school experience at Sauganash School.
Open Comment
- Communications – Candace Sukalski
- Please submit “Shout Outs” and “Thank You’s” for e-News to communications committee by Wednesday evenings of each week.
- Elyssa Glover will be stepping up into this position.
- Please email any pictures to be considered for use in the eNewsletter to: .
- Box Tops
- The PTA needs your Box Tops before the end of March to once again take advantage of “Double Points”!
- Bingo Night Wrap-Up
- Bingo Night was held on January 26th. The event was well attended with about 150 people participating. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out! Ms. Vicki, Ms. Maria, Mr. Guazzarde, Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Court, Ms. Mackin, and Ms. Yadao. Congratulations to the Peto Family who won the Split the Pot - $201!
- Upcoming Events!
- No School – President’s Day - February 20, 2017
- The LSC meeting will be held on Monday, February 27th at 6:30 p.m.
Date of the Next Meeting Wednesday, March8hat 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment at 7:30 pm.