BeechwoodPrimary School
YEAR 3 Summer Term 2nd Half
Topic / What are we learning? / How can you help at home?Literacy
/ This half term, we will be learning about poetry and how the poet uses language to create imagery and mood.
As part of the primary writing project, we will be learning the story of Hamelin. This is the story of the Pied Piper. Children will have the oppoutunity to explore the setting and describe it. We will be learning about character flaws and creating our own stories. / Please continue to listen to your children read out loud, encouraging them to read with expression.
Try listening to poems on:
This is a free resource site set up by Andrew Motion, the Poet Laureate from 1999–2009 (appointed by the queen!). It has a very good selection of recordings of poems being read by the poets themselves - what could be better than hearing the actual poet reading their own work!
/ As we reach the end of the year, children will consolidate their maths fact and practice apply these skills within formal written methods.
They will spend time looking at different measures and applying their skills to real life situations, measuring with jugs and scales, rulers and tape measures.
Key knowledge to build for the end of the year is:
- Times tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times table
- Number bonds to 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1,000 for addition and subtraction
- Number bonds for numbers that do not end in zero: (6+3, 16+3, 26+13)
- Multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100
Don’t forget the Number Gym Website to help you:
User name: beechwood. Password: primary
Whenever possible, ask your child to look at measures: how much does this weigh? How much liquid is in this measuring jug?How long is this table?
Don’t forget to keep asking what the time is and questions such as:
♦ What time will it be one hour from now?
♦ What time was it half an hour ago?
/ How does your garden grow?
This is a highly enjoyable science unit in which children learn about plants that can provide food for us.
We will take advantage of the Spring weather and spend time being ‘scientific gardeners! Children will consider what factors and conditions help to make healthy plants and produce plentiful crops!
Children will describe and relate differences in the way their plants grow to differences in the environment, and consider the impact on how food is grown. / Have a go at growing some plants from seeds! They don’t have to be grown in the soil outside! You could grow cress or mustard on egg boxes and tissue - the children love giving it haircuts as it grows.
Alternatively, if you have a garden, try growing sun flowers in pots and plant them up for a Summer display.
If you have access to a computer there are some lovely sites for children to enjoy:
Creative Curriculum / Water, Water Everywhere?
We continue learning about the importance of Water and how it changes the everyday lives of people around the world.
We will be visiting Stoke Bruerne Museum to learn about canals, how they work and why they were so important. / Water Interesting facts to share. Did you know…?
It takes 200,000,000 litres per second to grow food for the planet.
Human blood is 83% water.
There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when Earth was formed. The water from your tap could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank!
Can you find water facts to share with us in class?
/ Swimming lessons will continue for all classes.
Tuesday - Owl
Wednesday - Eagle and Kestrel
Thursday - Falcon
Children will also continue to enjoy their additional PE lesson with our specialist coach, Elite Sports and we are practising athletics for our School Sports Day. / Each week your child will need a swimming costume and towel as well as a hairbrush or comb, kept in a bag. For safety reasons, please ensure all jewellery is removed before children come to school. NO earrings are allowed!
For PE, your child will need full P.E kit, as normal. Leggings or joggers should only be worn for religious reasons. Long hair should be tied back.
Please also make sure your child has their PE kit in school everyday – we are training to be Beechwood athletes!
Homework / Thank you for all the work you do with your children at home.
Learning Logs : Children will take these home every Friday and they are expected back on Friday
Spellings and Times Tables: These will be given every Friday. Children will be tested each Friday.
Please encourage your child to practise their spellings and times tables each night.
Please remind them to bring their Reading Record to school every day.