What a wonderful start to our school year! I have enjoyed meeting each and every student and look forward to a great year. This document is intended to give a general overview of my expectations in Science class this year. More specific details about the curriculum will be provided at Curriculum Night next week.

Class Guidelines to Success

·  I expect that all students come to class with the willingness to learn. This includes having all necessary materials, on time, and focused. If there is a situation, either at home or socially, that you think might impact your student’s focus in class, this is valuable information for me, as the teacher. Feel free to email me with any updates.

·  Listed below are positive habits that will help us work well as a class. Science is a collaborative class. When these traits are missing in students’ behavior, issues that interrupt learning can occur.

Positive Qualities in a Good Learning Environment

Respect Responsibility Cooperation

Honesty Integrity Acceptance

Self-Discipline Compassion Courage

·  Have fun and ask questions!!! Science can be a lot of fun. As with many aspects of life, it’s what you make of it. Attitude is everything!!

Assignments and Grades

It is my goal to provide students and families with the best and most in depth communication about student achievement and progress. As assignments are returned to students, they will be posted on the on-line grading system. Formative work (notes, activities and work we do while learning the concepts) will be worth 30%. Formative assignments will be scored and entered in the grade book as formative and while important will not have a tremendous affect the student’s final grade. Summative work (final papers or labs, performance tasks and tests designed to be submitted at the end of unit) will be worth 70%. Detailed scoring guides will be provided for all summative assignments, other than tests/quizzes at the time that they are assigned and students will be expected to perform at a certain level. See the blog for a more detailed break-down of proficiency grading. Grading is based on an A, B, C scale with NYM or Not Yet Meets. Students usually have the opportunity to correct/revise NYM summative work and in all, or most cases, this is required. In order to re-take a test or quiz, students must first make corrections to the quiz and speak with me to plan for the test re-take. This is in effort to help ensure student success on the re-take.

Use FamilyLink to help stay on top of grades. Continuously late or missing work will be reflected in the Habits of Mind grades at the end of each quarter. This is the best way to check progress in each class.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed. The blog (http://blogs.acms.wlwv.k12.or.us/staff/jonesj/) is the best tool to help you see what you missed. There is an agenda for each class as well as links to the documents that were handed out that day. It is expected that you check the blog when you are absent.

To the Parents:

I have great hopes that this will be a wonderful year for your child and feel very confident that it will be a time of academic growth. I look forward to helping expand your son/daughter’s abilities in the subject of Science. Although I make every attempt to keep parents in the loop, please feel free to call or email me with any concerns you might have throughout the year. If you have any information or concerns that would help me provide the best education for your child, please share with me in the space provided below. Regardless of any concerns, please sign with your son/daughter and return the form below, showing that you and your child are aware of the class expectations. Please take the time to discuss and ask questions about the guidelines and grading procedures with your son/daughter. I look forward to meeting you all at Curriculum Night.


Julie M. Jones

Please complete and return. Another copy of this information can be found on the blog for future reference.

Teacher: Mrs. Jones

I have visited the class blog to get an understanding of the layout and where I can find things.

I located the agenda for daily classes

I located where to find extra copies of work

I have successfully logged in to Family Link and can check grades.

I have read and understand the class guidelines and grading process.

Student: ______Period ______


Parent/Guardian ______Home Phone ______

(Signature) Work Phone ______

Email ______

Star (*) the best way to reach you

Comments or Goals?