Wednesday, April 6, 2016

  1. Welcome & Call to Order- Anita DiMatteo called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.
  2. Recording Secretary – Approval of Prior-Meeting’s Minutes
  3. Becky Chwalk requests motion to approve minutes; Katie Kelly seconds; All in favor; Marchminutes approved.
  4. Presidents’ Report – Anita DiMatteo and Maraidh Thomson
  5. 5K—record year by over 100 participants; fun event; thanks to all those who volunteered, especially the 5k committee
  6. Five year building plan for all schools will attempt to address approx. $10 million in building deficiencies across the district

a.Renovations at Nayatt will start with the nurse’s office, windows in office, and bathroom; the foyer/double entry is delayed.

  1. Volunteer appreciation week is the week of spring break so we would like to preemptively thank our PTO volunteers
  1. Vice Presidents Report—Alexia Hatjopoulos
  2. Announcement of board nominees for future slate; thanks to the Nominating committee for providing suggestions for the future PTO board and committee chair positions:
  3. Fund Allocation Process/Proposals: deadline for submissions is this Friday, 4/8; recommendations for fund allocation will be voted on at the June PTO meeting
  4. Treasurers Report– Maraidh Thomson
  5. Updates: working closely with Brenda Lamana in the office on field trips; enrichment shows 90% of revenue and about 50% expenses; Arts Night was a great success; 5K line item is one week old, committee is expecting more revenue and also more expenses; PTO projects that the budget will be accurate in terms of revenue and expense
  6. Corresponding Secretary’s Report—Michael Fontaine
  7. Thanks from the second grade team for the Scholastic dollars that we used for nonfiction books to add to our collection; Thanks from the Childrens Friend to the Nayatt PTO
  8. Principal Report – Tracey Whitehead
  9. 5K was a wonderful day; great turnout of teachers and staff, students, and families
  10. Nayatt was awarded a BEF grant for almost $9,000 that will go towards STEAM play-based Kindergarten centers; the intent is that the STEAM products could grow into the older grades as well
  11. Thanks to the PTO board for its close look at funding processes; we are really using donation money to enrich and enhance school programs
  12. Committee Reports
  13. Enrichment—Maraidh Thomson

a.March enrichment was a success

b.There will be one more spring session that will occur in May which will include sports, tech, and science

  1. Yearbook—online ordering is straightforward
  2. Third Grade Send-off—Thursday, June 2 at the High School; we seek photos, please send to Alexia; a note will come out in Nayatt News
  3. 5K—Maraidh

a.660 registrants; 100 more than we have ever had

b.Donations continue to come in; there will be lots of raffle prizes

c.Registration is open; Website:

  1. Arts Alive—PTO is working with Arts Alive to make some positive changes for moving forward; PTO will meet with them again next week
  1. School Committee update—Megan Douglas
  2. Next meetings: 4/7, 4/14
  3. Start Time: School Committee voted to delay start time change until 2016-2017
  4. Transportation Survey went out today; it can be filled out an unlimited amount of times

a.School Committee argues that we have an efficient bus system; others argue that the bus system is underutilized and does not meet health and safety requirements

  1. Town Budget meeting: 4th Wed of May
  2. Health and Wellness Committee: currently the group is comprised of well-meaning concerned parents who look at issues of health and safety and bring data to school committee; there is discussion of creating a more formalized committee which would require a diverse group of teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and staff
  1. Teachers Report –Cathy Fales
  2. Thanks for the treats throughout the year, it is so special and unexpected
  3. Highlights and upcoming events: During Reading Week we will be collecting new and slightly used books for Ella Risk Elementary School in Central Falls; Second graders may do a fundraiser about Malala; Hoops for Heart and Jump Rope for Heart were very successful; Pennies for Patients is upcoming; it’s very positive to foster connections within RI
  4. Old (Unfinished) Business
  5. Announcements and the Good of Order
  6. Next School Store is May 4
  7. Adjournment–Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.