Our local offer of support for children & young people with special educational needs
Local Offer:
Raise Education and Wellbeing School
54-56 Holmeswood Road
Great Lever
Greater Manchester
School 11 to 16 years old
College 16 to 19 years old
Further education, training, skills, and supported Internships for 19 to 25 years old that may require a longer period of specilaised provison with support to enable a successful transition into adult life.
At Raise Education and Wellbeing School we value and support learning. We provide an individualised timetable of provision for each learner dependent on their personal strengths, aspirations and to support their wellbeing. We remove barrier to learning and fully engage our young people in our learning community. We recognise the worth of each individual. Our mission is to ensure our young people acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that will enrich their lives and enhance their ability to contribute to the community using the skills developed during a meaningful educational, wellbeing and therapeutic experience.
Contact name:
Joanna Lawson
Contact phone:
01204 431946
Contact position:
Head of SEND and Inclusion
Contact email:
Venue notes:
Our main campus is situated on Holmeswood Road, Great Lever, Bolton. However, we do have a number of campuses throughout the Greater Manchester area. The ground floor of our Holmeswood Road campus is fully accessible as are our other campuses.
Opening times
8.30am – 4.30pm
Needs a referral?
Referral details
For referral information please contact Joanna Lawson on 01204 431946or at
Ofsted rating
Good with Outstanding for personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Local Offer details
Raise Education and Wellbeing School specialise is supporting children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties aged 11-16 years, 16 to 19 years, and coninute to support young people in their education, skills, and support up to 25 years. Raise have designed their academic, wellbeing and therapeutic curriculum, and resources to ensure we are able to remove the barriers to our pupils' learning and progression and fully meet the needs of our learners. We consistently take into account the ages, aptitudes and needs of all pupils, so they are able to reach their full potential. We provide a person centred approach throughout their learning experiences so all pupils can develop the knowledge, skills, to values to equip them for life as British citizens. Our thorough academic, wellbeing and emotional literacy assessments ensure that we can ascertain the needs of our pupils and provide us with the necessary information to enable us to consistently provide opportunities for success.
Local Offer contact
Joanna Lawson
Local Offer phone
01204 431946
Local Offer email
How do we identify special educational needs?
At Raise Education and Wellbeing School, we specialise in working with children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and when young people are referred to Raise SEND has already been identified. Young people will already have, or are undergoing statutory assessment for an education health and care plan (EHCP).
To identify and understand the individuals SEND needs we work closely with the families, services and previous schools who know your child to ensure all information is accurately transferred and implemented into their new tailor made educational plan.
We will also gather further information from the initial induction to Raise, which is carried out when your child joins us. This process enables us to identify your child’s talents, strengths and areas they find more difficult.
- The induction will involve a comprehensive assessment of:
- Academic baseline and on-going assessment via For Skills Programme
- Wide Ranging Achievement Tests (WRATS)
- Boxall Profile (emotional literacy) assessment
How will we support your child with their special education needs and ensure those needs are met?
The wide range of information collected along with other professional information in the education, health and care plan is used to create an individual education plan (IEP) and SMART targets for your child. These plans work as a planning, teaching and reviewing tools to enable us to focus on particular areas of strength and identify gaps in learning and cognition. They are seen as working documents which can be constantly refined and amended. The IEP will:
- Include targets which will address the underlying reasons why a pupil is having difficulty with learning – they will not simply be “more literacy” or “more maths”
- Be accessible to all those involved in their implementation – learners should have an understanding and ownership of the targets through the guided learning process
- Be monitored and evaluated regularly and reviewed thrice yearly
- Have a maximum of four short / medium term SMART targets set for or by the learner, with discussion with parents/carers
- Further diagnostic assessment is carried out where necessary and outside agencies may contribute to these assessments for example, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapist…
We have designed our whole curriculum, workforce, and resources to ensure we help remove the barriers to our pupils’ learning and progression to ensure we fully meet the needs of the child. The curriculum for each student precisely matches the requirements set out in his or her EHC plan and takes into account the ages, aptitudes and strengths of all pupils so that they can reach their full potential. We provide a person-centred approach throughout their learning experiences so that all pupils can gain the knowledge, skills, and values to equip them for life as British citizens and prepare them for independence in adulthood.
What resources and equipment are available to help your child with their education?
We recognise that a number of our learners focus and engage in learning when in a smaller group or in independent learning environments. Raise make great investments in technology, equipment and resources in order to facilitate this, some of the programmes we have to support learning are:
- MyMathsan interactive online teaching and homework website that builds pupil engagement and consolidates maths knowledge
- Dragon voice recognition soft wear and computers
- For Skills functional skills assessment and learning support
- ProWise interactive touch screen equipment with connected tablets and PCs
- Logic Pro professional music and recording equipment software
- Axis education materials covering all Core 7 areas of learning
- Get RIPPED(Recreation, Interpersonal skills, Physical health and Fitness, Personal self care, Emotional wellbeing, and Discipline and respect) a comprehensive in-house Personal, Social, development, and wellbeing programme designed by our CEO and accredited by NCFE
- Adobe Creative Cloud Industry standard creative arts media software running on state of the art Apple iMacs, Macbook Pros and iPads
Our environment:
- Classrooms equipped with personal computers for independent learning and a smartboard project for group activities.
