Application Form –Registration of an Educational Institution

NCFHE Ref No: Institution Ref No:

Section A: General Information
A1 / Date of Submission
A2 / Title / Mr / Ms / Other
A3 / Owner’s Name and Surname
A4 / ID Card/Passport Number
Attach a copy (front and back) with this application form.
A5 / Email Address
A6 / Telephone and Mobile
A7 / Full Name of Education Institution
Please include abbreviations, if applicable.
A8 / Main Office Address
A9 / Address/es of Training Sites
Please ensure that this is the address from where the actual delivery of programmes is going to take place.
If training is offered online, kindly include any relevant URLs.
Section B: Legal Presence in Malta
B1 / MFSA Registration Number, or equivalent.
Please attach a copy of therelevant Certificate together with Statute of the Institution indicating that it is based in Malta.
Section C: Legal Representation in Malta
C1 / Name & Surname of
Legal Representative of the Educational Institution / Of person resident in Malta authorised to enter into legally binding agreements on behalf of the institution.
C2 / ID Card Number of
Legal Representative / Please include a scanned copy of this document (front and back).
C3 / Business Address & Locality of the Legal Representative
Section D: Category of Licence
D1 / License Category according to course levels of programmes offered.
Please refer to Section 5 of NCFHE’s Manual of Procedures available here for further guidance. / University
(Offers courses at MQF levels 5 - 8) / Higher Education
(Offers courses at MQF levels 5 – 8)
Further Education
(Offers foreign-awarded/home-grown courses at MQF levels 1 – 4) / Further Education
(An individual only offering foreign-awarded courses at MQF levels 1 - 4).
Tuition Centre (Offers courses that are not mapped to the MQF).
Section E: Mission Statement
E1 / Attach a description of the philosophy of the educational programme, including the rationale, mission statement and the aims and objectives of the institution.
If education is offered online or via blended-learning, there should be an explicit orientation towards the provision of digital education.
Please attach documents as required to this application form and tick the box to indicate attached documentation.
Section F: Target Audience
F1 / Ages 1 - 16 Ages 16 - 18
Age 19 – 30 Age 31 – 65
Age 65+
F2 / Geographical Spread / Malta
Outside Europe
F3 / Language/s of Instruction of Programmes
Section G: Locality and Mode of Provision / Tick as applicable.
G1 / a)Provision is delivered physically in Malta.
b)Provision is delivered physically abroad.
c)Provision is exclusively through digital channels.
d)Provision is through digital channels with additional learning activities delivered physically in Malta.
e)Provision is through digital channels with additional learning activities delivered physically abroad.
f)Provision is through digital channels with additional learning activities delivered both physically in Malta and aboard.
If (b), (c), (d) or (e) is chosen.
Attach the following information and documentation, where and if applicable. / Tick the box, if supporting document is attached.
G2 / Name and Contact details of any partners delivering education through an agency or any other agreement with the provider.
Attach proof of contractual or other formal relationship of operating and/or delivery partner/s, where applicable.
G3 / Nature of Operation(s)
Describe the nature of operation in each centre outside of Malta, e.g. Franchise, satellite campus, representation etc.
G4 / Head Office/Administration
Provide the address of the centre from where academic activities are coordinated.
G5 / Teaching Sites
Please list all teaching sites used for physical delivery of teaching, including an indication as to what activity occurs at each site.
Attach deeds of ownership and, where contracted with third parties, copies of contracts.
G6 / Other Operational Sites
List any other sites where employees or sub-contractors of the institution work, including:
(1) Administrative Offices;
(2) Student support services
(3) Assessment/ ExamCentres
(4) Data Centres.
Please indicate the activities that take place at each of these sites.
Attach deeds of ownership and, where contracted through third parties, copies of contracts.
G7 / Permission for Training
Attach documentation proving that you have local permission in line with all local/regional/national regulations to provide this training service.
G8 / Applicability of Procedures
Applicability of administrative and academic procedures to be applied in Malta and to each of the other centre/s of provision outside Malta.
Special attention is to be given to Quality Assurance arrangements for selection of staff, provision and all forms of assessment.
G9 / Percentages of Programme Activities
Indicate percentage of programme activities to be provided physically in Malta, overseas and/or online.
Section H: Head of Institution
H1 / Name & Surname of the Head of the Education Institution
H2 / ID Card / Passport No. / Attach a copy with this application form.
H3 / Email Address
H4 / Mobile Number
H5 / Contact Address
& Locality
H6 / Date of Birth / _____/_____/_____
H7 / Work Permit Reference Number(if required)
H8 / Include a brief profile of the selection criteria for the Head of Institution or the employment contract of the head of institution
H9 / Head’s Qualifications in Full and Experience. / Attach CVand scannedcertified true copies (signed by a notary or lawyer) of qualifications to this application form together with an MQRIC statement(for foreign-awarded qualifications).
To apply online for an MQRIC statement, please visit the NCFHE website.
The Licence will be issued in the name of the
Head of Educational Institution.
Section I: List of Programmes
