Section 1. Applicant Information
Applicant Name: DOB: Age
NI Number: Rent Account Number: Marital status
Gender: Male Female
Ethnic Origin:
White British White Irish White Other Mixed Black & White Caribbean
Mixed Black and White African Mixed White and Asian Mixed Other
Asian-Indian Asian Pakistani Asian Bangladeshi Asian Other
Black Caribbean Black African Black Other Chinese
Gypsy/Traveller Other Declined to answer
Sexuality: Heterosexual Gay Bi-sexual Transgender Declined to answer
Post code Tel. No Mobile.
Can we contact you at the above address Yes No
If No please provide a correspondence address Old address awaiting new address after swap of properties confirmed.
Tenure: Council Tenancy Private Rented Housing Association Tenancy
Temporary Accommodation (e.g. hostel or foyer) No Fixed Abode
Household details – who is living with you
Name / DOB / Relationship to ApplicantSection 2. Referral information
Maintaining accommodation/Avoiding eviction / Obtaining paid work/Work like ActivitiesTraining/Education
Reducing Debt/ Rent Arrears Amount ETC.
Contact with external/groups/friends/family
Better manage physical health/Mental Health / Assistive technology/aids & adaptations
Better manage substance misuse / Other, setting up new home furnishing etc.
Is applicant aware that the referral has been made Yes No
Is anyone else supporting the applicant Yes No Don’t Know
If yes please state below:
Agency / Name and contact detailsCarer
YOT worker
Mental health professional
Social worker
Support or Key worker
Probation Officer
Signature: (applicant)
Risk Assessment
(Referring officers must complete to the best of their knowledge)
Accommodation & Tenancies (Please circle yes or no)Do you currently have your own tenancy? / Yes / No
Have you ever been evicted, asked to leave or abandoned a property? / Yes / No
Do you owe any rent arrears on any property you have lived in? / Yes / No
Offending History (Please circle yes or no)
Have you ever been:
Cautioned/arrested/prosecuted/imprisoned For any violent or sexual offence? / Yes / No
If yes please provide further details below:
Health Issues (Please circle yes or no)
Do you have any Physical or Mental health issues? / Yes / No
If yes please provide further details below:
Drug or Alcohol Issues (Please circle yes or no)
Does applicant have an alcohol or drugs problem? / Yes / No
If yes please provide further details below:
Any other Risks (Please circle yes or no)
Are you aware of any other risks in relation to the applicant or their property? / Yes / No
If yes please provide further details below:
Summary of Risk / Level of Risk(Please circle which applies)
Risk to Self / LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Risk to other professionals / LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Risk to members of the public / LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Risk to vulnerable Adult/Child / LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Name: Tel No:
Position held:
Signed: Date:
Guidance for referrers
The Housing Outreach Team can help prevent eviction. We offer practical help with rent arrears, benefits, private renting issues, debts, accessing other services and advice across a wide range of housing related issues.
2014 Civic Centre, St Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1RT 01902 551023