Appendix 1:
OCCG User & Carer Expenses Claim Form
Organisation code: 10Q
Payables code: K445
Claimant DetailsName:
Signature of Claimant: Date:
Meeting Details
Meeting name/purpose:
Venue of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Convenor of Meeting:
Expenses Details: (Please attach receipts for all claims except car mileage & consultancy fees)
Car mileage ……… miles @ 0.45 p / mile £………
Car parking £………
Fares £………
Other (please specify) £………
Consultancy Costs @ £ 15 per hour £………
Care Costs £………. per hour for……….hours
Total Expenses To Be Paid (Travel + Care) £……….
Expenses Approved by: ______Meeting Convenor/Authorised Manager
Payment Authorised by:______Payment Code: 74640652151025
Please return this form to:
Ros Kenrick, Executive Assistant,
Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Jubilee House, 5510 John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2LH
Users and Carers expenses- Guidance notes for what you can claim and how much.
Travel expenses for getting to and from a meeting
It is expected that you will travel to and from meetings by the cheapest and most appropriate form of transport. If you travel by:
- private car you can claim parking & mileage
- mileage is paid at the rate of 45p per mile
- public transport, use car parks, or need to use a taxi, please provide receipts
- by bicycle you can claim 20p per mile
- car as a passenger, the driver can claim an additional 2p per mile for the passenger, if you are car sharing for joint involvement activities
Care costs
Care costs are paid to cover the actual costs of care. This means whatever you need to pay the person who is covering your care responsibilities. Costs are only payable where cover is not normally provided as part of your social services care package. Care costs can be used to ensure that the person you care for can attend a meeting. Care costs include childcare costs. Please provide receipts.
Support costs
If you require someone unpaid to support you in the meeting, or to get to the meeting, his or her travel costs can also be claimed for. You can also claim for the costs of employing this person to accompany you. Please ensure that you provide receipts.
Consultancy fees
To claim these fees you must be working with Health or Social Services as a representative for a particular issue or care group on a particular service development or plan. The member of staff you are working with must agree such a payment with you beforehand, and request this payment on your behalf. Fees are currently paid at £15.00 per hour (excluding travel time). If you are receiving a means tested benefit, you are responsible for checking the effect on your entitlement.
How to claim
What you need to do to claim expenses:
- The Council or CCG employee organising the meeting must agree your claim – they will give you a form to complete and must countersign to approve the validity of the claim.
- Please attach receipts for parking, public transport, etc
- The completed form will be sent by the meeting organiser to Ros Kenrick, PA to Director of Quality at Jubilee House, for endorsement prior to payment.
Please allow 30 days for payment – any queries about your claim should be addressed to the meeting organiser