The McKinney Bass Club By-Laws
Revision:January 20, 2014- All changes were approved at the Januaryby-law meeting.
Article I Name and Purpose of our Bass Club
Section 1 Name
The name of our bass club has been voted on by our membership and will be called The McKinney Bass Club, also referred to as MBC.
Section 2Purpose of The McKinney Bass Club
The purpose of The McKinney Bass Club is to promote the sport of bass fishing through a competitive atmosphere of good sportsmanship and fellowship. It is also used to share ideas on fishing techniques, bait selection, and fishing patterns used during the tournaments, enabling all members to become better at the art of bass fishing.
Article IIMembership, Dues and Tournament Season and Lakes
Section 1Membership
(a)Boaters and non-boaters 18 years of age and over are welcomed into the McKinney Bass Club. Boaters are required to have liability boat insurance before participating in any tournament, and all participants (members and guests) must sign a tournament waiver.
- Returning members are required to pay membership dues prior to fishing their first tournament with the club.
- A returning member is defined as a member of the previous tournament season.
ii. A guest/prospective member is required to fish one tournament before a membership vote. Each applicant will submit an application form, and their admittance to the club will be voted upon by the members. When the prospective member is approved for membership, the new member will be required to pay club membership dues before fishing the next tournament.
(b)A member’s membership can be terminated only if the following protocol is followed. Another member in good standing with the club files a complaint with the executive board with a request for membership termination. The board will meet and vote on whether to dismiss or to present to the membership at the next club meeting. If presented to the club, 2/3s of the attending membership must vote in favor of terminating that individual’s club membership.
Section 2Membership Dues
(a)Membership dues shall be $30.00 for the tournament year. After July 1st, membership dues will be $15.00.
(b)In addition, the club will pay the minimum required membership to an organization that will provide liability protection for the club. These fees are to be used for administrative expenses, the purchase of equipment and annual awards. Upon receipt of dues, the club By-Laws, Tournament rules, and a membership list will be provided.
Section 3Membership Rights and Voting
Membership rights entitle the all membersin good standing to participate in all club tournaments upon payment of required entry fees, hold bass club office, vote in club elections, and vote on lake selection and changes in bass club by laws and rules. Any member shall be entitled to one vote on all matters presented before the membership. All matters will be approved based on a simple majority at the time the vote is taken.
Section 4Tournament Season
The tournament year will be held on the weekend following the fourth Friday of every month starting in January and ending in October/November with the “Year End Classic Tournament”.
Section 5Tournament Lakes
Members will be provided a list of lakes (preferably within 100 miles of McKinney) and asked to vote on their favorites for the upcoming year's tournaments.
The final tournament schedule will be determined by the Tournament Director (TD) and approved by the MBC Officers.
Based on an 11 tournament schedule:
(6)Lakes will be selected based on the most number of votes.
(4)Additional lakes will be selected by the TD,only from those receiving votes from the members.
(1) Annual Memorial tournament to be held on Ray Roberts in May.
Schedule subject to change based on lake levels, weather, safety factors, etc.
Article IIIOfficers and the Election of Officers
Section 1Officers and their duties
President: The President of our bass club will preside over all meetings, plan and prepare meeting agenda, execute all agreements and other instruments requiring officer approvals. Additional responsibilities will include bass club promotion, publicity, guest speakers, product information and logo items for the club.
Vice-President: The Vice-President will assist the President in his duties and preside in the role of President in the absence of the President. Additional responsibilities for this position will include keeping current bass club information posted promptly to our website and will be responsible for maintaining the website on a continual basis.
Secretary: The Secretary will keep accurate records and be familiar with the clubs rules, by-laws and membership. The Secretary will also perform all clerical tasks and will assist in the preparation of club correspondence and information. Additionally the Secretary will be responsible for the monthly newsletter.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will be responsible for all bass club funds paid to the club and disbursement of these funds as directed, keep accurate records of said monies, and report at each monthly meeting the financial status of our bass club.
Tournament Director: Responsible for setting the tournament schedule according to Article II Section 5 Tournament Lakes. He will also select 2-3 additional members (these positions are not officer positions and their selection will be approved by officers) to serve as the tournament committee. The tournament director will preside over all tournaments and the tournament committee as well as track points and weights for all members after each tournament for publication.
Note: Certain non-critical officer functions could be redistributed based on work load.
Section 2Election of Officers
The election of officers shall be held annually at the McKinney Bass Club’s last membership meeting. Election should be by simple majority of members present at the meeting. Election of each officer shall be held separately in order.
Section 3Term of Office
The term of office shall begin the day following the end of year banquet and preside through the following banquet. In the case there is not an end of year banquet, the term of office shall end/begin December 1st.
Article IVMeetings
Meetings will be held promptly at 7:00 pm on the Monday of the week preceding our tournament weekend.
The basic agenda of our Monthly Meeting will be as follows:
-Introduction of new and or prospective members
-Secretary Report
-Treasurer Report
-Old Business
-New Business
- New Membership Applications
-Programs (guest speakers, demonstrations, videos, etc.)
-Tournament Director’s Report
- Previous tournament results
- Tournament winners and members share information with club members
- Current bass club standings
- Upcoming tournaments (times, place, arrangements, etc.)
Article VIAmending of By-Laws
The MBC by-laws may be amended at the regular meeting in January or May by a 2/3 majority vote of those members present. Any proposed changes must be presented fordiscussion and voted on for ratification.
Article VIITournament Rules, Member Scoring, and Prize Payouts
Tournament rules, scoring and prize payouts are covered in the separate "Tournament Rules" document. Tournament Rules may be changed at any monthly meeting with the approval of the majority of members attending.