Web Chat on Conversion to Fast GC/MS and Hydrogen gas

The Idaho State Police Forensic Services are presenting a webinar series for forensic scientists in collaboration with the Midwest Forensic Resource Center. Its next offering is:

·  a web-chat with Professor Chuck Cornett,

·  on converting to fast GC/MS using hydrogen gas,

·  scheduled for July 31st, at 3pm Eastern time

The Idaho State Police will host the live web conversation. It is intended to produce a full discussion of conversion to fast GC/MS and hydrogen gas (both the positives and the negatives). Dr. Cornett has done research on this process, employs it in his work, and has given lectures addressing it at both the AAFS and the recent Mid-West Crime Laboratory Directors Meeting. Dr. Cornett’s presentation is available on-demand at:

·  http://mediasite.uwplatt.edu/uwp/Play/d71f97a70a0c4157aa65633a1a1598ab1d

Participants in the live chat are encouraged to view it in advance. The presentation is entitled "Fast GC and Hydrogen Mobile Phases: Implementation." .
Register to attend by sending an email titled "Register for July 31" to Matthew Gammette at:


Following that, you will be provided with a link to the webcast several days before the event. A computer with speakers is required. Webcams and microphones are encouraged, but are not required. Idaho State Police Forensic Services employees do not need to register, because the link will be sent to them automatically.

We intend to host an ongoing series of web-based presentations-of-interest for forensic scientists, and ask that those of you with ideas for topics or speakers suggest them to Todd Zdorkowski (at ), or Matthew Gammette (at )

Thank you.

Matthew Gamette
Idaho State Police Forensic Services Quality Manager
700 South Stratford Drive Suite 125
Meridian Idaho 83642

· September 7th we will host a webinar with Dr. Mary Bush from SUNY Buffalo Department of Restorative Dentistry. Her presentation will be "Shape Measurement and Statistical Tools: Application to Fingerprints and Footwear Evidence." The presentation will begin at 3pm Eastern time and last approximately 1 hour. Dr. Bush presented this information at the Mid-west Directors Meeting in 2012. All lab personnel with interest are welcome.