The Word and Extra-Dimensional Time Travel

Part II of “Time is Reversing Back to the Original Creation”

I Corinthians 2:9-10 (from Isaiah 64:4): “…Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, what Elohim has prepared for those who love Him. But, Elohim has revealed them to us by His Spirit…”

From Gary Stearman’s book Time Travelers of the Bible, page 2: “By nature, we are meant to live in the eternal state, and never be fully satisfied while trapped in time.

“Enter In”: A song given by Abba to Chuck Girard, sung on his album “Evening Shadows,” 2008

Verse 1, Abba speaking:

“Enter in to the throne room of the Father

Enter in to the Presence of the King

Come behind the veil and walk with Me

In the cool of the day, I’ll walk with you

For where I am is paradise

Look into My eyes, look into My eyes

How I long for you, as you long for Me

Won’t you take the time to visit for awhile

For your precious presence brings joy to My heart

Oh now my child, come on through

Verse 2: Abba speaking:

Come behind the veil and be My love

In the secret place, I wait for you

Be one with Me, for I’m in you

And you’re in Me, and we are one

When you dwell with Me, and I dwell with you,

All the pain in life will surely have to flee

For between the wings of the cherubim

Is that place of peace, that place rest

Right here with Me

Walking in His Presence is our daily, and eternal, privilege. It begins with the true new birth and the baptism into Yahuwah’s Spirit, opening the gate of our spirit and linking it to His dimension. It is the priority of His set-apart children, now, and forever.

As in my last article, “Time is Reversing Back to the Original Creation,” I wrote from knowledge, and recent revelation, that Abba began to give me as a young child. What He began showing me at age 4, nearly age 5, is just now crystallizing in my understanding, for now is the time when we must lock into our eternal destiny. Abba is being very personal with His set-apart children. He is explaining and clarifying things that He has been showing us in bits and pieces all of our lives. The puzzle pieces are coming together rapidly! It’s because we are about to embark on the greatest adventure of our lives!

As a foundation, written in other articles,at age 4, almost age 5, I was riding in the backseat of the car with my parents, looking out the backseat window, seated behind my papa, as he drove down the main street towards Huntington Beach to find a parking place. All of a sudden, I looked down and watched as an opaque bubble wrapped slowly around what I now know is the area of our eternal spirit (from just below the breast bone to the top of the legs--the digestive/reproductive area). It is around this area that the belt of truth is wrapped, on which hangs the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:10-18) I then clearly heard the soft baritone voice of Yahushua saying: “You don’t belong here anymore.” As I looked back out of the window, it was like now looking at something on TV. It was surreal. I felt I was inside of something, yet still sitting in the carlooking out on something not quite real. I turned to my mother and said, “The most important thing in life is God.” I pondered this experience through the years--the experience being as clearas it was when I had it, but without total understanding of what happened, or why, until now.He is showing us why we’ve gone through what we’ve gone through, in preparation for what we’re about to do.

Get excited! Look at Psalm 91:7 “…a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you, you will remain unscathed--only with your eyes shall you see the reward of the wicked.”

Where are you if you only see with your eyes, and are immune to death? Are you inside of something looking out? Yes you are! You are inside of His dimension--Psalm 91:1!Be aware that the promises of Psalm 91 are contingent on your “abiding” in His dimension.

While recently in Canada for five weeks, I was surprised that after 15 years of constant study, research and writing, He took all desire to write away from me. The day before I left Canada, He restored the desire. While I was there, it became obvious that it was my time to be alone with Him. He began clarifying things He has told me in dreams, vision, and prophetic words since 1949.

We’ve all been in a type of “fog” regarding the reality of our Elohim. The culture, religion, pursuit of the desires of the mind, emotions, and flesh, and dulling mind-programming have all contributed to the fog. We’ve allbeen programmed into thinking that what we see, hear, feel, taste, and touch in this world is all there is to reality. So, like all mankind, we spend our lives appeasing our desires that make us feel good, proud, excited, entertained, powerful and successful, secure and safe. Yet reality lies just beyond us thatalmost nevertaught to us by man.Religion hides this reality more than anything else, other than demons themselves. Only with the Spirit teaching us the Word in our re-born spirit, can we really learn absolute clear Truth!

For years, as I was ready for the knowledge, He would show me things to clarify His written Word (Greek: “Logos”), and His spoken Word to me personally (Greek: “Rhema”). But, inApril of 1999 He led me to live in the nation of Jordan for 8 years to learn from Him alone. In 2000 I began sharing with others what He taught me.

