Reverend Larry W. Jordan / Pastor Emeritus
Elder Carlvern Dunn / Executive Minister
Reverend Benjamin Broadnax / Administrative Assistant
to the Pastor
Reverend Jeffery Bates / Associate Minister
Reverend Alan Bolden / Curriculum Ministry Lead
Rev.Cynthia Parker-Bolden / Education and Training Ministry Leader
Reverend Daniel Bradley / Youth & Young Adult Minister Leader
Reverend Lynda Brown-Hall / Women of Purpose Ministry Lead
Reverend Bertha Gaymon / Ministry Leader Family Life Ministries
Reverend Wayne Heatley / Ministry Leader Ministries of Service
Reverend April Jenkins / Associate Minister
Reverend Louis Jenkins / Associate Minister


Deacon James Thompson / Chairman Emeritus,
Exec. Assistant to the Pastor, Counseling Ministry Leader
Deacon Herbert Hawkins / Missions/Outreach Ministry Leader
Elder Jeff Jacobs / Ministry Leader
Worship And Arts
DeaconessMacleta Kingsland / Ministry Leader Christian Service & Community Engagement Ministries
Lady Lovie Tarver / Ministry Leader Connect


Deacon Carl Dunn / Chair, Deacon’s Ministry
Trustee James Ballentine / Chair, Trustee Ministry
Deaconess Charlene Hamilton / Chair, Deaconess Ministry
Trustee Charlie Fields / Chair, Finance Ministry
Trustee Mott Gaymon / Church Treasurer
Sister Velma Thomas / Church Clerk
Sister Minnetta Coles / Church Secretary
Sister Cheryl Gresham / Superintendent, Sunday School
Dr. Jerrye Feliciana / Counselor/IGNITE Ministry Lead
Sister Dawana Clark / New Member Orientation Lead


4131 Belt Road

Capitol Heights, MD 20743


Reverend Jerome (Sam) Tarver, DMIN, Pastor

Church Office Telephone:(301) 735-1020

Church Facsimile:(301) 735-9318

Church Website:

Sunday, June 17, 2018


10:15 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.


Scripture Reading (Psalm 40:1-3)...... Brother Gary & Gary Lewis, Jr.

Praise & Worship

Invocation...... Deacon Donald & Jamal Owens

Hymn...... Page 13

“Blessed Be The Name”

[Large version of song printed on inside back page of bulletin]

Announcements...... Trustee James Ballentine

Welcome of Visitors...... Brother Micheal & Jordan Pitts

Intercessory Prayer...... Brother Chris Ashe

Prayer/ Doxology...... Page 529……..Brother Francis Biscoe

Tithes & Offering

Special Honors for Father’s Day...... Men’s Ministry

Ministry of Music...... Men’s Choir

Sermon...... Pastor Jerome (Sam) Tarver



“Blessed Be The Name

Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
The glories of my God and king!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


Jesus! the Name that charms our fears,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


He breaks the pow’r of canceled sin,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
His blood can make the foulest clean,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name,
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Today, Sunday, June 17, 2018 – Reverend Alan Bolden will be preaching at Carroll Manor Nursing Home, 1150 Varnum Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017, departing MSBC after the 10:30 a.m. service.

Sunday, June 24, 2018 - Reverend Bertha Gaymon will be preaching at Deanwood Rehabilitation Center, 5000 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20019, departing MSBC at 9:30 a.m.

Saturday, June 30, 2018 – Reverend Daniel Bradley will be preaching at Central Union Mission, 1350 R. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20716 departing MSBC at 6:30 p.m.



Isaiah 43:19 [NIV]

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;

do you not perceive it? I am making a way in

the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.


There will be a Church Meeting on Saturday, July 21, 2018, at 11:00 a.m.(PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE).ALL church members are asked to be in attendance. During the church meeting, we will have a period where we will be given the opportunity to have open dialog with Pastor Tarver. If you would like to submit your questions in advance of the meeting, please give your written request to Deacon James Thompson (301-735-1020). We are excited about the wonderful thing that God is doing in our church and we are thankful for your support.

New Members Ministry - The next New Members Orientation Session is scheduled forSaturday, July 7, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. To register and/or address any questions, please contact Sister Dawana Clark on 301-523-4800.

For the months of June through August, the dresscode for the Sunday morning Worship service will be Sunday best or business casual. Business casual is crisp, neat and should look appropriate for church service. It should not look like cocktail, party or picnic attire. Avoid tight, revealing or baggy clothing.

Tuesday night Bible Study Class – Summer Recess has started and will resume on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, with a welcome back fellowship.

Special Enrichment Classes will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, Tuesday, July 10, 17 and 24.

Family, if you would like your visiting family or friends to be formally greeted and blessed with their own parking space when they join us for Worship Service, please email requests along with their name(s), and number of cars to and we will make every effort to accommodate your request. Please note that parking spaces are limited and are scheduled in the order of the request.

