Our goal is for every child to have a wonderful kindergarten learning experience. Our classroom will be a place where children are able to explore and enjoy learning. In order for each child to experience the positive educational environment they deserve, everyone will need to follow classroom rules. Kindergartners are learning to develop self-control. Our classroom discipline plan is designed to encourage children to develop the self-discipline they will need for life-long success. Positive reinforcement will be used to help achieve this goal. Rules will be discussed and practiced with role play. Students will learn that rules are important to follow to ensure the safety and well-being for each of us at school.
Classroom Rules:
1. We will use soft inside voices.
2. We will be kind to each other with our words, hands, and feet.
3. We will use our listening ears and follow directions.
4. We will stay in our own space.
5. We will take care of materials.
Every day parents will receive a behavior sheet in each student’s communication folder. This sheet will need to be signed each day. This folder is a tool for daily communication for parents and teachers. In class, we use a behavior chart to monitor student choices. These choices are recorded daily on each student's behavior sheet. Here is how the chart and system works:
Your child will have the opportunity to earn 3 points each day. We will stop and reflect on behavior choices several times during the day.
Each day, parents will receive notice in the child's communication folder of how many points their child earned for the day. The goal is for children to consistently earn 3 points on most days. Appropriate behavior in children is a learning process. We will redirect inappropriate behaviors using positive reinforcement, reminders and a counting system. The book 1,2,3 Magic (Thomas Phelan) is used as a resource. If necessary, your child will be asked to go to the “Thinking Chair” to think about appropriate behavior choices. We will conference with each child, as needed to help guide this process. If your child has had difficulty making appropriate choices during the day, the daily score will reflect those choices. Scores could look like this on a student behavior sheet:
4 points: Awesome Day! No reminders!
3 points: Great day!! All rules were followed and a sticker or stamp was earned.
2 points: The student needs to think about better choices. Reminders and The Thinking Chair was used. No sticker or stamp was earned.
1 point: The student needs to think about better choices. Reminders and the Thinking Chair was used No sticker or stamp was earned.
0 points: The student made poor choices today. A note/phone call to parents was made. No sticker or stamp was earned.
We work very hard in our class to maintain a positive atmosphere. We do our best to help students recognize and make good choices in their behavior. We believe that home-school communication is crucial to each child’s success. Every day we put a “stamp” or a sticker on your child’s star sheet if he/she earned 3 points. Look for this stamp or sticker each day and give your child an extra hug when they had a great day!
Individual Rewards
A Treasure Box is available to use when students earn 4 or more stickers on their Weekly Behavior Chart. Donations for the Treasure Box are always needed. Items for the Treasure Box must be small (like birthday party prizes).
Please ask if there are questions. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Let's Have a Sunny Good Year!
Ms. Webster and Mrs. Davis