Application Form
1. Organisation Details
Date:Name of Charity:
Charity Number:
Date Established:
Phone Number:
Name of Director:
Contact Name:
Contact Position:
Email address:
Website address:
Structure of your organisation:
(Include number of Trustees/council/management committee members, management team, other employees and volunteers.)
2. Work of the Organisation
Please summarise the work of your organisation in approximately 40 words:
Please indicate which funding stream(s) you fall within:
(mark with an X) / Human Rights:
Prison Reform:
Conservation & Sustainability:
Please make sure you have read the criteria for funding as described on our website.
When answering the following question please detail the aims and objectives of your organisation and explain how you fit within our current areas of focus.
Describe in detail:
-the work you do
-where you work
-whom you help
-which focus areas you think your work falls in to
For each of the relevant headings below please describe your work and provide examples:
Policy Development
Service Provision
Funding Overseas Partner Agencies
Supporting / Educating Membership
Please describe how you assess that the aims and objectives of your organisation are being met.
We are particularly interested in your processes of evaluation; the methods used as well as the results.
From 1st April 2008 charities have been required to report on their Public Benefit, according to the principles laid out in the Charities Act 2006 and superseded by the Charities Act 2011. Please confirm that you are aware of, and meet, these new requirements (Y or N):
For more information please see:
Describe how you network or work with other charities and similar organisations in your field.
Please state the organisations that you work with.
What other organisations work in this area?
Please provide details of any recent achievements of your organisation:
Describe any future plans of your organisation:
We almost always choose our charities based on their expertise and strategic position within our focus areas. We tend to give unrestricted grants because it provides greater flexibility to the applicant charity.
In order to understand the breakdown of your expenditure we encourage organisations to undertake a Full Cost Analysis and to identify areas where unrestricted funds might be most useful.
Have you ever used a full cost analysis/recovery approach to access funds? Has this been successful?
Where do you think unrestricted funds would be most useful in your organisation?
The overall health of your organisation is an important criteria in our decision making.
Please describe how you support your staff team and what measures you have in place to ensure best practice is achieved.
If you have been awarded an ‘Investors in People’ or other similar accreditation that shows recognition in the organisation as a whole please provide details.
Please describe what measures your organisation has put in place to reduce its carbon footprint.
3. Financial Information
When is your financial year-end?
Income / Expenditure for organisation
(use figures from your most recent set of accounts/change headings as necessary)
2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016
Based on your last financial year:
What percentage of your income was restricted?
What percentage of your expenditure was spent on fundraising?
What was the highest salary paid?
What is the total level of your free reserves? (please indicate if this meets your reserves policy)
If your free reserves are below your reserves policy or less than 3 months, please provide details of any plans in place to build these:
What percentage of your income came from:
Individuals: e.g. by fund raising / legacies
Statutory funding: (e.g. NHS, Social Services, Government)
Other public funding bodies: (e.g. UN, EU, Foreign Governments)
Independent Grant-making foundations:
Corporate Funding:
Social Enterprise and other income generating activities:
Top five sources of grant income in last financial year:
-Please indicate whether the grant will continue
-If the grant is restricted please provide details of this
Name / Amount in 2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/16
Please provide details of any other grants have you secured for the coming year or applications currently pending, including whether this is restricted/unrestricted:
Give reasons for any significant changes in your financial position since your last financial year end:
If the governance of your charity prevents you from accessing certain types of funding please provide details:
Do you or any associated organisation provide your employees with pension arrangements? / YES/NO
If 'yes' are they based on 'defined benefits' or 'defined contributions'?
If they are based on 'defined benefits' is there a surplus or deficit in the pension fund? / SURPLUS/DEFICIT
What is the amount of the surplus or deficit?
If there is a deficit what steps have been taken to bring the fund into surplus?
Are you registered with The Pensions Regulator?
If not, what is your staging date?
4. Other Information
How did you hear about The Bromley Trust?
(if from a website, please specify which one)
Have you applied to The Bromley Trust before? If so, when?
Have you had a grant from The Bromley Trust before? If so, when?
Do you consent to your details being kept on our database?
Do you consent to your details being shared with other funders?
How long did it take you to complete this application form?
Please indicate if any part of the form was unclear.
Thanks for applying to us and good luck.
Please return this application form by email, saving it in the form ‘Your-Charity-Name.doc’
Send this to
Please put ‘Application From Your-Charity-Name’ as the subject line.
If you are unable to return this by email please send a hard copy to:
The Bromley Trust
Studio 7
2 Pinchin Street
E1 1SA
The Bromley Trust
Registered Charity Number: 801875