Though exposed to the Word in church from babyhood, I began really studying His Word in 1961at BIOLA College in California. (BIOLA stands for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) In November 1966, afterbeing baptized into Yahuwah’s Spirit,realized learned that His Spirit is our only valid Teacher of absolute Truth. Of course, that is in John 16! Unless we are totally Spirit-taught, there is going to be error in our knowledge. My initial education began at an early age so that I could learn to hear His voice, know His nature, and how He does things. We understand His Word more and more as we learn His nature, ways, and thinking. How can we know Him personally outside of His Word? We can’t. How can we trust and love someone with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength,and be willing to lay down our lives them, if we don’t really know them? We can’t.

But, He has known us since“before the foundation of the world” (Psalm 139:1-18; Ephesians 1:13; I Peter 1:1-3). Therefore, by His foreknowledge, He chose us to walk with Him and sit with Him in His heavenly places (Colossians 3:1-4).

Continuing on with what I began writing on in the last article, “Time is Returning to the Original Creation,”/July 15, 2016, about time, entropy, and extra dimensions:

Abba’s creation of time did not cause “entropy” (progressive deterioration, decay, death)--sin caused it. Sin leads us to death. Entropy rides on the “arrow of time” because of man’s rebellion--like a plague that has no vaccine.When Satan rebelled and Yahuwah cast him out of eternity, he became“impaled on the arrow of time.” In revenge, he entered the Garden of Eden and beguiled Adam and Eve into also rebelling, so that they would be thrust out of its eternity state into time, impaling us all on the “arrow of time.”

Gary Stearman writes in his book Time Travelers of the Bible, page 173: “The arrow of time has been called entropy.” From page 179: “In the lust of pride, Lucifer, the shining one, became Satan, the adversary against God’s children. His fall from heaven will take him to the pit of sheol, and finally to the lake of fire. Once privileged to transverse the halls of eternity, he was sentenced to the timeline of the solar system. In other words, time was his punishment. Once, without limitations he was free to serve the Lord throughout the expanses of the heavens. But, his sin enclosed him within the restrictions of the Lord’s redemptive timeline.” Page 180: “The first couple fell, just as Lucifer had fallen. And, they took humanity down with them, just as Lucifer had taken a group of rebellious angels.”Powerful words!

Soon, in a rage but also in panic, desperation, and fear, the once “anointed cherub” in the throne room of Yahuwah will be allowed a very short time to do as he wills, before Messiah comes. Then he will be imprisoned forever in time. (Revelation 12:7-12; 2o:1-3)

Messiah was prepared before the foundation of the world to be our “vaccine,” to save us from what sin has done to us. Only those who trust in the death and resurrection of Messiah, those truly born of the Spirit by faith in Him, can receive the saving vaccine that instantly cures the plague brought on by the ravages of sin.

Genesis 6 shows us that only Noah and his family with pure human DNA could escape the judgment of the Flood. All the rest of the earth’s people were either part fallen angel, or a hybrid of human and some other creature. The big thrust of the world’s scientists and the behind-the-scenes Elite, are busy experimenting in “transgenics and trans-humanism to create non-human beings of all sorts. They seek to create bodies that will assure them of power, strength, endurance, and assure them eternal life. Truly we are back “in the days of Noah.”

Back in January, astute researchers told me about the special 6-part series of the X-Files, and how the 1st episode told the truth about all that is happening in America to bring us down. Later, as part of my research, I bought the DVDs to see what the Illuminati was telling us. My friends did not tell me that the truth was being told by a “conspiracy theorist” on his TV show. The truth included that there are no alien invaders--it is cover-up for what the government is doing. In this 6-part TV mini-series of “The X Files--the Event,” January/February 2016, all the episodes tell us truth about a lot of hidden things. But, the last episodeturns it all around--alien invaders are real, and they are our friends who have come to help us. The last episode concludes with a reversal of Genesis 6. The last episode ends by showing a worldwide plague engulfing the planet. Only the “chosen ones” with alien DNA were immune. One of the two main characters, an FBI agent and doctor named Dana Scully, knows she is one of the “chosen ones.” She had tested herself and found she hadsome alien DNA along with her human DNA. Her FBI partner, Fox Mulder, was dying of the plague. She made a vaccine from scraping of her cheek cells. She found him in a car along a freeway packed with people trying to flee the city, all who were infected with the plague. It ended with an alien space ship lowering over her as she was about to administer the vaccine to Mulder. She looked up into the lowering space ship and smiled. This message will be the message to all earth’s people, announcing to us the “great deception” to come. [Refer to: The Great Deception – Mankind Has Been Prepared to Believe It”/May 12, 2016] Tom Horn once said that he believed the “mark of the beast” would include a DNA-changing element. This is most likely because of Revelation 14:9-11. Those who take the mark cannot repent – they are damned forever. They are no longer human, with the privilege of receiving forgiveness by faith in Messiah.

