Scottish Futsal League
Season 2016-17
Established 1997
Season 2016/17
Office Bearers
Mark Potter
Vice Chairman
Martin Myers
Steve McLean
Disciplinary Secretary
Jake Eadie Snr
Disciplinary Committee
Gary Lennie
Regional League Representative
Referee Representative
Tom Murphy SFA, Steven Mclean SFA,
Gordon McCabe
(Angus & Perthshire)
Scottish Amateur FA
Thomas McKeown MCIBS
Scottish Football Association
Richard Wilson
Rule 1 - The Organisation shall be called Scottish Futsal League (SFL)
Rule 2 - Each Regional League will be called: Scottish Futsal League – (add region league is from)
Rule 3- League Information
(a)Each Regional League will be a member of the SFL and an affiliated member of the Scottish Amateur FA and therefore member clubs will be eligible for all competitions managed by these organisations, as well as The SFA, UEFA and FIFA.
(b)Futsal League season will run from 15thAugust 2016 to 30 May 2017. SFL competitions can be organised from 1 August 2016 – 31 July 2017 with permission from SFL National Committee
(c)All Regional Leagues must provide Regional League Cup activity between March 2017 and May 2017 for all member Clubs in the Region.
All Regional Leagues must be complete before March 1, 2017 and representative sides must be confirmed with the SFL National Committee at this time. SFL National League will commence on Sunday 12th March at PERTH COLLEGE ACADEMY OF SPORT AND WELLBEING (PCASW), CRIEFF ROAD, PERTH and will complete on Sunday May 21st, 2017. This will require all participating clubs to be available in Perth on a Sunday evening for a league fixture between 6-10pm for 7 out of 11 weeks. There will be a maximum of 8 teams entered. FULL DETAILS OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE COMPETITION ARE ON APPENDIX 1.
Rule 4 –Regional League Fees
(a)Each Regional League must pay £30.00 in application to the Scottish Futsal League, for the season 2016/17.
(b)All regional leagues must pay a further £5.00 for Public Liability Insurance, which is a requirement of membership of the SAFA.
(c)All regional leagues must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Scottish Futsal League and Scottish Amateur FAand laws of the game provided by FIFA.
Rule 5 - Club Fees and Registration
(a)Teams must pay £95.00in application to the Scottish Futsal League for the season 2016/17. This covers registration to following
- Scottish Amateur FA. (£10.00) £10 covered by the Scottish FA for season 2016/17
- Scottish Futsal League. (£40.00)
- Regional League Fee. (£20.00)
- ALL teams must pay a further £25.00for Public Liability Insurance for the season 2016/17which is a requirement of membership of the SAFA. £25 covered by the Scottish FA for season 2016/17
- Clubs will be required to purchase Personal Accident Insurance – Pay once clubs are registered, Sports Guard will be in touch costs are: Basic - £24.00, Standard £47.00, Advanced £74.00 (prices to be confirmed)
(b)Clubs may only register in one regional league in membership of the Scottish Futsal League.
(c)Match fees will be set out at the start of the season by each regional league committee and must be paid in advance at the administration desk. Teams failing to fulfil a fixture will be required to make up the financial deficit before receiving further fixtures. Teams failing to fulfil a fixture will be liable for the entire match fee.
Rule 6 - League Rules
The League rules will be as per the FIFA Laws of the game.
Rule 7 -League Committee
(a)The League will operate under an appointed management committee.
(b)The committee shall have the power to apply, act upon and enforce the Rules of the Competition, and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the Competition, including any not provided for by these rules.
(c)The committee shall also adjudicate over all matters affecting the competition Rules.
(d)All appeals will be heard by the National Committee of the SFL.
(e)All fines and charges shall be paid within 7 days of the date of notification. Clubs, Officials or individuals in breach may incur such penalties, as the management committee deem appropriate.
(f)The committee has the power to co-opt additional individuals if required.
Rule 8 -Competition Venues
(a)Matches are to be played at a venue advised by each regional league; in cases of multiple venues, teams must accept the potential to play at any or all venues throughout the course of the season. Where possible venues should be advised with at least 7 days notice.
(b)All teams must be present at the venue and register with the competition administrator a minimum of 15 minutes before their allocated kick-off time.
(c)Failure to comply with this requirement may be subject to a fine not exceeding match fee.
Rule 9 - Referees
(a)The regional committee shall appoint a referees manager who shall be responsible for the allocation of referees to all matches.
(b)The regional committee may appoint an assistant referees manager who shall be accountable to the referees manager. The assistant referee’s manager may be allocated responsibility for the appointment of match officials as instructed by the referee’s manager.
(c)All referees must be registered with the SFA Referee department at the time of appointment to a match in the SFL. All referees must have completed the Futsal Conversion course, or be working to complete the referee conversion course at the first opportunity. Referees should complete the conversion course within 3 months.
