Grades 3-5 Climate Change
1. Who uses models and data to make predictions about future weather?
A. meteorologists
B. hurricane chasers
C. snowpack surveyors
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
1. Who studies the role of the ocean in shaping the earth's climate?
A. oceanographers
B. smoke jumpers
C. climate change analysts
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
2. Who flies special planes into tropical weather to collect data for the Tropical Prediction Center?
A. hurricane chasers
B. snowpack surveyors
C. meteorolgigst
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
2. Who fights wildland fires by parachuting into remote areas?
A. smoke jumpers
B. oceanographers
C. climate change analysts
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
3. What is a common weather hazard in the southwest U.S. ?
A. drought
B. tornadoes
C. hurricanes
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
3. Since 1750, humans have released 2040 gigatons (GT) of CO2 into the atmosphere. The ocean and plants have absorbed 1224 GT. What percent of CO2 remains in the atmosphere?
A. about 40%
B. about 60%
C. about 90%
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
4. Which crop would have trouble if the growing temperature got above 75°F?
A. wheat
B. rice
C. corn
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
4. What is the geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the earth's surface called?
A. latitude
B. longitude
C. global warming
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
5. The temperature of the earth has gone up 0.85° C since 1880. What is that in degrees Farenheit? Use this formula °F = °C x 1.8.
A. 1.53°F
B. 0.85°F
C. 1.78°F
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
5. What is the mechanism that traps heat radiating from the surface in the atmosphere called?
A. greenhouse effect
B. acidification
C. global warming
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
6. What is the number that measures how rapidly the particles in matterl move?
A. temperature
B. heat
C. wavelengths
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
6. What are the narrow bands of strong winds in the upper atmosphere called?
A. jet streams
B. albedo
C. the coriolis effect
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
7. How do scientists measure and track the temperature of the earth?
A. from 1,500 weather stations across the planet
B. from a single weather station at the equator
C. from weather stations in the capital city of every country
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
7. What is the reflectance of the earth's surface called?
A. albedo
B. the coriolis effect
C. a front
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
8. What is the difference between the average rainfall of Kansas and Missouri?
A. about 12 inches
B. about 24 inches
C. about 6 inches
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
8. What effect would increasing the earth's albedo have on global warming?
A. it would reduce it
B. it would increase it
C. it would have no effect
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
9. Where is the warmest zone in North America?
A. Mexico
B. Minnesota
C. Viginia
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
9. Which part of the globe is experiencing the greatest warming?
A. the poles
B. the mid-latitudes
C. the equator
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
10. What reduces the snowpack on a mountain?
A. drought
B. hurricanes
C. tornadoes
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
10. Which of these meals contributes the most to increasing methane in the atmosphere?
A. a hamburger
B. a chicken salad sandwich
C. a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
11. A car that gets 20 miles per gallon gives off one lb of carbon dioxide per mile. How many lbs of carbon dioxide would it give off if it drove 30 miles?
A. 1 lb
B. 30 lbs
C. 20 lbs
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
11. What effect would painting roofs white have on global albedo?
A. it would increase
B. it would decrease
C. it would stay the same
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
12. Who skis mountains in the springtime to measure snow depth?
A. soil scientists
B. snowpack surveyors
C. hurricane chasers
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
12. Who studies the possible effects of climate change on people, businesses and natural systems?
A. oceanographers
B. climate change analysts
C. smoke Jumpers
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
13. Which of these is an important greenhouse gas?
A. carbon dioxide
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
13. A car that gets 20 miles per gallon (mpg) emits one lb of carbon dioxide per mile. How much CO2 would a car that gets 40 pmg emit per mile?
A. 2 lbs
B. half a lb
C. 1 lb
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
14. A car that gets 40 miles per gallon gives of 1/2 lb of carbon dioxide per mile. How many lbs of carbon dioxide would it give off if it drove 30 miles?
A. 40 lbs
B. 15 lbs
C. 30 lbs
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
14. Since 1750, humans have released 2040 gigatons (GT) of CO2 to the atmosphere. Plants have absorbed 612 GT. What percent have plants absorbed?
