Office of Contracts – Purchasing Contracts Prebid Questions
ITB: 106-18
TS2 Type 1 16 position terminal facilities specify the following features.
"7. Access to spare terminal for wiring of confirmation lights.
8. Terminate the ped load switch input wires to separate terminals"
TS2 Type 1 load switch inputs are driven by the BIU. Outputs can be mapped to any load switch input. We would request additional detail with respect to the listed features.
Answer: In the past we have received cabinets that do not have the correct wiring to run pre-emption confirmation lights. These notes were added to ensure all future cabinets have this capability.
ITB: 095-19 (Mitigation Credit Purchase)
1. Following up on the question submitted 3/8/18 regarding the meaning of "guaranteed credit", why does the pricing spreadsheet not include the option to quantify the number of stream or wetland credits being "guaranteed?"
Answer: ODOT not yet selected the watersheds where credits will be purchased. Upon selections, the selections may be for specific project needs or for mitigation projections for future projects. If this response does not satisfy your question, please clarify the question.
2. Does the 2-year contract term mean that credits are "guaranteed" to be available for ODOT to purchase on an as-needed basis for 2 years?
Answer: yes
ITB: 106-18
1. Is this an all or nothing bid? Am I able to bid on just the items that apply to our company or are you looking for one company to bid all items?
Answer: The pricing page explains how each group will be awarded. The groups that are Multiple Award will be awarded to all vendor. To be awarded a group by low bid, you would need to bid on all items within that group.
2.If I am able to bid our products, on page 47. number 11. BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS, If awarded the contract, we do prefer a blanket order as our product is "made to order" and with the urgent nature of some orders and the privilege to serve ODOT, are you able to provide us with the annual usage last year? This number will help me provide you with the smallest margins available.( item number 8.14.5 & 8.14.6 )
Answer: Purchases would be coming from 12 Districts that make up the State. Each District has its own budget. So blanket orders are not possible.
I do not have reports that show how many of each item was purchased by each District.
3. When submitting our bid, it states on page 36. number 3. "A a hard copy of this entire invitation to bid document" should be included. Are you referring to all 62 pages of the invitation 106-18? If so, is there a particular order in which the department prefers this to be in?
Answer: You need to return the entire bid document, hard copy of the pricing information and a cd with your pricing. The hard copy of the pricing and cd pricing should be identical.
ITB: 095-19 (Mitgration Credit Purchase)
What is the definition of a guaranteed credit?
Answer: Guaranteed meaning credits are available for sale to ODOT in that watershed. We would be looking to make the purchases quickly (with the current pot of money) after the vendors are under contract.
ITB: 027-18 (OEM Parts for Dynamic Message Sign Systems)
We are currently completing the parts list bid and had a question about lines 78 and 79. Are you wanting 1 year extended warranty pricing for the displays quoted on the agreement or for all Ohio DOT displays?
ITB: 130-18
ITB: 130-18
There are a number of items with ITB 130-18, which would like to clarify:
Section 6: Is it the intent of OH DOT to award and purchase from each group; meaning, purchase one TrafficJet unit and one HP printer? Or is the intent to purchase the lower cost printer? Because there are many differences in the print systems, from power consumption, to maintenance requirements, to the way the warranties are structures, and more, Avery Dennison does not believe it is possible to effectively evaluate the true cost of the printers solely based on information requested in this bid. It is ODOT’s intent to evaluate the contract once the bids come in and make determinations at that time, as any purchases would be restricted based on the current fiscal year budget.
Section 8: This section should be titled “Avery Dennison TrafficJet Print System.” The trafficJet Print System is designed and sold by the Avery Dennison Corporation. The “Avery” Office and Consumer Labels brand is owned by CCL Industries, and it is not associated with the TrafficJet Print System; the term “Avery Plotter” could be misconstrued. We will take that into consideration on future contract updates to the system.
Section 8.1 (paragraph 4: Sign Warranty): When produced in accordance with Avery Dennison fabrication recommendations, signs produced on the TrafficJet Print System are warranted by Avery Dennison the same as the base sheeting used. Avery Dennison Engineering grade is warranted for 7 years, Type IV HIP is warranted for 10 years, while Type XI OmniCube is warranted for 12 years. Though signs may last for much longer than the warranty period, depending on climate and a number of other factors, Avery Dennison does not warrant any of of our sheeting, or signs produced on the TrafficJet Print System for more than 12 years. The specifications require 10 – 15 years and specify that it is sheeting dependent. Any warranty specific time period information can be included with your bid.
Section 8.1 (paragraph 11: Flexi Licenses): The TrafficJet Print System includes one license of the Flexi Sign & Print System, which may be installed on one computer for all the users of that computer. Installation on multiple computers requires multiple licences, which need to be purchased separately. If the intent is to install the software on five different computers for simulation usage by up to five different users, a line items for four additional licenses (four plus the one included with the printer) should be added to the bid. The specification for the system specifies 5 separate license. Bids should be adjusted to accommodate the extra licenses.
Section 9.1: paragraph 1: Spot Inks): The TrafficJet Print System offers process colors for custom colors, and spot inks, which are specifically designed for the fabrication of regulated traffic signs. The HP Latex 365, however, only provides process color printing capabilities; it may print MUTCD compliant signs using a combination of process colors, but it cannot do so using latex spot inks as required. The spot color requirements further conflict with paragraph 3, which require process color print heads. Section 9.1 does not apply to the Avery System, as that is in Section 9.0 3M Plotter.
Section 9.1 paragraph 2: Sign Warranty): Specific length of sheeting manufacturer’s sign warranty has not been specified (unlike section 8.1 paragraph 4.) Noted.
