USR 3456 - Bibliographie 2013

Données communiquées au 02/09/16

Articles dans revue à comité de lecture

A. Fouquet, Q. Martinez, E.A. Courtois, M. Dewynter, K. Pineau, P. Gaucher, M. Blanc, C. Marty, P.J.R. Kok. 2013. A new species of the genus Pristimantis (Amphibia, Craugastoridae) associated to the modest uplands of French Guiana. Zootaxa, 3750(5):569-586

E.A. Courtois, J.H. Cornuau, A. Loyau, D.S. Schmeller. 2013. Distribution of Amphibiocystidium sp. in palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) in Ariège, France Herpetology Notes 6:539-543

E.A. Courtois, J. Devillechabrolle, M. Dewynter, K. Pineau, P. Gaucher, J. Chave. 2013. Monitoring strategy for eight amphibian species in French Guiana, South America. PLoS ONE 8(6): e67486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067486

E.A. Courtois, C. Lelong, O. Calvez, A. Loyau, D.S. Schmeller. 2013. The use of visible implant alpha tags for Anuran tadpoles.Herpetological review 44(2):231-233

Marty C., Lebailly M., Gaucher P., Tostain O., Dewynter M., Blanc M. & Fouquet A. 2013. Report on the occurrence of Dendropsophus leali (Bokermann, 1964) (Anura; Hylidae) in French Guiana. Bull. Soc. Herp. Fr., 148, 419–424.

Fouquet A., Blotto B.L., Maronna M.M., Verdade V.K., Juncá F.A., de Sá R. & Rodrigues M.T. 2013. Unexpected phylogenetic positions of the genera Rupirana and Crossodactylodes reveal insights into the biogeography and reproductive evolution of leptodactylid frogs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 67, 445–457.

Fouquet A., Pineau K., Rodrigues M.T., Mailles J., Schneider J.-B., Ernst R. & Dewynter M. 2013. Endemic or exotic: The phylogenetic position of the Martinique Volcano Frog Allobates chalcopis (Anura: Dendrobatidae) sheds light on its origin and challenges current conservation strategies. Systematics and Biodiversity, 11(1), 87–101.

Casella, T. M., Eparvier, V., Mandavid, H., Bendelac, A., Odonne, G., Dayan, L., Duplais, C., Espindola, L. S., Stien, D., 2013. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic secondary metabolites from leaf endophytes: isolation of antibacterial agent pyrrocidine C from Lewia infectoria SNB-GTC2402. Phytochemistry 96 (2013): 370-377.

Odonne, G., Valadeau, C., Alban-Castillo, J., Stien, D., Sauvain, M., Bourdy, G., 2013. Medical ethnobotany of the Chayahuita Amerindians (Peruvian Amazon). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 146: 127-153.

Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., 2013. Fluvial sediment supply, mud banks, cheniers and the morphodynamics of the coast of South America between the Amazon and Orinoco river mouths. Invited contribution, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 388, first published on September 2, 2013, doi:10.1144/SP388.8.

Péron, C., Chevallier, D., Galpin, M., Chatelet, A., Anthony, E.J., Le Maho, Y., Gardel, A., 2013. Beach morphological changes in response to marine turtles nesting: a preliminary study of Awala-Yalimapo beach, French Guiana (South America). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, 99-104.

Péron, C., Chatelet A., Gensac E.,Gardel, A., 2013. Mudbank migration from remote sensing and bathymetric data: The example of the Kourou River Estuary, French Guiana (South America). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, 558-563.

Anthony, E. J., Gardel, A., Proisy, C., Fromard, F, Gensac, E., Péron., C., Walcker, R., Lesourd, S., 2013 The role of fluvial sediment supply and river-mouth hydrology in the dynamics of the muddy, Amazon-dominated Amapá-Guianas coast, South America: a 3-point research agenda. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 44, 18-24.

Vantrepotte, V., Gensac E., Loisel H., Gardel A., Dessailly D. and Mériaux X., 2013. Satellite assessment of the coupling between in water suspended particulate matter and mud banks dynamics over the French Guiana coastal domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 44, 25-34.

Loisel, H., V. Vantrepotte, C. Jamet, and D. N. Dinh Challenges and new advances in ocean color remote sensing of coastal waters. Chapter in Oceanography Research (2013). InTech. Editor E. Zambianchi. ISBN 980-953-307-949-8.