(d)Only referees who have completed the conversion course will be eligible to officiate in Scottish Cup matches, at any time during the National League competition or at any National Committee-organised event.
(e)The Referee Representatives of the SFA/SFL National Committee (or their appointed executives) will provide observation and review functions throughout the season and where possible provide opportunities for Continuous Development in the form of workshops and training gatherings.
Rule 10 -Team Colours
(a)Every team must register two sets of colours to include shirts, shorts, socks and goalkeeper’s shirt. Goalkeeper’s shirts must not clash with those of any other players or the match officials.
(b)All players within a team, with the exception of goalkeepers, must wear shirts, shorts and socks of the same nominated colours.
(c)The first named club for any fixture shall be deemed to be the home club and must wear the colours nominated as their first choice. Any home club requiring playing in a colour other than their first choice must notify the management committee no less than 5 days prior to the relevant fixture.
(d)In the event of two clubs having the same or similar colours, the second named team must change to ensure there is no clash. If there is any disagreement in relation to colour clashes the decision of the first referee for the appointed fixture shall be final.
(e)All other regulations regarding team colours must be maintained if a team is required to play in other than their first choice colours.
(f)All shirts must be clearly numbered as per FIFA Futsal Laws.
(g)The numbers worn by players must correspond to the numbers shown against player’s names on the official team sheet handed to the competition administrator before the match.
(h)Substitute goalkeepers must endeavour to play in the same coloured shirt as the team’s first choice goalkeeper and must have the correct player number on that shirt although so long as there is no colour clash then kit colour may be flexible.
(i)Any team delaying the kick-off by not having the appropriate kit available may be subject to a fine not exceeding £30.
(j)Sock tape and undergarments must not clash with the kit colours
Rule 11 - Appeals
(a)Appeals must be in writing and posted by recorded or special delivery to Scottish Futsal League Secretary(currently S McLean, 7 Green Julian Place, Inchture, PH14 9PA)within 7 days of the posting of the relevant decision and accompanied by an appeal fee of £25 to cover costs.
(b)Any Club, Player or club member may appeal to the Scottish Amateur Football Association against the decision of an affiliated body of which they are a member affecting the club or a member of a club with the exception of a suspension imposed in accordance with the fixed penalties regulations. Such appeals to be lodged by recorded or special delivery and in duplicate within seven days of receipt of notice of the decision of the affiliated body and accompanied by a deposit of £50 incl.V.A.T. This deposit may be forfeited if the Scottish Amateur FA so decide. The grounds of appeal must be specifically stated and if the Scottish Amateur FA consider the appeal frivolous or trivial, the appellant may be liable to a levy of up to a sum of money which shall be fixed annually by the appeals committee.
Rule 12 -Protests and complaints.
-All questions of eligibility, qualification of players or interpretation of Rules shall be referred to the National Committee of the Scottish Futsal League.
-No objection to the playing area, its surface, dimensions, markings or appurtenances may be made following the commencement of a match upon which it is being played.
Rule 13 - Team Names
(a)No team may play in a league in this Competition with a name that is deemed to be offensive or potentially offensive.
(b)No team may enter this Competition in the name of another affiliated club without the full knowledge and authority of that club.
(c)No team shall use a name that includes or is related to a registered name or trademark without the expressed written permission of the owners of the name or trademark.
(d)The final decisions in relation to any team name shall be that of the competition committee.
Rule 14 - Player registration and Transfers
(a)Any player can participate in the SFL, regardless of existing football status (professional, welfare etc), as they will be considered to be an “amateur” futsal player.
(b)Players may only register for one futsal club in membership of the Scottish Futsal League at any one time.
(c)Players must be 15 years of age or over at 1st August 2016. Clubs with players under the age of 16 must have correct child protection in place; advice can be obtained from Disclosure Scotland.
(d)No players from Associations outwithScotland will be eligible to play in the SFL without prior proof of eligibility – for example in the case that players may already be registered with another futsal club or as a futsal player with any other club. Proof of eligibility will require formal photographic identification and the following information;
Full name, date of birth, usual address, nationality.
(e)Once this information is received, the SFL will endeavour to research the player’s registration status through National Association databases, which are available to the SAFA. If no evidence of the player/s being registered with another Association then the League committee will at this point consider the eligibility of the player/s on an individual basis. The player will be ineligible until registration is ratified by the SAFA and SFL.
(f)All players must be registered with their team prior to kick off in each match. Teams will be restricted to 16 players in the squad and only 14 will be eligible to play in each game. Teams fielding a player not signed will be subject to the following sanctions
-The team will be deducted 3 points for each game the unregistered player has played in
-The team will be fined the sum of £10 for each game the unregistered player has played in
(g)Once the squad list of 16 has been reached, players can only be added when another player drops off the list.