ITB: 252-18
The new answers posted on 1/10 is calling for OEM A/C in lieu of the specified 32,000 BTU system. Will you consider allowing either OEM or the Specified system? The OEM system is only 17,800 BTU's and the aftermarket system far outweighs the OEM system's performance during the hot summer months, especially when the vehicle is at or near full capacity.
Answer: For this bid, only the OEM A/C will be accepted.
ITB: 803-18
I have questions about Section 2 Contract Duration. Are the services only to be performed for six months per year?
Answer: Yes
Also same section states that contract duration is until December 31, 2019. In the December 2019 will services only be performed for 31 days before contract ends?
Answer: In December 2019, services will be performed twice per week for a total of nine (9) occurrences.
ITB: 803-18
ITB: 803-18
With the hand drying towels - will you require 300' or 600' or 800'? Will you use a standard dispenser or custom name brand type?
Answer: The District will be replacing the dispenser with a basic, mechanical type dispenser. The unit will accept 8” wide, 600‘ long roll towels.
Are the plastic waste receptacles 55 gallon or some other size?
Answer: They are 55 gallon
What size entry floor mats are required for this site?
Answer: 3’ x 5’ mats
Do you require a certain type of floor mat?
Answer: No
ITB: 803-18
In an effort to provide the appropriate pricing for consumable items for staff and customers, is there a record of average use history available you can provide. Answer: Since this is a new facility, there is no actual historical data. Looking at other outpost facilities, their usage was about 6 cases per six month term.
Your list of required hand drying towels indicated roll type towels are required. Upon visiting the district 3 facility, a multi-fold dispenser was installed. Will ODOT require the vendor install a roll type dispenser and if so, will you require a push lever or mechanical type dispenser?
Answer: The District will be replacing the dispenser with a basic, mechanical type dispenser. The unit will accept 8” wide, 600‘ long roll towels.
ITB: 252-18
Section 11G. Required Tow Hooks
The 2018 Ford Transit does not come standard with OEM rear tow hooks. This would require the manufacturer to add aftermarket tow hooks in which we are not aware of any currently available that are made specifically for the Ford Transit. The tow points on the 2018 Ford Transit are located on the front of the vehicle. Can the department please clarify if rear tow hooks are still to be added to these vehicles?
Answer: Please disregard 11G. Rear tow hooks are not required.
ITB: 252-18
Section 15K. Wiring: All fuses and relays must be placed in an easily accessible solid-state circuit box with a secure cover with a legend identifying each circuit by function, circuit number, wire color and location.
This portion of the specification sounds like a specification that would identify with a shuttle bus. Due to the interior front design of the Ford Transit we do not see a place to mount a separate circuit box. All wiring is traditionally wired inside the OEM bulkhead portion. We ask for an approved equal to wire the fuses and relays inside the OEM bulkhead.
Answer: We will allow the fuses and relays to be wired inside the OEM bulkhead as an approved equal.
ITB: 253-18
Section K. Access Ramp
Item 2K states: “If the ramp remains upright while passengers are entering the vehicle, the ramp must swing from the B post on the passenger door.”
Question: Is this for sure what you’re wanting. Most ramps are mounted and swing from the C pillar like a gate. Please clarify.
Answer: The ramp should be mounted from the C pillar and swing like a gate.
ITB: 252-18
Page 16 Section 7C Exhaust: Is Ford OEM acceptable?
Answer: No, the exhaust must be directed out the driver’s side of the vehicle due to the lift being located in the rear of the vehicle.
Page 17 Section 28F Optional: Two different types of systems are being requested. One is a simple P.A. system. The other is an annunciator system. Please clarify.
Answer: Please disregard 28F.
Page 17 Section 29F Optional: A van has an all steel body where as a bus has fiberglass. Is this item necessary?
Answer: Please disregard 29F.
Page 18 Section 3G Glass: This window configuration is not available on the R2C from Ford. Can you please clarify OEM (Ford or up-fit manufacturer) and also the type of window that will be acceptable.
Answer: Please disregard 3G and use OEM Glass.
Page 18 Section 4G Windows: (Same as above)
Answer: Please disregard 4G and use OEM Glass.
Page 18 Section 5G Window Tint: (Same as above)
Answer: Please disregard 5G and use OEM Glass.
Page 18 Section 6G Window/Curbside safety view window: (Same as above)
Answer: Please disregard 6G and use OEM Glass.
Page 20 Section 2K Accessory Power: Please clarify what is acceptable, cigarette type, USB type, or whatever Ford OEM offers.
Answer: Please disregard 2K and use OEM Accessory Power.
Page 16 Section 9C Cooling System: Please accept Ford OEM heat and A/C.
Answer: Please disregard 9C and use OEM Heat and A/C.
Page 17 Section 26F,27F,28F29F Optional: Will you require the optional information when evaluating this current bid?
Answer: Optional equipment prices are required but will not be used to determine bid award.
ITB: 803-18 (Janitorial Services)
Section 8: Vender shall furnish, without additional cost consumables for staff and customers. Are we to average these cost in the unit cost per service and will ODOT provide the history of average use of the requested consumables so that we can provide a competitive estimate?
Answer: YES
Section 9: Services to be provided. Scope of services are requested at various intervals, daily, weekly, semi annual and annual task; are these cost to be averaged into the unit cost per service day?
Answer: YES
ITB: 252-18 (Accessible Vans)
The bid is calling for Slide and Clicks from Q-Straint or Sure-lok and meet WC-18 compliance. AMF-Bruns of America out of Hudson, Ohio has a similar system to the Slide and Click called "Smart Fitting" and their Platinum Series Tie Downs meets all testing standards including WC-18. Please allow AMF Bruns Platinum Series with Smart Fitting be an approved equal. Below is a link to their brochure, The Platnium Series is listed on page 30 (page 26 in the PDF):