Significant safeguarding risk to vulnerable persons

Barbara Hewson: Barrister Hardwicke Chambers, Lincoln's Inn, London.
now at 1 Gray's Inn Square.

a) Refused to view Leonard Lawrence chronology
b) Identified ORDER of His Honour Judge Elly as irrelevant, did not even view it.
c) Identified Human Rights violations against Leonard Lawrence whilst under Laurence Oates, Official Solicitor to the Supreme Court Guardianship
d) Criticized the delay in her receiving the brief. The brief had been with 4 Paper Buildings for six months.
e) Identified that she would advise the Legal Service Commission to withdraw Public Funding
f) Barbara Hewson failed to disclose that she receives instructions from the Official Solicitors Office. (Solicitor Helen Clift at the office of the Official Solicitor held Leonard Lawrence as a captive mental patient for 17 months without access to the Court of Protection)
g) Barbara Hewson failed to disclose she receives instructions also from the Legal Service Commission (Legal Service Commission, Corporate Legal Team, previously attempted to have Leonard Lawrence certified under the Mental Health Act 1983, about the time Mr. Lawrence located the CLSMEANS1 showing that he had been £331,000 over Public Funding limit)
h) Barbara Hewson has a clause on her brief that it is not to be disclosed, copied or distributed to any third party without her written permission.

i) When later it was disclosed to Hardwicke Chambers that the conference had been tape recorded and videoed, blame is now directed at Simpson Millar LLP for not providing sight of Leonard Lawrence case files and the Final Order.

j) Only on the 20 March 2012 did solicitor Paul Hicks, Simpson Millar LLP Solicitors obtains Leonard Lawrence case files in case SL03D00938 from May Maughan, Deputy Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts. It took less than 30 minutes to locate documents identify that Court of Protection ORDERS had been required but never obtained by solicitor Helen Clift. How Simpson Millar LLP Solicitors could prepare a brief for Barbara Hewson, Hardwicke Chambers, without first obtaining Leonard Lawrence case files
from the Official Solicitor is unknown. How barrister Barbara Hewson, Hardwicke Chambers, could prepare a legal opinion for the Legal Service Commission without sight of the Official Solicitors case files on Leonard Lawrence and without a copy of the Final Order is unknown.
New Public Funding Certificate issued 15 February 2010 March 2014. Barbara Hewson left Hardwicke and joined 1 Gray’s Inn Square Chambers

13 October 2011: Barrister Mr Dorian Day written opinion for the Legal Service Commission, Special Cases Unit.