Quarter 4
The learner will create text by writing for other people considering the audience and purpose.
W.5.2.1 Write for other people. (i.e., parents, relatives, friends, teachers, and authors)
The learner will create text for a specific audience by writing in the appropriate format.
W.5.2.2 Match purpose for writing to the appropriate audience.
The learner will create different forms and topics by writing daily.
W.5.2.3 Write daily.
The learner will create different forms and topics by writing in a personal journal.
W.5.2.13 Write in a personal journal.
The learner will create different forms and topics by writing independently about self-selected topics.
W.5.2.14 Write independently on self-selected topics.
The learner will apply effective writing skills by using common criteria and judgment to assess own work.
W.7.2.6 Apply commonly agreed upon criteria and own judgment to assess the quality of own work
The learner will evaluate an author's personal style and voice by assessing writing of others by giving specific feedback on the author's clarity, and logical order of the writing.
W.7.2.7 Respond to the writing of others by giving specific feedback on the clarity and logical order of the writing
The learner will analyze written work by evaluating progress in writing and work habits.
W.7.2.8 Examine written work to determine progress in writing and work habits
The learner will apply effective speaking skills by using oral language for different purposes.
OV.1.2.6 Use oral language for different purposes (i.e., to inform, persuade, and entertain)
The learner will apply prewriting strategies by using a writer's notebook to record interesting words and phrases, book or experiences.
W.4.2.1 Contribute to a writer's notebook (i.e., interesting words or phrases, books, or experiences that spark an interest, etc.)
The learner will apply the writing process by using prewriting strategies to organize ideas.
W.4.2.2 Use prewriting strategies to organize ideas.
The learner will apply the writing process by choosing which topics to work on over several days.
W.4.2.3 Make decisions about which topic to work on over several days.
The learner will apply drafting strategies by organizing their writing appropriately.
W.4.2.4 Organize writing appropriately. (i.e., sequence, main idea and detail, cause and effect, etc.)
The learner will create personal style and voice by developing a beginning, middle and end to a story.
W.7.2.1 Develop a beginning, middle, and end to a story.
The learner will apply the research process by constructing questions about topics of personal interest.
IR.12.2.1 Generate questions about topics of personal interest
The learner will apply webbing and mapping skills by using graphic organizers.
IR.12.2.6 Use such graphic organizers as webbing and mapping to organize information
The learner will create writing by constructing well-developed paragraphs that include introduction, details, and conclusion.
W.4.2.5 Create well-developed paragraphs that include introduction, details, and conclusion
The learner will apply drafting strategies by using relevant information in writing.
W.4.2.6 Include relevant information in writing.
The learner will apply words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge by using them in speaking.
OV.1.2.1 Use words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge.
The learner will apply peer responses and teacher conferences by using suggestions to revise organization, content and clarity of writing.
W.4.2.7 Revise writing for organization, content, and clarity based on peer responses and teacher conferences
The learner will apply the writing process by using revising strategies to delete irrelevant information.
W.4.2.9 Delete irrelevant information
The learner will apply revision strategies by using and giving feedback to peers.
W.4.2.10 Give and receive feedback about writing.
The learner will apply revision strategies by using a teacher-made revision checklist.
W.4.2.11 Utilize a teacher made revision checklist.
The learner will create personal style and voice by adapting literary language to their writing.
W.7.2.4 Embed literary language in writing. (i.e., "Once upon a time")
The learner will apply personal style and voice by using new vocabulary and concepts in their writing.
W.7.2.5 Apply new vocabulary and concepts into writing.
The learner will apply the behaviors of an active reader by demonstrating knowledge of the content and theme of the works of a single author.
R.10.2.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the content and theme of the works of a single author
The learner will apply vocabulary by using new words in their speaking, reading and writing.
R.11.2.8 Experiment with language, including trying new words and using them in speaking, reading, and writing.
The learner will apply editing skills by editing for complete sentences, spelling appropriate words, usage, punctuation, and capitalization.
W.4.2.12 Edit for complete sentences, spelling appropriate words, usage, punctuation, and capitalization
The learner will apply available resources to edit personal writing by using an editing checklist, thesaurus, or dictionary.
W.4.2.13 Utilize available resources to edit personal writing (i.e. editing checklist, simple thesaurus, dictionary, etc.)
The learner will apply effective writing skills by using a variety of simple sentences.
W.6.2.1 Use a variety of simple sentences.
The learner will apply effective writing skills by using different sentence patterns and lengths.
W.6.2.2 Vary sentence patterns and lengths
The learner will apply usage conventions by using singular and plural pronouns correctly.
W.6.2.3 Use singular and plural pronouns correctly.
The learner will apply usage conventions by using correctly combined sentences.
W.6.2.5 Combine sentences correctly
The learner will apply usage conventions by using and punctuating declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing.
W.6.2.6 Use and punctuate declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
The learner will apply spelling conventions by using phonetic strategies and common visual patterns to spell unfamiliar words.
W.6.2.7 Use phonetic strategies and common visual patterns to spell unfamiliar words.
The learner will remember the correct spelling by memorizing a growing number of high frequency words.
W.6.2.8 Spell a growing number of high frequency words correctly.
The learner will apply spelling by using prefixes and common inflectional endings to spell new words.
W.6.2.9 Use knowledge of prefixes and common inflectional endings to spell new words.
The learner will apply capitalization conventions by using capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
W.6.2.10 Capitalize the beginning of sentences.
The learner will apply capitalization conventions by using capital letters with proper nouns.
W.6.2.11 Capitalize proper nouns.
The learner will apply punctuation conventions by using question marks correctly.
W.6.2.12 Use question marks.
The learner will apply apostrophes by using them in contractions and singular possessives.
W.6.2.13 Use apostrophes for contractions and singular possessives
The learner will apply punctuation conventions by using exclamation marks for emphasis.
W.6.2.14 Use exclamation marks for emphasis.
The learner will apply writing strategies by using commas in dates and addresses.
W.6.2.15 Use commas in dates and addresses
The learner will apply formatting by writing legibly in manuscript.
W.6.2.16 Write legibly in manuscript.
The learner will create writing by preparing pieces for publication including illustrations, rewriting, or typing/word processing, page break, and charts.
W.4.2.14 Prepare pieces for publication (i.e. illustrations, rewriting, or typing/word processing, page break, and charts, etc.)
The learner will create published text by compiling ten pieces through the year.
W.4.2.15 Polish approximately ten pieces through the year (i.e. friendly letters, invitations, poems, stories, and songs, etc.)
The learner will apply writing by using available technology to publish.
W.4.2.16 Use available technology for publishing
The learner will apply the writing by selecting pieces for a writing portfolio that demonstrate growth.
W.4.2.17 Select pieces for a writing portfolio that demonstrate growth