I1 / List all courses to be provided by the Education Institution.
In the case of foreign accredited qualifications to be offered by the provider, please attach an MQRIC recognition statementand any other relevant documentation to this application form.To apply online for an MQRIC statement, please visit the NCFHE website.
Name of Course
(Provide full title, and reference number if awarded by a foreign-accredited institution) / Education Institution/
Examination Board AwardingQualification
(Issuing the certificate) / Web-link of the specific Foreign-Awarded
(Only applicable to foreign-accredited qualifications) / MQF Level
Section J: Teaching Staff – Refer to Communication 23/2014
J1 / Include a generic teaching staff profile, indicating the selection criteria used by your institution.
J2 / List full names of academic staff; their post, qualifications, and where these persons are employed by third parties. These should include persons responsible for:
a)Course Design and Content Development
b)Teaching Course and Interaction with Learners
c)Technical and Media Support (if online)
d)Provision of support to learners.
For each individual, attach a CV and a copy of main qualification together with an MQRIC statement(for foreign-awarded qualifications).
To apply online for an MQRIC statement, please visit the NCFHE website.
J3 / I.D. Card/
Passport No. / Name & Surname / Post / Main Qualifications
Section K: Employment Licence
K1 / All non-EU country members of staff, including the Head of School, should have an Employment Licence issued by Jobsplus. / Please attach the relevant documents.
Section L: Internal Quality Assurance System
L1 / Attach a detailed document describing theInternal Quality Assurance system to be implemented in the Education Institution which is fully compliant with the Subsidiary Legislation 327.433 and in line with the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education and Communication ACC-QA/01/2017. / Please submit this document in Microsoft Word format(.doc)
Section M: Premises – Refer to Communication ACC/02/2017 for information.
M1 / Internal Provision / Regular Provision
Attach a declaration by a warrantedHealth and Safety Officer that the venue is free from hazards to safety and to good health.
Attach a declaration by a warrantedPerit that the teaching venue is in full compliance with all the building regulations, applicable laws and regulations, commission rules and quality assurance measures in force at the time of application.
If the above conditions are not met, an action plan and/or development permit clearly identifying specific recommendations and completion deadlines is request.
If tuition includes minors, then the National Minimum Conditions for schools (1994) apply.
Already licensed schools, hotels and sporting venues
Attach a letter of authorisation from the hosting venue, if tuition and training is to take place at a licensed school, hotel or sporting venue.
NCFHE reserves the rights to deem a particular venue fit for purpose for the proposed tuition and to request further declarations by the specific warranted professionals as a necessary part of its due diligence.
Practical Assessment
In the case where the courses require specific practical assignments to be held, such as laboratories or clinics, the provider must provide certification that the venues to be used are in full compliance with the standards that the specific professional level requires.
External Provision / Attach a declaration by a warrantedHealth and Safety Officer that the venue is free from hazards to safety and to good health.
If the above conditions are not met, an action plan clearly identifying specific recommendations and completion deadlines is requested.
Home Provision / Attach a declaration by a warranted Health and SafetyOfficer that the venue satisfies the Health and Safety requirements. This is required every two years to retain a license. Please see Communication ACC/02/2017 for further information.
Attach an action plan clearly identifying specific recommendations and completion deadlines.
Overseas Provision / Submit a certificate that the overseas provision is in full compliance with the legal requirements of the country where the provision is to take place.
Digital Provision / Provide the Domain name (URL) and an IT plan describing the server
infrastructure, service-provider venue, off-site backup procedures &
continuity of service arrangements, an effective system of identity
Verification and disaster recovery plan.
The plan should also provide the infrastructure in terms of human resources needed to run the system, where applicable.
Section N – Student Records
N1 / Attach a description of how you maintain and retain (and archive) student records in Malta. At the minimum, these must include admission records, student details, proof of assessment and recognition information.
Archives must give adequate assurance that their contents will be available for 40 years.
Section O: Declaration
I hereby state that:
  • The information I have supplied on this form is complete, correct and up-to-date.
  • I assume the responsibility to inform the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) of any changes to my circumstances (e.g. address, contact details) while my application is being considered.

O1 / Signature of Owner/s
O2 / Signature of Head of Education Institution
O3 / Signature of the Legal Representative
O4 / Date of Application / _____/_____/_____
For more information about this application form and related requirements contact:
Address: Accreditation Unit,
National Commission for Further and Higher Education
Sir Temi Zammit Buildings
Malta Life Sciences Centre Ltd
Malta Life Sciences Park
San Gwann, SGN 3000
Tel: +356 2381 0115

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