Driver Skill Evaluator Course Evaluation / / 20
Month Day Year
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Instructor Name______
Classroom Presentation(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)
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1. Was the class content meaningful?
2. Was the information presented well?
3. Were the concepts explained clearly?
4. Did the classroom demonstrations aid in your understanding of the 5 Keys?
5. Did the lecture adequately prepare you for the on-road training?
On-Road Training(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Was the on-road content meaningful?
2. Was the information presented well?
3. Do you feel you were given enough time to get familiar with the vehicle?
4. Did the instructor’s 15 minute behind the wheel demonstration of the 5 Keys aid
in your understanding of the techniques?
5. Was the instructor’s guidance during coaching drive helpful?
6. Was the out of vehicle blind area demonstration useful?
7. Did you find the backing/parking exercise effective?
8. Did the instructor give a balanced critique of your evaluation drive?
On-road Training Skills(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)
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- With practice I can observe and evaluate drivers’ strengths and weakness.
- I have the foundation needed to coach drivers on-road to affect change
in driving behavior.
- I have learned techniques to evaluate a driver’s strengths and weaknesses
then provide verbal and written feedback to the student.
Instructor/Summary Information(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)
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1. Did our instructor present himself/herself in a professional manner?
- Was the time well spent?
- Will this experience make you a safer driver?
- Did the instructor give a balanced critique of your presentation skills?
- Do you think this class would benefit a co-worker or friend?
Please feel free to use this space for any additional comments
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