- Classrooms are equipped with smart TV’s for presentations and visual learning, flip charts for group work, portable laptops and tablets.
- Bright and welcoming traditional style classrooms featuring motivational art and factual posters.
- Private meeting rooms for assessments, interventions, mindfulness sessions and more.
- Regular breaks – short bursts of learning to maintain attention.
- Snacks, drinks and refreshments to help maintain energy and concentration in addition to breakfast club and healthy dinners.
- Fiddle toys and other sensory support items and resources to support concentration and attendance in class.
- All curriculum subjects are offered and qualifications are available from Pre-entry level to GCSE and Level 1,2,3 vocational qualifications. Raise provide a vast array of vocational qualifications along with traditional curriculum subjects.
- A therapeutic curriculum runs alongside the academic curriculum to support the social, emotional and mental health of our learners.
How will we support your child and ensure their needs are met?
We provide a personalised compassionate environment where young people have time to overcome the challenges they have faced in other educational settings. We provide:
- Transport with specialised support to and from the education centre to support attendance
- A welcoming and non-judgemental, family orientated environment
- Smaller class sizes on one to one tuition to encourage interaction and focus
- A designated well-being mentor to support learners with emotional difficulties and regulation
- A reward scheme to promote positive behaviour and attitude, and to promote economic wellbeing.
- A healthy breakfast and lunchtime shared in a positive social and emotionally nurturing environment. Learners are able to support with the preparation of meals. We consider this to be an excellent pro-social experience and preparation for adulthood and working life
- Wrap around care to support all aspects and challenges they face within their lives from staff that have extensive experience in a variety of professional backgrounds, including criminal justice, psychiatric nursing, education, special education needs, social work, pre and post-16 learning and industry.
- A variety of wellbeing mentors of all ages, gender, backgrounds and professions
- Lessons and activities created with learner’s individual strengths and difficulties in mind
- An ‘expanded learning’ timetable built to ensure productivity
- Opportunities to develop new skills; football, music, media, landscaping or construction and more
- Off campus activities for new experiences encouraging positive lifestyle choices outside of Raise such as equine assisted development, wilderness therapy, independent travel training
- Full access to the local gym at all times of the day, involvement in a variety of sports such as football, boxing, Strength and conditioning, Running, Swimming, dance and theatre
- Resources and opportunities to develop their skills for future career options, including work experience in construction, mechanics, music, social care and hair dressing
- Inspiring workshops delivered by local businesses and role models; Barclays life skills, Tesco Farm to Fork
- Belief, drive and motivation from staff, young people and previous service users who are now a part of the Raise team
“I enjoy my lessons at Raise because the classes are much smaller and I can ask more questions” LM 14 years’ old
We will ensure their needs are met:
With classroom-based assessment and monitoring arrangements. (Cycle of plan, do, review.)
With behaviour for learning assessments and emotional literacy assessments
- By embedding all advice and guidance given in the EHCP into the whole curriculum
- By providing a whole school approach to meeting the needs and support the development of our learners
- By following up parental concerns.
- By tracking individual learner progress over time
- By encouraging information to be shared from home schools and external agencies.
- By monitoring and working to achieve the targets in their provision map.
- With other more in-depth assessments such as Educational Psychologist assessment.
How are our staff trained regarding SEND?
Raise Education and Wellbeing School has a strong commitment to continuing professional development (CPD) for all its staff. The senior management team will ensure all staff undertakes regular SEN CPD delivered by the Head of SEND and Inclusion; Headteacher; CEO; Head of Wellbeing and Vocational Lead and our local Educational Psychology Service. Some examples of CPD undertaken by Staff:
- SEN Training
- Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Training
- Supporting Children and Young People‘s Speech, Language and Communication (communication Trust)
- Leadership and Management in Safeguarding
- First aid
- HLTA training
- Recognising Mental Health issues in learners
- Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Training
- Behaviour and Classroom Management
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Strategies for Children with Trauma
- NASEN SEN online Training
- Restorative Justice Approaches
- Mindfulness
- Team Teach
- Sign-A-Long
- Autism: The Hidden Disability
- Support Learners with Autism
- Peer to Peer Massage
- Delivering Wilderness Therapy
- Delivering Music Therapy
We have a strong leadership team who have experience in recognising and working with young people who have a wide range of additional challenges and they provide mentoring to all staff, one to one monthly supervisions and staff training days to extend professionals knowledge.
What specialist and expertise is available at or access by the staff?