Vacation Bible School / 6/18-21/18 / 6:00 p.m.
Seniors Ministry Meeting / 6/20/18 / 11:15 a.m.
Shekinah Glory Jr. Dance Ministry / 6/23/18 / 9:00 a.m.
Evangelism Outing / 6/23/18 / 10:00 a.m.
Toastmasters Ministry Meeting / 6/23/18 / 10:00 a.m.
Shekinah Dance Ministry / 6/27/18 / 7:00 p.m.
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal / 6/28/18 / 7:00 p.m.
Shekinah Glory Jr. Dance Ministry / 6/30/18 / 9:00 a.m.

Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow, Monday, June 18-Thursday, June 21,2018from 6:00pm -9:00pm. This year’s theme is "Jesus the Kingdom Builder - Strong Families, Churches, and Communities" and the overallBible verse is Hebrews 11:10 "For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God." The Bible verses for each night to help you prepare are:

  • Tomorrow, Monday June 18th - Build on Jesus - Matthew 7:24-27 - Jesus invites us to build on the firm foundation of His Word
  • Tuesday June 19th - Building Strong Families Genesis 17:5-9 - Abraham's descendants, along with those whom God adopts, become sons and daughters of God.
  • Wednesday June 20 - Skills to Build - Exodus 12:31-35 - God gives us gifts, talents, and abilities to help us build our families, churches, and communities.
  • Thursday June 21st - Building Tomorrow Today - Joshua 24:13-15 - We build our lives, families, churches, businesses and communities based on God's blueprint - His Word.

Remember invite your extended family and friends to come and join us every night.Please contact Chris Ashe () or Janelle Ashe () 703-534-2997 for moreinformation or to volunteer.

Volume 3 of the Maple Springs Baptist Church Love Letter is now available. If you wish to receive a printed copy of the Newsletter, please visit the table near the Myles Fellowship Hall immediately following Worship Service today to secure your copy, or you may visit our website to access the Love Letter online.

Youth Retreat 2018 is Coming!!! This year's youth retreat is scheduled from July 13-15th at the Williamsburg Retreat Center for youth ages 13-18. The theme for the retreat this year is: "We Are Christ Ambassadors (II Corinthians 5:17-21). The cost is $175 per youth. Please register your youth after service in the vestibule. If you would like to sponsor a youth for the retreat, please see Reverend Dan Bradley. Contact Reverend Dan Bradley for more information at or 202-492-5571 or see Sister Monique Davis for registration immediately following service.


See incorrect dates or times?

If so, please contact the Church Office on 301-735-1020.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

As you listen to the message from God’s Word, you may use this page to keep notes. We pray the Word today will inspire, lift and challenge you. Why not refer to your notes for future reference.

Minister: ______

Sermon Topic: ______

Biblical Text/Scripture: ______

Main Points:

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


Illustrations I want to remember:



How what was said in this sermon can apply to my life:



Each year the Nevertheless Outreach Ministry along with the Missions and Outreach Ministry of Maple Springs Baptist Church spearhead the Annual Fundraiser for the Kericho, Kenya Foreign Mission Project. This year the Annual Fundraiser will be combined with Nevertheless Outreach Ministries 30th Anniversary on Sunday, August 5, 2018, at 2:00 p.m., at the Colony South Hotel and Conference Center. Tickets for this event are $65.00 per person. Please plan now to attend our annual fundraiser.All donations are welcome and are tax deductible. If you purchase a ticket and attend the event, it is not tax deductible. Please see Deacon James Thompson (301-735-1020), Sister Sherlene McIntosh (301-883-9259), Deacon Herbert Hawkins (202-396-1909) or Reverend Lynda Brown-Hall (202-365-2631) for tickets or to make donations.

WOP Bus Trip to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA to see the play "Jesus" on Saturday, September 29, 2018, will leave at 8:00 a.m. from the church parking lot. The cost of the trip is $125.00; children 12 and under $67.50. This will include: Round-trip, theater ticket and lunch. Final payment is due on Sunday, July 16, 2018. Please see Sister Monica Johnson after service outside the Myles Fellowship Hall or call her on 301-919-4544.

The Married Couples Ministry and the Cultural Education Experience Ministry invite you, your family and friends to join us for an afternoon at the rodeo on Saturday, September 22, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. at the Show Place Arena in Upper Marlboro, MD. Regular tickets are $23 (ages 12-62) and $18 (ages 2-12 and anyone over 62) however, depending on the size of our group the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo will provide a standard discount-priced ticket for everyone. In addition, the National Capital Area Cowboys & Cowgirls, Inc., will host a private luncheon for our group (average cost $15-$20 per person) that would start at 12:00 p.m. If you, your family and friends are interested in joining us for an afternoon at the rodeo, you can sign up in the Fellowship Hall after service or contact Sister Melody Washington at or Sister Barbara Dunn at .

TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME - Do you remember when you went to your first baseball game? You know the smell of popcorn, hotdogs, and the strong scent of chili from Bens Chili Bowl. Cheering for your favorite team. Booing the umpire when they make a bad call. Singing along with the organist, playing take me out to the ball game. Enjoying the company of friends and family as you watch an exciting game. The Men’s Chorus along with the Youth, and Married Couples Ministry is sponsoring a Washington National’s baseball game outing for Friday August 3, 2018. We will be demonstrating to the whole D.C. area how Maple Springs Baptist Church is truly a church where love is in action. Tickets will be $37. For further information, please contact Michael E. Washington at 301-934-2536 (), Michael Pitts at 301-412-2916 () or Jesse Jones at 301-839-3333 (), from the Men’s Choir. Please contact either one of us as soon as possible. We will also be seated in the hallway next to the Myles Fellowship Hall immediately after church service to collect the money for the event.

Mission and Outreach Ministry

The Mission and Outreach Ministry has initiated several projects to assist those in our community who are in need. We invite the church membership to join us in this effort. The projects are as follows:

UCAP-Shepard’s Cove Shelter Food Pantry, Capitol Heights, MD-The shelter needs the following can meat items: spaghetti and meatballs, beef ravioli, corn beef hash, Vienna sausages, chicken Vienna sausages; chunk white chicken, Chicken of the Sea tuna chunk light in water, and spam. All donations must have an expiration date no earlier than January 2019. Items will be collected until July 31, 2018.

DC Shelter, Washington DC- The shelter needs the following items: unused baby care items-baby lotion, baby wash, bottles, etc., new clothing items of all sizes; and strollers (new or used in good condition). This is an on-going project and we are accepting items throughout the year.

William Paca Elementary School, Landover, MD-This school is one of the many county schools that has a large population on children who need assistance obtaining the basic education essentials to effectively complete their classwork. The school needs donations of the basic school supplies. We will be collecting them August 31, 2018.

Just A Reminder! For the safety of our children, please accompany your child to the rest room at all times.

Marked receptacles for each group of items, will be placed in the church vestibule for your convenience. If additional information is needed please contact Sister Sygrid Bruce (240-274-4031) or Deaconess Fannie Thompson (301-503-2078). If you would like to donate a stroller, please contact Deacon Herbert Hawkins, (202-396-1909) prior to bringing it to the church so he may make the necessary arrangements to accept your donation.

Please join the Deaconess Ministry in support of a special project at the Kipsitet Church Medical Clinic, located in the Kericho District in Kenya, East Africa. We are asking the Maple Spring Baptist Church Family to join us by bringing in your old prescription pill bottles every third Sunday. Please pull off the labels and wash bottles and lids. There is a container in the vestibule for deposit of the pill bottles. Thank you for your help. If you have questions, please call Deaconess Elizabeth Holland 301-464-8835.

Church Administrative Forms are now available on the church website ( Click the resources tab and then Administrative Forms. Once finance related forms are completed (to include required signatures), these forms can be mailed to for processing. Any questions, contact Trustee Charlie Fields, 301-868-0556, or Tina Hunter, 301-943-3538, .

Do you have some little known facts about yourself or members of Maple Springs that you would like to share with the Love Letter Staff? We would love to feature them in the “Little Known Maple Springs Facts” section of our Newsletter. If you would like to share, please email them to

Child Protection Policy: MSBC is in the second phase of implementing our child protection policy. The second phase requires a national background check on each individual that works with youth below the age of 18. All church members that have reviewed and signed an acknowledgement form on our child protection policy should go to the following site and complete the form. MSBC will use this information to send you an email that allows you to input the required information to “Protect My Ministry,” a national company, that MSBC has worked with, that conducts background checks for churches. There will be no cost to you. MSBC will not have access to any of your personal information, but we will receive the results of the background checks. If you have any questions, please see Trustee James Ballentine at 301-297-7056.

Margaret McDowell1


Da’Nay Barnes1


Elaine B. Donatto2


Leila Bell-Manley3


Jordyn Broadnax3


Mykell D. Latney3


Mary Stewart3


Kenneth Johnson4


Bernice Clark6


Janae Reid7


Frank Arkwright8


Joseph Gale8


Lela Robinson9


William Ballentine12



Gary Lewis12



Channel Warren-Bruer12



Reverend Wayne Heatley16



Ina Broadnax18



Cherice Shannon18



Jennie Howell22



Huey L. Vample, Sr.25



Chaize Moore27



Vella M. Traynham27



Bryce Douglas28



Camay Davis29



Mary Hardy29




Deacon Thadious & Catherine Motley19



Robert & Eddie Horne21


Don & Mary Matthews21
