Grade 11 History
Canadian Identity Assignment
Essential Question: How does my cultural heritage connect to Canadian history?
Task: Find YOUR place in Canadian history! YOU belong here, whether you were born in Canada, came to Canada a number of years ago, or have just arrived.
You will be researching your place in Canadian history based on your cultural background. If you don’t know your background, simply choose a cultural group to research (Indigenous, Irish, Jewish, Ukrainian, Filipino, etc.).
Intent(Why): The best way to study history is to personally connect to it! Also, it’s a great general introduction to Canadian history.
How To:
- Get information about your heritage / cultural group of choice. You need enough to make some connections to Canadian history. If you have some original photos (primary sources), that’s also great.
- Find connections! I am here to help with this part!
Some examples:
Indigenous history: Before and after the arrival of Europeans (Traditional worldview; impact of contact [Metis])
European Immigration: John A Macdonald’s National Policy, etc.
Newcomers: Immigration and refugee policies (how have they changed / remained the same over the years? May be helpful to consider “Push” and “Pull” factors of immigration)
- Choose a format to share your findings with the class. If it’s digital, please email it to me:
- Animated video (;
- Photo essay
- Powerpoint or Prezi
- Other? See me.
Due Date:______
Criteria:This assignment is worth 15 marks. See rubric on opposite side.
- You will earn marks for the connections you make to Canadian history, not for your personal family tree. The broader your connections, the deeper your understanding (E.g. The overall Irish experience in Canada, not just my family’s)
- A Chicago style Bibliography is required for any research apart from the textbook. Simply use a site like to help you.
Suggested Sources of Information
- Textbook
- Indigenous Worldview: pp. 18+
- Metis history pp. 142+
- Post Confederation European Immigration: pp. 232+
- Canada’s multicultural policies: pp. 448+
- Websites:
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (check online research materials for more links)
Forging Our Legacy: Canadian Citizenship and Immigration 1900-1977
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Library and Archives Canada: Immigration records
Manitoba Metis Federation
The Canadian Encyclopedia
- You will earnmarks for the connections you make to Canadian history, not for your personal family tree.
- All information must be in your own words.
50-59% / Basic
60-69% / Good
70-79% / Very Good
80-89% / Excellent
How does my cultural heritage connect to Canadian history?
10 marks / -Can identify the 5Ws for cultural group in Canadian history / -Can explain the 5Ws for cultural group in Canadian history / -Can explain the cultural group experience by identifying Historical Significance, Continuity and Change, and Ethics / -Can provide an analysis of the cultural group experience through Historical Significance, Continuity and Change, and Ethics / -Canmake judgments based on Historical Significance, Continuity and Change, and Ethics
-Can consider turning points and past / present relationships
5 marks / -Needs more preparation and elements of good presentations / -Somewhat prepared
-Some elements of a good presentation / -Mostly prepared.
-Some / most elements of a good presentation / -Well prepared.
-Most elements of a strong presentation. / -Very well prepared
-All elements of strong presentation
Self-Evaluation: I have earned a mark of ______out of 15 because ______
Note: “I worked hard” is not specific. Please give me a specific example of what you did to earn the marks.Thank you for sharing!