Rivers Edge Condominium Association
Board of Directors Meeting
July 12, 2007
1. Minutes from May3, 2007
2. Treasurers Report
- Old Business
- Resolution to approve the following Animal Occupancy; Revision to Declaration. Paragraph 10titled “Specific Use and Occupancy of Units and Common elements”; Subsection (f) last sentence of the Declaration reads: “Unit Owners owning a dog or cat may not replace it with another dog or cat unless otherwise allowed pursuant to rules and regulation of the Association.” Replace with. “Each unit owner may be entitled to keep household pets on the premises, subject to any rules and regulations formulated by the Board. No dogs of a vicious nature are permitted. No dog runs are permitted. All animals shall be on a leash when outdoors. Unit Owners who exercise their pets in the common area are responsible for clean up and removal of their pet droppings. Unit Owners are responsible for adhering to the Municipal code of Cherry Valley. “
- New Business:
- Review of correspondence from attorney Harlan regards surface water drainage and deck hardware.
- Board Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a property manager.
- Board Discussion on the recommendation to have the lot stakes behind the Rivers Edge Condominiums located by a surveyor.
- Resolution to approve the Document prepared by AttorneyHarlan; Amendment to the Declaration of Condominium Ownership (“Declaration”) and By-Laws (“By-Laws”) of Rivers Edge Condominium at Newburg Village. Letter dated May 31, 2007.
- Resolution to approve the Ballot for unit owners to vote on the amendments to the Declaration and By-Laws.
- Resolution to approve the Reimbursement plan for expenses attributed to Board Members when on Board Business. Effective date, June 1, 2007.
- Resolution to approve the Ballot for filling Board vacancies which will occur at the annual meeting November 8, 2007.
- Accept the report from Tom Williams on deck modifications by Paul Groh, Kathy Cates and proposal from Gregory Wilhelm.
- Financial Report review.
- Other Items.
September Presentation of Budget and new assessments. Approval to print ballots for amendments and the ballot for the election of new Board members.
November Annual meeting to Approve Budget for 2008, Vote on amendments to the official documents. ElectBoard members, Elect Officers, Establish meeting Dates for 2008
- Public Comment Time
- Executive Session to discuss correspondence from attorney, and unit owner’s failure to pay assessment.
Next Board Meeting Shepherd of the Valley 6:30PM September 6, 2007