St. Michael’s Catholic Church
80 Farnum Pike, Georgiaville, RI 02917
Rectory: (401) 231-5119

St. Michael’s Catholic Church
Procedures for Altar Servers at Mass

General expectations of this ministry:

  • Arrive at the Sacristy no less than 15 minutes before Mass starts.
  • If you are unable to serve when scheduled, please find a substitute by calling another server from the list you have. (Sign in sheet is posted, please sign-in when you are serving or if you are subbing, please sign your name next to who you are subbing for.)
  • Dress appropriately for Mass: neat, clean clothes; especially shoes and socks. Clean hands and good grooming.
  • We ask you to use the rest room BEFORE mass if needed, if the time does come up during mass that you become ill or need to use the rest room, QUIETLY exit the door closer to the side that you are seated at and return the same way without crossing across the Sanctuary. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ASK FATHER.
  • Be attentive and alert during Mass.
  • Maintain an attitude and posture of reverence and prayerfulness.
  • Cover yawns and sneezes (good manners)
  • Stand and sit straight. Hands folded. Sing and respond to the prayers.
  • Know your duties. Pay attention to the Priest and Deacon for direction.
  • Making the sign of the cross; always done with your right hand, and done with great reverence and meaning.
  • Genuflecting and Bowing: Genuflect facing the tabernacle. Bows are directed to the altar.
  • Remember, you are participating in a ministry of service to the parish and are in front of the congregation. You do set an example for others and are looked at as role models.
  • When you receive your schedule in the mail, highlight your assigned Masses. Make a note on family calendars also when you are serving to avoid conflicts. It is very important for you to make arrangements in advance with other server if you need to switch with someone.
  • To serve at the Altar is an important ministry and it is a privilege. Even the smallest task is important to the whole Mass.
  • Learn the list of prayers and responses for the Mass that is included in this package.


Loving Father, creator of the universe,
you call your people to worship,
to be with You and with one another at Mass.
I thank you for having called me
to assist others in their prayer to you.
May I be worthy of the trust placed in me
and through my example and service
bring others closer to You.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
who is Lord forever and ever.


a. Arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass begins. Sign in on sheet. If you are filling in for someone, please sign your name on the sheet for whom you are filling in for. If we are short servers and you are at Mass, please help out by filling in. Dress code; Black shoes, hair combed, for girls please have hair tied back so that it is not in their face. NO FLIP FLOPS, if you are wearing sandals you must have socks on. Dress shirt (no stripes or images that will show through your Alb. Dress pants preferred, No shorts please.
b. Make sure your Alb is the right size, the bottom should be right above the tops of the shoes.
c. Setup before Mass; Check that everything you need is on the credence table and that the gifts are brought out. (Father will have these prepared for you, if you do not see them please ask Father about them.) Preparing the Credence table water cruet, water pitcher & bowl, hand towel, plates forCommunion, Chalice, Purificator, and Missal(if we have a visiting priest, talk to him ahead of time to see if you need to do anything differently for him). Check to make sure the prayer book is at Server 3’s chair for opening and closing prayers.
d. Talk to other servers before Mass inServers Sacristy about what jobs each of you will be doing.SERVER 1: Leader will go to the left side when procession reaches the Altar, genuflect with others and then goes to chair next to the credence table and will perform duties for the items needed from the credence table for Mass. SERVER 2: Assist the leader, will also go to the left of Altar at the end of procession, genuflect with others and goes to chair near credence table. SERVER 3: Goes to the right side of Altar, genuflects with others and goes to chair on the right side. Duties will included bring the priest the book for opening and closing prayers when priest says the words, “Let us pray” and will not rush but takes their time and presents the book to be opened by priest and will hold the book for him and stand to the right side, so Father is able to see the congregation.
e. Light the candles (older server or have adult light the match for you)

f. After servers are vested (dressed in Alb) and the Sanctuary is prepared for Mass, the Altar servers should return to their sacristy – SERVERS SACRISTY and sit quietly there. They are not to “hang –out” in the other the main sacristy. If the priest needs them to do something before Mass he will tell them, or if server has a question the Lead Server will ask Father. This is a good time for quiet prayer before Mass.

a. Altar servers will line up at door and when the Choir begins to sing, the altar servers will begin the procession.
b. Walk at a normal speed, do not rush down isles.
c. When you reach the Sanctuary, all will line up in a single line across the front of the Sanctuary, two servers (servers 1 & 2) will go to the left side and the server that will be bringing prayer book to the priest will go to the right side (server3); all will Genuflect at the priests lead, and then will proceed to their chairs and remain standing.

a. The priest begins the Mass with the Sign of the Cross.
b. Penitential Rite – Recalling our sins and asking God for forgiveness.
c. The Gloria then will be recited or sung.
d. The priest will say “Let us pray” this is the cue for Server 3 to bring the book over to the priest to read the opening prayer (priest will open the page and you will hold the book to your left side so the priest can look out to the whole congregation). After this the server will return with the book to his chair, all will be seated to hear the first reading, the psalm, and the second reading.

a. First Reading.
b. The psalm will be recited or sung.
c. Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia or other during Lent) ALL WILL STAND. The priest or Deacon will read the Gospel and end with “The Gospel of the Lord”, and all will respond with “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.” All will sit down to hear the Homily. (Priest will explain the readings and Gospel message)
d. After his homily the priest will return to his chair, then the priest will stand and all will recite the Profession of Faith. Everyone stands to recite the Nicene Creed (copy is in this guide for you, we should all know this).
e. Next the priest will start the Prayers of the Faithful, and the Lector or Deacon will read the petitions of the Church. Everyone responds “Lord hear our prayer”. After the lector has finished the petitions, the priest will say a prayer. All will respond “Amen” and the congregation will sit down.