Casella, T. M., Eparvier, V., Mandavid, H., Bendelac, A., Odonne, G., Dayan, L., Duplais, C., Espindola, L. S., Stien, D., 2013. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic secondary metabolites from leaf endophytes: isolation of antibacterial agent pyrrocidine C from Lewia infectoria SNB-GTC2402. Phytochemistry 96 (2013): 370-377.

Odonne, G., Valadeau, C., Alban-Castillo, J., Stien, D., Sauvain, M., Bourdy, G., 2013. Medical ethnobotany of the Chayahuita Amerindians (Peruvian Amazon). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 146: 127-153.

Chapitres d’ouvrage

DavyD., Tritsch I. & Grenand P., 2013.“Citoyenneté et territoire dans une commune amérindienne de la République française», in Elfort M. & Roux V. (Eds), La question autochtone sur le plateau des Guyanes, Presses Universitaire d'Aix-Marseille, pp. 151-166.

Boëtsch G., Charpentier, M., Chave, J., Chevallier, D., Davy, D., Fritz, H., Fromard, F., Gardel, A., Henry, P.Y., Le Corre, M., Le Maho, Y., Planes, S., Strasberg, D., 2014. Prospective en Ecologie Tropicale, Chap. 6, Outils et mesures, coord. Pierre-Marie Forget et Doyle Mckey. Les cahiers Prospectives de l’Institut Ecologie et Environnementn° 6, Juillet 2014


Loisel, H., V. Vantrepotte, C. Jamet, Dinh Ngoc D. (2013), Challenges and New Advances in Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters Earth and Planetary Sciences "Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, Topics in Oceanography", Edited by Enrico Zambianchi, 07/2013, INTECH., ISBN: 978-953-51-1179-5.



Rapports d’étude


Communications orales

Odonne, G., Davy, D., 2013. Disparités et ambigüités de l’accès aux ressources biologiques en Guyane française. Colloque international: peuples indigènes et ressources du vivant, 18-19 octobre 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Odonne, G., 2013. Etnobiologia e etnofarmacologia na Amazônia. Summer school of the Brasilian society of Pharmacognosy, 24 Juillet 2013, Macapa, Brazil. Conférence invitée

Ogeron, C., D.Davy, B. Clair, 2013, 19-21 novembre. «Savoirs locaux sur les usages et propriétés technologiques des bois de construction dans le bas-Oyapock (Guyane française)». Présentation flash et Poster C13.2ème Journées scientifiques du GDR 3544 Sciences du bois. Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, Champs sur Marne. 19 21/11/2013.

Odonne G. Davy D.2013, 19 octobre. «Disparités et ambigüités de l’accès aux ressources biologiques en Guyane française», colloque international «Peuples indigènes et ressources du vivant», Aix-en-Provence.

Actes de colloques

Tritsch I., Gond V., Oszvald J., DavyD., Grenand P., 2013. «Occupation du territoire et gestion des ressources naturelles en contexte amérindien : le cas des Wayampi et Teko de Camopi en Guyane française», in Farcy C., Peyron J.-L. & Poss Y. (Eds) Forêt et Foresterie, mutations et décloisonnements, Acte de colloque, L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 155-174.

Péron, C., Chevallier, D., Galpin, M., Chatelet, A., Anthony, E.J., Le Maho, Y., Gardel, A., 2013. Beach morphological changes in response to marine turtles nesting: a preliminary study of Awala-Yalimapo beach, French Guiana (South America). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, 99-104. IF 0.76

Péron, C., Chatelet A., Gensac E.,Gardel, A., 2013. Mudbank migration from remote sensing and bathymetric data: The example of the Kourou River Estuary, French Guiana (South America). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, 558-563. IF 0.76

Posters en congrès

Papitsa, C., Valentin, A., Odonne, G., Houël, E., Stien, D., Legrand, E., Cojean, S., Roblot, F., Maciuk, A., Duplais, C., Figadère, B., 2013. Biodereplication of Croton spp. extracts to point out molecules responsible for the antiplasmodial activity. International joint symposium AFERP/STOLON, Brussels, May 22-24th, 2013.


Davy D., 2013, Vanneries amérindiennes de Guyane: des usages et des symboles, Une Saison en Guyane, n°10, Cayenne, pp. 32-38.

Odonne G, 2013: Radio Guyane 1ère, émission «thématiques culturelles» du 2 avril (substances naturelles et paludisme).