SAS and Understanding By Design Template

Name Andrea Sisk Date 2/24/14 Length of Lesson 14 days Content Area Geometry Edline was updated this week:

My Class website was updated this week:

LESSON TOPIC: Right Triangle and Trigonometry / BIG IDEAS:
(Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus)
2.1.8.A Represent and use numbers in equivalent forms (e.g., integers, fractions, decimals, percents, exponents, scientific notation, square roots).
2.1.8.B Simplify numerical expressions involving exponents, scientific notation and using order of operations.
2.1.11.A Use operations (e.g., opposite, reciprocal, absolute value, raising to a power, finding roots, finding logarithms).
2.1.8.E Simplify and expand algebraic expressions using exponential forms.
2.2.8.A Complete calculations by applying the order of operations.
2.2.11.B Use estimation to solve problems for which an exact answer is not needed.
2.2.11.D Describe and explain the amount of error that may exist in a computation using estimates.
2.3.11.A Select and use appropriate units and tools to measure to the degree of accuracy required in particular measurement situations.
2.3.11.B Measure and compare angles in degrees and radians.
2.3.8.E Describe how a change in linear dimension of an object affects its perimeter, area and volume.
2.10.11.B Identify, create and solve practical problems involving right triangles using the trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Students will understand: Use of geometric mean to solve problems involving side length. How the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse are used to solve problems. Trigonometric ratios, their definitions, and how to use them to solve right triangle problems. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Can you…?
•Simplify and use operations on radicals
•Solve problems using the geometric mean
•Solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse
•Set up trig ratios for right triangle problems.
•Use trig ratios to solve right triangle problems

VOCABULARY: Radical, simplified radical form, geometric mean, Pythagorean triple, trigonometry, trigonometric ratio, sine, cosine, tangent, angle of depression, angle of elevation,



Students will be able to:
1Simplify, multiply, add, subtract, and divide radicals
2.Find the geometric mean between two numbers. Solve problems involving relationships between parts of a right triangle and the altitude to its hypotenuse.
3.Physically explore side-length relationships in the Pythagorean Theorem. Use the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.
4.Use properties of 45-45-90 triangles.
5.Use properties of 30-60-90 triangles.
6.Find trigonometric ratios using right triangles. Solve problems using trigonometric ratios.
7.Solve problems involving angles of elevation and depression.
PERFORMANCE TASK:Students will actively participate in class examples, discussion, classwork, group discussion, and activities / FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS:
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#2. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#3. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
Others: Summarizing Main Idea, Open-Ended Questions, Think-Pair-Share
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
Others: Graphic Organziers, Summarizing, Cooperative Education, Partnering, Think-Pair-Share
Describe usage: See below for Compare/Contrast, Graphic Organizers, Cooperative Education, Partnering, Note-Taking, Think-Pair-Share. Check for understanding and summarizing using warm up, homework, formative assessment questioning or exit tickets to determine whether to continue lesson or do interventions as needed. (model, spiral scaffolding, instruct/ reteach as needed)
Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
#2 . Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
Others: Graphic Organizers, Build Vocabulary, KWL
Describe usage: Warm up to include spiraling review of prior knowledge to include upcoming lesson. All notes are guided notes to build vocabulary, interspersed with group activities. Graphic organizers utilized when appropriate to compare/contrast vocabulary. KWL used with chapter vocabulary at beginning and end of each chapter.
Other techniques used:
Based on daily assessments (formative and summative), additional modeling, instruction, homework, review, interventions, group work, computer or teacher guided practice will be done. / MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:
Unit 7 Right Triangles and Trigonometry
(Glencoe Geometry text)
Warm ups (daily)
Homework (daily)
“Grab & Go” worksheets/ activities
Unit Test
Additional materials as needed (rulers, compass, grid paper, etc)
Teach made guided notes to enhance the material in the unit.
Struggling students will be referred to Math Lab
Small group/flexible grouping will occur.
Various computer programs. / ASSIGNMENTS:
• (7-0) Simplifying Radicals – Worksheet Pages 645 #1-4, 10-13 and 646 #1-3, 8-11
• (7-0) Adding and Subtracting Radicals – Pink Packet Pages 3 & 4
• (7-0) Multiplying Radicals - Pink Packet Page 7
(7-0) Dividing Radicals - Pink Packet Page 6
• (7-0) Radical Practice – Remaining Pages of Pink Packet
•(7-1) Geometric Mean - Page 346-347 #13 – 37 odd
•(7-2) The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse – Day 1– Page 354 #12 – 17, 22 – 29
•(7-2) The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse – Day 2– 7-2 Practice Worksheet or Page 353 #1 – 6, 8 – 11
•(7-3) Special Right Triangles – Day 1– Page 360 #12 – 25
•(7-3) Special Right Triangles – Day 2– 7-3 Practice Worksheet or Page 360 #1 – 8, 10
•(7-4) Trigonometry – Day 1- 7-4 A WS (in packet)
•(7-4) Trigonometry – Day 2- Page 368 # 19 – 51 odd
•(7-4) Trigonometry – Day 3- 7-4 Practice Worksheet or Page 367 #1 – 14, 17
•(7-5) Angles of Elevation and Depression- Day 1- 7-5 A WS (in packet)
•(7-5) Angles of Elevation and Depression- Day 2- Page 374 # 9 – 25 odd
•(7-5) Angles of Elevation and Depression- Day 3- 7-5 Practice Worksheet
•Chapter 7 Review