We, the children of Yahuwah, know that His “chosen ones” have had our DNA changed in the true new birth. We are a “new creation,” old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. (II Corinthians 5:17) We are eternal beings who can contact the realm of Elyon, the Most High, of Shaddai, the Almighty. We have pure DNA like Noah did. (Genesis 6:8-14, 7 1 and Hebrews 11:6-7) Because we are His “chosen ones,” we can be immune to what the enemy has for the world’s people in the days just ahead!

For a while longer, however, though we are a “new creation” by the true new birth, we are still subject to the earth’s curse because of sin, but through the Spirit of Yahuwah we have the privilege of living in a state of eternityright now. We can tap into that “vaccine” that will save us from the horrors of earth’s curse! As we allow the Spirit to transform us into the nature of Yahuwah, we separate from the curse, and progress toward blamelessness in His eyes. (I Thessalonians 5:23-24; Revelation 14:1-5) This is not something we can do, except to cooperate with the work of His Spirit. We are transformed through many trials, tests, pressures, and more tests. Our “flesh” has to die, in order for Him to live through us!

“For the Kingdom of Elohim is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Set-Apart Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) We can “taste the good Word of Elohim and the powers of the age to come,”by entering into His Presence.But, Hebrews 6:4-6 gives us a severe warning. If we have “tasted the good Word of Elohim and the powers of the age to come,” and turn back to sin, there is no more atonement available to us.

The whole of the Word tell us about life in one of three dimensions: 1) The dimension of this earth, 2) the dimension in which Satan and his forces dwell right now, and 3) the dimension of the Kingdom of Yahuwah, Yahushua, and Their angels. Two of these dimensions are limited by time (heavens and earth.) Only Elohim’s dimension is not limited, but eternal.

As I wrote in the last article, Adam and Eve were placed in a Garden outside of time. They were immortal. They were separated from the people of the earth. Look carefully at Genesis 1:27-30, and compare to Genesis 2:7-8. Elohim created people on day 6 of the re-creation. He put them on earth, in time. Then, at some later point, He created “the man,” Adam, and put him in an eternal state beyond time--he could not die--not until he and Eve sinned. They ate of the tree of life, now shown to be in the dimension of Yahuwah’s throne room. (Revelation 22:14)

The “nations of the saved” will eat of the trees of life that line the river flowing out from the City of Yahuwah, as it hovers over the renewed earth. (Revelation 22:1-2) These of the “nations” were guests at the wedding feast of Yahushua. (Matthew 22:1-14; Revelation 21:23-24) Only those “who have right” can eat of the tree of life in the throne room of the New Jerusalem itself. (Revelation 22:14) 1) The “kings of the earth,” the attendants at the wedding, the “friends of the bridegroom--those who rule over the earth--will come and go as ambassadors from earth into, and from, the throne room. (John 3:29; Mark 2:19-20; Revelation 21:24-26. 2) The bride of Messiah will eat of the tree of life within the throne room. She never leaves the side of her Beloved. (Revelation 3:12, 7:1-8; 14:11-4; 22:3-5)

In any wedding there are these three divisions--comparative to the “outer court,” the “inner court” and the “most inner court” (where the Presence of Yahuwah dwelled) in the Most Set-Apart place of the temple, the 30, 60, 100 fold of Mark 4:20, and the many disciples, the 3, and the 1 who followed Messiah, the one being Yochanan/John. It is beautifully shown in Matthew 17:1-8 also. Kepha/Peter thought that because it was near Sukkot, that it was time for the Bridegroom and Bride to be married, so he asked for a succah to be built for the attendant of the Groom (Elijah) and the attendant of the Bride (Moses). He was right in his thinking, just nearly 2000 years off in his timing.

Abba has had me studying and writing on the Bride since the late 1980s. [Refer to: “The Ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony” and “The Message to the Bride”]

The Garden was in a location on earth, but theydid not liveout among earth’s people. They were doing fine until the Serpent entered and put doubt in their minds regarding the Word of Elohim. Today, it is estimated that at least 40% of American Evangelicals do not believe the Bible is the Word of Elohim. The “Mandela Effect,” has also undermined faith, and put doubt in people’s minds about the Word, and about all kinds of things – taking people off into the ditch of no return. [Refer to: “The Mandela Effect”/July 1, 2016.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil held a secret portal into the kingdom of darkness. Satan’s deceiving-beguiling worked, and they, like him, were thrust out as prisoners of time. They could not return to their eternal state. Their body, mind, and emotions had to adapt to the restrictions of time, and to entropy. Ecclesiastes 1:1-9 describes the weariness of the deterioration properties of entropy. All is futility--unless we tap into the eternal realm once again through faith in Yahushua Messiah!