The Great Depression Rubric
Criteria / 5 / 3 / 1 / TotalsUsed the Internet independently to obtain information / Very independent and on task at all times / Somewhat independent and on task most of the time / Depends on others / ____x 4
Described causes and effects of the Great Depression / Description covers the main ideas / Description covers some main ideas / Description covers at least one main idea / ____x 4
Entries included information about riding the rails / Entries include much information about riding the rails / Entries include some information about riding the rails / Entries include very little information about riding the rails / ____x 4
Entries included information about the work and life of CCC workers / Entries include much information about the CCC / Entries include some information about the CCC / Entries include very little information about the CCC / ____x 4
Summary includes positive effects of the Great Depression / Excellent conclusion / Adequate conclusion / Sketchy conclusion / ____x 2
Used good sentence construction / Very few mistakes / Some mistakes / Excessive number of mistakes / ____x 2
Total Points & Grade