Roya Milani Roodt

Master of Arts in Corporate Communication (Spanish)

Aarhus School of Business

Bilag 2g: Questionnaire about the Spanish negotiator and the cultural

aspects in a negotiating situation

1.  Name: Marly Fialho Kierulf

2.  Title: Export Business Manager

3.  Negotiating experience (months/years?): 20+ in different business areas.

4.  Do you generally think about cultural differences when you negotiate?

If yes, in what way

Yes, I do. I try to look to them with their own cultural particularities. I also consider the way I will be perceived. I consider my dress code, my tone and I pay attention to the importance of respecting the unwritten rules in each culture.

5. Do you prepare before a negotiation?

- If yes, how?

Always. It depends of the kind of business, but usually I get all possible information about the partners I will meet.

- Do you think the Spaniards prepare themselves?

I am sure they do, however, in their own way.

6. What do you think is typical about negotiating with a Spaniard?

- And how does it show?

They have the idea that the Scandinavian way of think and negotiate is quite restrict and direct. And they try to coup with that. Sometimes they want to show that it does not need to be very restricted and direct. This happens by e.g. not respecting the punctuality; by coming with some excuses, etc.

- Can you put yourself in this way of thinking?

Yes, especially because of my bilateral background.

7. Do you think about stereotypes/generalizations in a negotiating situation?

- If yes, how do you think it will affect the communication?

No. I do not generalize or think about stereotypes. I take from case to case, but I am prepared for the cultural differences that may appear. What is very common for mostly of the Spaniards is the idea that they are very good in many things and this makes them to be very proud and sometimes gets to be an arrogant people.

8. What are the stereotypes of a Spaniard?



- Do you think the ones you mention are true?


- How do the stereotypes express themselves in the communication at a negotiation?

They recall their knowledge on the business, their history on that particular business, that they do not need our services etc. They even recall the country’s rich and elegant history.

9. Do you think that Spaniards overlook the cultural differences or are they aware of them?

They are aware of them. But it depends of which side of the negotiation they are in.

10. Do you consider yourself conscious or not in the matter of cultural differences?

I think I am very conscious regarding cultural differences and similarities.

11. What do you think is useful information about Spaniards in a negotiating situation?

I would refer to all information you could get on the company you will deal with. I will keep in mind that they are very proud people. And what do proud people like? To be praised, admired and so on.

12. Would you recommend negotiating in Spanish or in English with a Spaniard?

- And why?

I would recommend doing the negotiation in Spanish. Why? In order to avoid biases. I would recommend doing contracts or letter of intent in English and with the help of a very good lawyer.

13. Do you think that the personal relation is important for a Spaniard?

- If yes, why?

Yes. Because this is the only way to know for sure they will trust you.

14. Are there communication differences in negotiating with Spaniards across the regions?

- How does this express itself?

Normally in the metropolitans areas people tend to be more polite, more effective and open minded.

Please feel free to note other useful info on the paper as well

Thank you very much for your time J

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