1.Age - 32, yes no one believes me. Hell, a few years ago, some people thought I was 19.now they think I'm in my low to mid 20s. It's an Asian curse :)
2. Height - 5'9"
3. Weight - 208-210lbs
4. Measurements - Hmm well I'm not really into measurements/size anymore, but let's just say I have big legs. My upper body is nothing to speak of :)
5. Approx Body fat % - probably around 15% at a guess. It is currently dropping down though.
6. How many years have you been training?
About 2 years now
7. What types of programs have you done in past?
Well from the get go, I've always done everything explosively. That is pretty much my main training style, but in terms of
Training organization - I started with low volume whole body 3 times a week for a while with progressive resistance.
Then did a HST style phase, then shifted to a Poliquin style split, with each main exercise utilizing heavy sets, speed sets and paused sets in the same session. After that I did some instinctive style training using multiple sets of triples with moderate weights moved fast.
That evolved to what I'm doing now with alternating periods of high volume loading and low volume deloading.
Complexing olylifts, plyos and strength moves together. Hard to put a name to this all since I change things frequently.
But I guess you could say it is Soviet influenced power style training :)
8. What are some of your past training programs and your current one?
See above
9. Opinion on which program is the best for you.
Hard to say as I made good gains in all systems, but in different areas.
But as far as when I really began to become explosive, definitely what
I did after my Poliquin split phase.
Although it was around this time I really began to fully understand how the body reacts to differing stimulus and how recovery related to this etc.
10. Do you bulk? What do you eat for bulking?
I can't say that I bulk, because I don't really eat any differently year round. I eat fairly normally.
11. Do you diet? What do you eat when dieting?
Well I have dieted when I first started training, mostly eating meat and veges
With carb-out pig outs every 3-4 days.
I basically cut out all the starchy carbs and stick with meat and veges
Drink tons of ice-cold water. I stripped a ton body fat doing that!
I do recall my waist shrinking from 40 or so inches down to 31-32 :)
12. What type of music do you train to?
Well whatever I get at the gym I go to. If I worked out at home, I don't have any music
I like it quiet.
13. Do you prefer to workout with or without a partner?
I prefer training alone. I don't think anymore would want to train the way I do :)
14. How did you get started lifting?
Well I started, to lean up and get back into shape, get the attention of the opposite sex :P
I was also playing basketball and wanted to improve my hops :)
15. What are your goals?
Well my goals are constantly changing, but as always I'm striving to improve my power and explosiveness - jumping and speed. Off course getting stronger and leaning up is central to my goals. I started wanting to up my muscle mass and to look good, but
That doesn't concern me as much these days. If you train then your body just falls inline with your function.
And who knows maybe one day I will compete in an Olympic Weightlifting meet.
16. What sport do you train for, or have competed in the past?
Well I guess you could say basketball, but I only play it recreationally and rarely so these days. But one day I may get into olylifting
17. What are your favorite lifts?
Squats, power cleans, power snatches
18. Who inspires you?
Anyone who is explosive, fast and agile :)
19. What are your other hobbies?
Computers, playing games, writing and listening to music, drawing, 3D graphics
20. What are your best lifts?
Well it's been a few months since I maxed out, but these are my current maxes
All are done RAW, no belt, just some chalk that's it.
Full olysquat - 345lbs
Power clean - 225lbs for several singles
Power Snatch - 155lbs
Deadlift - 405lbs
16inch grip Bench press - 255lbs
Military Press - 175lbs x2
Rows - Barbell - 6 reps with 225lbs (haven't done these is ages), Dumbbell 115lbs 3x5
I'm probably stronger across the board, but I haven't maxed out as I said.
21. What has not worked for you in the gym?
I haven't been training long enough to answer that :)
22. What do you suggest avoiding in your training?
23. What supplements (if any) are you using?
Just Whey protein powder, carb recovery drink, multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin C powder.
24. What supplements do you suggest?
Fish oil
25. Where do you train?
Commercial gym near me
26. Why do you train?
So I can achieve my goals. Plus I enjoy it, it makes me feel "good" at least well when I'm not loading up :)
27. What problems have you faced in your training?
Spraining wrist from not dumping cleans properly. Putting up with bent bars that don't rotate properly!
28. What are your problem body parts/lifts? How do you plan to overcome it?
Hmm Military Press and Chins seemed to have plateaued.
Well for chins I stopped doing them ;P
Military press - well I know I'm not as fast as used to be.
So I think I'll go back to what I used to do, speed sets, paused sets and pressing with bands.
29. What do you view as being most critical to improvement?
Getting lots of sleep
30. Who/what has the biggest influence on your training?
Well definitely some stuff I have read from Dave Castor and Glenn Pendlay.
The way some throwers train as well. What Jay Schroeder/ Adam Archuletta does definitely intrigues me. The stuff some Russians did which goes back to what Jay does.
31. What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
Sleep as much as you can, and constantly change the loading and volume
32. How would you equate a successful training session?
I feel explosive and fast, the weights feel relatively effortless. And the groove is in sync
33. How do you use that success in the gym for other aspects of your life? Family, career, etc.
Well I guess training has made me realize, that you can adapt and overcome anything.
34. What, in your opinion, is the most underrated lift/exercise?
Single leg exercises
35. How do you go about overcoming a training plateau?
Drop the weights down and move it fast.
36. If you could train for a day with one particular person like Charles Poliquin, Dave Tate, Louie Simmons, Ian King, etc…- whom would you choose?
Some hotshot olylifting coach - get my form into shape.
37. With all your traveling to the various competitions, do you ever get to meet any of the Elite Fitness members?
No can't say that I have, most aren't local to me anyway.
38. How is rest and recuperation for you?
Not so good, I just don’t sleep as much as I should!
39. What about aerobic training?
I don't do any, but I do sprint sometimes, but that is hardly aerobic ;)
40. And how have you progressed?
Great so far - large increases in strength, power and muscle mass.
41. Tell us a little about your lifestyle.
Well I tend to sit on my butt most of the day, I'm pretty lazy so I guess that helps my recovery somewhat :)
42. Are you married? Single?
Have a girlfriend
43. Have kids? No
44. What do you do for a living? CD mastering engineer - I turn songs into CDs you can buy in the shops. Also have a part time job delivering papers.
45. How did you find out about the training forum on
From a search engine - I can't remember exactly how though.
46. How long have you been on EF site?
Over a year now.
47. What got you interested in weight lifting?
Didn't I just answer this? :)
48. What are your plans for the future?
Get stronger, more explosive and faster!
49. Are there any obstacles you have overcome, personal or training related?
There are I guess, but I couldn't be bothered mentioning any
50. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, 10 years?
Squatting a good amount of weight and dunking on people at will :)
Maybe marrying my girlfriend, or at least keeping hold of her till I die :D
51. Do you have any training advice for our members?
Train explosively! Push the weights fast.
52. Do you have any sponsors?
53. Do you have a website?
I do have a personal website, but nothing anyone here would be interested in.
54. What has been some of the most memorable moments of your life or training career so far?
The first time I squatted 3 plates.
55. What else would you like to add to this interview? (Open forum to say whatever you feel)
Manipulating volume can help your training just as much load and exercise selection.
Push yourself hard and then back off to minimal training. Go from one extreme to the other.