Crescent View Board
Present Jim Willoughby, Doug Wright, Dave Kelliher, Chris Jostol, Jeanne Rickey
Little House - Board agreed to have the attorney draw up a water contract with the owners of the Little House (Oberg/Leland) and Crescent View Water System. Doug will send the contract and a copy of the Cross Connection Control Policy and a letter outlining cost to hook up ($3000), show proof of professional plumber to make the connection and install cross connection system and also encourage them to install meters. He will find out when they intend to make the connection.
Tower Green - cross connections complete
Orchards – No progress on their cross connection installation. Doug will send them a letter with deadline for cross connections Oct.31,2007 and send a copy to RH2 (Ken Jacobson.).
All owners are current.
Risk Management – Chris to follow up with a construction attorney to send a letter to Patrick Schroeder regarding the cut he made on the hillside above our water tank.
Pool fences – Grant County has changed the requirements for the pool fences from the current height of 36 to 46 inches. Dave has digital pictures of areas that are not high enough. The top of the rails must be 46 inches from any place a toe hold is possible. After Dave and Mark identify where the fences need to be increased, we will have Grant county review the plans to make sure all areas are included and the plan is acceptable. When that plan is complete, Dave and Mark will solicit bids/estimates for the work. One option for the bids might be to install a wire mesh rather than replace the fence railings.
Security cameras – Signs are being made to be placed in several locations around the property. They will be printed in English and Spanish: This property protected by camera surveillance. Dave is looking for a wireless camera for the entry location.
Painting – The 80 sections of railings around Building G will be done by Yetter Painters.
Building C will be painted in the Springs. Yetter’s seven-year contract expires in the spring and they will be asked to resubmit a recommended schedule of painting (i.e. one building per year for seven or more years.)
Pool assistant – Casey will end his time with Crescent View at the end of September. He has been a very valuable assistant for Mark during the Spring and Summer months for the past several years. The board is seeking a new Pool Assistant and asking if there are sons or daughters of owners who might be interested in working next year from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The 5 – 6 hour days start at 7:30 a.m. from six – to seven days a week. Any owner’s children interested? Please contact a member of the board. The salary starts at $9.50/hour and will increase as appropriate.
Board authorized Mark to purchase two outside waterproof clocks for the waterfall and island pools.
Dave will ask Mark to submit a list of tools/equipment he needs and areas that need repair or replacement within the complex by Nov 15th. This will help the board as they forecast the budget for 2008-09 to be submitted to the owners at the 2008 annual meeting.
Old Business
With an overwhelming yes vote from Crescent View owners, the board purchased a new John Deere tractor. You can’t miss it; it’s bright shiny green and the operator has a big grin!
Funds for the purchase of 80 mailboxes have been set aside (per the homeowners vote). The boxes will be purchased this year and installed next Spring with a new concrete base to be located at the end of the entrance road.
Doug will work with Mark to obtain an estimate for installation of a bathroom at the Waterfall pool.
The fire sprinkler heads in F and G buildings need replacement. Dave will work with Mark is get a bid on replacement and installation.
The board has received a few queries about a new design at the entrance (near the gate), but no designs have been submitted. It has been suggested that the stylized metal cliffs at the end of the road might be moved to be part of a new entry. Any suggestions?
Labor Day and the incredible weather capped off a grand summer at Crescent View. The final party with DJ Super Dave was great fun. Issues with parking were non-existent, thanks to all owners for making that happen.
A reminder that glass containers are not allowed in the pool area – for obvious reasons!
Thank you to all the responsible dog owners who are using the dog potty area. Please remember to pick up after your pets. (Only the owners are tall enough to reach the plastic baggies stationed in the area and just a few feet from the garbage dumpsters!)
Be sure to check into our website periodically for new information
User: Crescent
Password: Resort
If you are interested in having your boat winterized, contact Mark Nunamaker.
Next meeting – November 8, 2007 –Dave Kelliher’s
Pool Code – October 2007 through April 2008 -- 8136*