Raise Educational and Wellbeing School provide the following nurturing and professional in-house services:
- Pastoral Lead & School counsellor
- Social worker
- Substance misuse and Dual Diagnosis practitioner
- Crisis Intervention worker
- Wellbeing and behavioural professionals
- Sexual Health and Relationships Professional
- Youth workers and life coaches
- Specialist Healthy lifestyle professionals
- Specialist Criminal Justice professionals
- Specialist Speech and language therapist
- Specialist SEND professionals
We will help you and your child access the following specialist services and we work in cooperation with the following agencies/professionals when you are already known to them, to ensure we support and meet you and your children’s needs.
- Healthy Young Minds Oldham, (Formally CAMHS Oldham) CAMHS Bolton, Salford and Rochdale etc.
- Oldham and Rochdale Positive Steps careers service, Youth Offending Services, and OASIS substance misuse, Rochdale Early Break
- Bolton Base – 360, leaving care, careers
- Salford substance misuse, Achieve.
- SEND including EHCP teams
- Early Help and Schools Team
- Life Chances Team (better life chances in Education for Looked After Children)
- Social Care for Children and Young Adults – Childcare Social Work and Aftercare
- Phoenix and Sunrise teams (CSE)
How will we support your child’s overall wellbeing?
The wellbeing and therapeutic curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of our children and young people, listening to the views, wishes, feelings and experiences of their parents, carers, and significant others. It’s especially focused upon promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, and physical development of children and young people, and to ensure they have the necessary skills, knowledge and values to become a happy, safe, successful, and contributing citizen in modern day Britain and help the develop the skills they will need for independence in adulthood.
The programme consists of children learning the following subjects:
• Social skills for work, leisure, and life delivered via a therapeutic curriculum and Get RIPPED programme
• Understanding drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and substance misuse supported by an experienced tier 3 substance misuse professional
• Understanding sex and relationships, support by a member of staff appropriately qualified and experienced in delivering this subject to hard to reach and vulnerable learners
• Emotional intelligence, delivered by professionals that have an extensive experience in the therapeutic curriculum that includes, Mindfulness, Equine Assisted Development, Wilderness Therapy, Music Therapy, Lego Therapy, Social Stories, Rebound therapy and basic counselling.
• Understanding citizenship, community and country, rights and responsibilities, and global citizen delivered using the PHSE curriculum and Get RIPPED programme
As part of the wellbeing offer children and young people will be assessed, observed, and their behaviour will be monitored and, where required, interventions will be implemented by Raise to enable them and significant others to improve their behaviour and wellbeing. Where more acute and complex behaviours/difficulties arise, Raise staff will work with children and their carers to support referrals and attendance with other statutory agencies such as:
• Early help teams
• Substance misuse organisations
• Social care
• Criminal justice
• Medical professionals, including for mental health
We have a variety of programmes to build into the young people’s journey, giving them the skills and mindset to be successful, developing positive, motivated and pro-social citizens:
- Something to Lose – a programme built on solution focused and cognitive behavioural strategies to encourage young people to consider the outcomes and consequences to the way they think and behave.
- SOS Connected, a programme designed to increase and improve engagement of hard to reach young people and those who have isolated themselves or have been excluded from mainstream services and provisions. Our assertive, caring and persistent approach has resulted in a considerable number of children and young people throughout Greater Manchester returning to education, accessing needed support services, and making positive change.
- GET RIPPED – a programme which covers Recreation development, interpersonal and social skills, personal self-care skills, physical health and fitness, emotional wellbeing and discipline and respect.
- Studio RTY - a unique, innovative young person led multimedia based environment designed by young people for young people. Giving young people a chance to get creative, learn new skills and express themselves in a multitude of cutting edge activities.
Your child’s safety is paramount to us and staff are continually informed and updated throughout the day via our web based system Behaviour Watch. This system enables quick identification of areas of concern and allows us to act with the child’s best interest.
“Raise care and support me not only in my education but my whole life.” JB 16years old
What activities outside the classroom will there be?
- Daily visits to Total Fitness – evening and weekend access available to all students
- Jump Nation trampolining trips
- Outdoor vocational work experience classroom
- 5-a-side and freestyle football tricks at Soccer Dome, Trafford and Premier 5s, Bolton
- BMX and cycling at Manchester’s Olympic standard velodrome
- Challenge4Change activities build teamwork and problem-solving skills in a fun and safe indoor assault course environment
- Visits to Octagon Theatre, Bolton, plus other Manchester theatres and cinemas
- Golfing and pitch and putt
- Thai boxing and mixed martial arts at various certified centres across Greater Manchester
- Educational trips to farms (including Eqwise), seaside, museums and many more
- Studio RTY - young person led multimedia zone.
Young people have access to the onsite studio which can provide a creative curriculum of arts and based qualifications and is used for creative therapy. A young person’s passion for music can lead them to the studio and while there they can;