(h)Players registered with a club in membership of the Scottish Amateur Football Association and the Scottish Futsal League which operates more than one team shall have freedom of movement within that club subject to the constitution and cup competition rules of the Scottish Amateur Football Association and Scottish Futsal League. (i.e – players can only play for one team per match day, players that play cup matches can only play for one team in that competition)
(i)All original player registration forms must be sent to the SFL National Committee Secretary within 7 days.
(j)There will be transfers permitted in the League this season 2016/2017.Players can only play for a maximum of two teams in any season.
(k)No player can be released after midnight on the 1st March 2017
(l)Once released, a player will be free to sign for a new club but cannot play for that club until 7 days after date of release.
(m)No team can sign any players after midnight on the 1st Marchunless under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the regional committee. A final decision in case of dispute will be made by the National Committee.
(n)Teams qualifying for the National League must present a finalised squad of 16 on February 1st 2017. Full details in Appendix 1.
(o)All players must be signed to compete in the Scottish Futsal Cup and can only play for one team in this competition.
(p)All players must be signed to participate in any regional Cup competitions.
(q)SFL Taster sessions should have participant forms completed by all players not currently registered with a Club. This ensures compliance with regulations for insurance purposes.
Rule 15 - Trialists
(a)Players signed for another team cannot play as a trialist for any other side.
(b)Players can play as a Trialist for two matches only, before being required to sign to continue to play.
(c)Teams can play up to two trialists in any one game, but they must be identified as such on the team lines before kick-off. NAME (T)
(d)Teams cannot play trialists on more than 4 occasions (2 in one game, 2 in another for example.)
(e)Infringements of these rules will result in teams being sanctioned as if they had played an unregistered player as noted above. Trialists will be suspended for two games.
(f)Trialists full name, date of birth and address must be completed on the Trialist Form.
Rule 16 - Team Sheets & Match Scores.
(a)All regional leagues must submit the match team sheet no later than 7 days after match night either by email or post to the SFL national committee secretary ()
(b)All match scores must be submitted to the SFL executive committee secretary within 4 hours of matches being completed.
(c)It is the responsibility of all team captains to complete and sign the Competition Team sheet and submit it to the competition administrator a minimum of 10 minutes prior to the designated kick-off time. Team lines must be in English and names clearly printed and legible. No nicknames will be accepted. Failure to comply may result in sanctions consistent with playing an unregistered player.
(d)Failure to comply with this requirement may be subjectto a fine not exceeding £30, and will be enforced in the case of repeated infringements.
(e)Friendly matches must be approved by the local committee (when between two teams competing in the same league) or National Committee (when between two teams competing in different leagues, or between select sides not sanctioned as part of an SFL Organised event) The Friendly match permit should be submitted to the local organiser and national secretary.
Rule 17 – Timekeeping
(a)Regional League games will be of a period not exceeding 2x20 minute half.
(b)The team manager or designated official will be required to register their team 10 minutes in advance of the kick off shown on the fixture list. The team itself must be ready to start 5 minutes before kick off.
(c)Games must commence at the allocated kick off time. Obviously if there are circumstances out with the League control (i.e. injuries, venue issues etc) then we would ask the teams to be understanding. However, in circumstances where a team fails to meet the kick off time without reason then the following will apply.
- Kick off delayed by up to 5 minutes – team responsible fined £5. Game time reduced by 5 minutes.
- Kick off delayed by up to 10 minutes – team responsible fined £10 and commence game with two-goal deficit. Game reduced by 10 minutes and opponents refunded £5.
- Kick off delayed by more than 10 minutes – match abandoned. Team responsible for delay must pay entire match fee and game forfeited with a 0-6 result.
Rule 18 - Additional Information
(a)Each team will be required to provide completed registration forms in advance of their game. Team Managers should complete the League Application form and should note that there MUST be 2 email contacts. This facilitates speedy correspondence especially in the case of disciplinary matters.
(b)In each venue there will be a clearly marked “Technical Area”. Only players and officials (those named on the registration forms) of the teams playing are permitted in this area. Teams waiting to play the next game must wait in the appropriate spectator seating areas available.
(c)Players and officials who are sent off must leave the technical area or sports hall as required by the match officials.
(d)Note also, the designated League Official responsible for admin and timekeeping can notify the match referee of disciplinary misconduct from players and officials within the technical area. The referee can then issue cautions or dismissals as appropriate.
Rule 19 - Competition Format
(a)The competition will be played on a league basis until all matches have been completed.
(b)In the event of teams being tied on points, in the Championship winning positions or “relegation” positions (in the case of leagues operating multiple levels of competition) then a Play-Off match will take place. If the play-off match ends in a draw, a further 5 minutes extra time will be played. If the game still ends in a draw, then penalties will be taken. Both teams will take 3 penalties, before sudden death if required. The format for the penalty procedure will follow FIFA guidelines.
(c)In the event of teams tied in the league table beyond the first place,all other positions will be established according to the following criteria, in the order given.
- Goal difference.
- Number of goals scored.
. Rule 20 - Trophies.