a. Offertory Collection- after everyone has been seated, the ushers will begin the collection and a hymn will be sung. Server 1 & 2 will bring the Chalice, Purificator, and the Sacramentary to the Altar, placing the Missal in the center of the Altar, and the Chalice and Purificator on the left side.
b. When the priest begins his way to the center of the Sanctuary, Servers 1 & 2 will proceed to the center of the Sanctuary with Father to receive the gifts, Father will hand the wine cruet to server 1 and will hand the Hosts to Server 2. Server one will go to Credence table with wine and Server 2 will go to the left ofthe Altar and hand the plate with Host’s to priest(never place the plate on the altar, always hand to priest). Server 1 will remove the caps from the cruets and then Server 1 & 2 will then bring the wine cruet and the water cruet to the priest at the side of the Altar Server 1 will hand priest the WINE FIRST WITH THE HANDLE FACING THE PRIEST- so he can take it easily. Server 2 will hand him the WATER CRUET NEXT WITH THE HANDLE FACING THE PRIEST. The Severs will return to Credence table, Server 1 will take the Pitcher filled with water and the wash bowl and Server 2 will bring up the towel. Server 1 will pour water over priest’s hands over bowl and then Server 2 will hand the towel to priest to dry his hand and then both will return to table and then will return to their chairs, and remain standing.

a. The priest will begin with the preface, and lead the congregation into the Holy, Holy, Holy… which will be sung or recited.
b. The congregation and the Altar Servers will then kneel.
c. Next the priest will continue the Eucharistic prayer and this will lead to the Consecration of the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
d. The Great Amen will be sung or recited.
e. All will rise and recite the Our Father.
f. After this the priest will ask everyone to share the Sign of Peace. Altar servers will share the sign of peace with each other and the Lector, and the priest.
g. Altar servers 1 & 2 will then bring the Communion Plates and the (Gold Plate with the pyx if needed) to the Altar and then return to their chairs standing.

a. The Lamb of God will either be sung or recited by the priest, and the congregation will join in, and the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will come forward to the Sanctuary and stand at the two sides of the Altar.
b. Then the congregation and Altar Servers will kneel, and priest will raise the Body and Blood of our Lord, and say “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, happy are those who are called to his supper.” Servers and the entire congregation will respond with “Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed”.
c. Father will consume the Body and Blood of Jesus and when he starts to go to give Communion the ministers at the Altar, all servers will stand and be ready to receive Holy Communion on the side of the ministers, and then will return to their kneelers and kneel and pray while Communion is distributed.
d. When the priest is distributing Communion to the Congregation, the Altar Server(s) can start to clean off the Altar; the Missal, the Chalice, can be removed from the Altar and returned to the Credence table (HANDLING WITH REVERANCE AND CARE THE CHALICE) the priest will return to the Altar and will start to clean up the Altar and will put away any remaining Consecrated Host to the Tabernacle. When the priest is done with this, Server 1 & 2 will begin to clear off the remaining items to be put back on the Credence table. Take the key for the Tabernacle from the priest if he hands it to you or puts in on the Altar.WHEN REMOVING COMMUNION PLATES, Missal, etc… only take one or two items at a time. DO NOT CARRY TO MANY ITMES AT ONCE, IT LOOKS AWKWARD AND YOU COULD DROP SOMETHING. Take as many trips as necessary. If the large round gold plate to hold the pyx for Communion was used for the home bound, one server will go to Father to get this and put it back on the Credence table. When the Altar is cleared, the servers will return to their seats and be seated for a moment of quiet prayer.

a. The priest will now be sitting in his chair; after a short meditation in silence, he will rise and after any announcements he will ask everyone to rise and pray (the closing prayer).
b. When the priest says “Let us Pray” this is the cue for SERVER 3 to bring prayer book to Father and in the same way will stand off to the side with prayer book in front of Father so he may look out into the whole congregation.
c. The priest will then conclude the Mass with the Sign of the Cross.
d. He will then say the Mass has ended let us go in peace and all will respond Amen.
e. The Choir will begin the final song, the servers will watch for the priest to go to the Altar, kiss the Altar, and then he will proceed to face the Altar and ALL SERVERS and the Lector will follow along; SERVER 1 & 2 will be facing the Altar on the left and also the reader, and SERVER 3 will face the Altar and be on the right side, with the priest in the center.
f. When Father begins to genuflect the SERVERS and Lector will also genuflect all together with him.
g. At this time all will turn to face congregation and begin to proceed out with SERVER 3 leading and then SERVER’S 1 & 2 will walk together and then Lector and finally the priest. The SERVERS will continue the procession slowly and reverently around and into the Sacristy.
h. IMPORTANT:Servers will not yet remove Albs; someone will put out the two candles on the sides of the Tabernacle. Remembering to Genuflect in front of our Lord present in the Tabernacle. A server will return the Wine Cruet, the Chalice to the Sacristy. *DO NOT EMPTY OR CLEAN THE CHALICE THE PRIEST WILL DO THIS* Also empty the water that is in the wash bowl into the sink and dry it with paper towel, RETURN THE BOWL TO THE CREDENCE TABLE for the next Mass.


  • When you are standing or sitting, keep your hands folded.
  • PAY ATTENTION, especially to the priest, you never know when they may call you over for something needed.

Thank you for your commitment to your ministry as an Altar Server for St. Michael’s Church.

Lord Jesus,
thank you for the opportunity
to serve You during the Holy Mass.
In your Sacred Presence,
my heart is filled with joy and peace.
May Your Spirit always guide me
so I may grow in Your love
by the grace of our Heavenly Father. AMEN.

Altar Server Guide St. Michael’s ChurchUpdated: August 2013