A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 60%
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
15. What is a common weather hazard in the midwest U.S.?
A. earthquakes
B. tornadoes
C. hurricanes
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
15. What is the geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the earth's surface called?
A. greenhouse effect
B. longitude
C. latitude
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
16. What tool is used to measure how rapidly the particles in matter are moving?
A. a magnet
B. a thermometer
C. a compass
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
16. What are the regional and global effects of an increase in average global surface temperature called?
A. acidification
B. climate change
C. greenhouse gas
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
17. What is the ability to do work?
A. thermometer
B. energy
C. heat
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
17. What is the location where two air masses meet called?
A. the coriolis effect
B. a front
C. albedo
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
18. What is the difference between the average temperatures of Louisiana and Arkansas?
A. there is no difference
B. about 5°F
C. about 10°F
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
18. Which thing or things increase the albedo of the earth?
A. conifer forests
B. ice and snow
C. open ocean
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
19. What does a Plant Hardiness Zone map tell you about where a particular plant can grow?
A. if it is wet enough
B. if it is warm enough
C. if it is dry enough
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
19. How could albedo cause a change in global warming?
A. by increasing conversion of sunlight to heat
B. by reflecting sunlight before it could be converted to heat
C. by absorbing sunlight before it could be converted to heat
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
20. Plant Hardiness Zones are based on a 10°F difference. What would that be in degrees centigrade? Use this formula°C = °F x 5/9
A. 2°
B. 5.5°
C. 10°
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
20. If ice and snow at the poles melts, warming will increase more quickly. Why?
A. because of sea level rise
B. because of decreased albedo
C. because of increased albedo
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
21. If the temperature of the earth has gone up, what happens to a plant's zone in North America?
A. it moves west
B. it moves north
C. it moves south
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
21. Which of these ways of getting around contributes the most to increasing carbon dixoide in the atmosphere?
A. riding a bike
B. driving a car
C. walking
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
22. Why are greenhouse gases called greenhouse gases?
A. they are found only in greenhouses
B. they trap heat like a greenhouse
C. they have a greenish color
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
22. Which of these actions would reduce the amount of methane a person's behavior contributes to the atmosphere?
A. taking shorter showers
B. eating less meat
C. walking instead of driving
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
23. Who measures soil mositure to see if there is enough water for growing crops?
A. hurricane chasers
B. meteorologists
C. soil scientists
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
23. Who upgrades heating and cooling systems to make them more efficient?
A. smoke jumpers
B. oceanographers
C. HVAC technicians
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
24. Which crop would have trouble if there were less than 60" of rain?
A. wheat
B. corn
C. sugar cane
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
24. Since 1750, humans have released 2040 gigatons (GT) of CO2 to the atmosphere. The ocean has absorbed 30% of that CO2. How much has the ocean absorbed in GT?
A. 1428 GT
B. 2040 GT
C. 612 GT
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
25. What is a common weather hazard along the gulf coast?
A. drought
B. earthquakes
C. hurricanes
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
25. Sea level has gone up about 20 cm in the last 100 years mainly due to thermal expansion of water. Assuming no change in these trends, how muchwould it go up in the next 50 years?
A. another 20 cm
B. another 5 cm
C. another 10 cm
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
26. What is the random motion of microscopic particles in matter?
A. temperature
B. wavelengths
C. heat
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
26. What is an increase in the average global surface temperature called?
A. latitude
B. greenhouse gas
C. global warming
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
27. What is happening to temperatures almost everywhere on earth?
A. they have not changed in a long time
B. they are falling abnormally quickly
C. they are rising abnormally quickly
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
27. What is the deflection of global air masses from a straight line called?
A. a front
B. albedo
C. the coriolis effect
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
28. What is the difference between the average temperatures of Iowa and Minnesota?
A. about 14°F
B. there is no difference
C. about 7°F
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
28. Which of these gases can cause the greenhouse effect?
A. nitrogen, oxygen and argon
B. chlorine, fluorine and iodine
C. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
29. Where is the coldest zone in North America?
A. Florida
B. Minnesota
C. Alaska
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
29. Which thing or things decrease the albedo of the earth?
A. ice and snow
B. white-painted roofs
C. open ocean
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
30. What makes wildfires more likely to happen in an area?
A. hurricanes
B. tornadoes
C. drought
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
30. Why do scientists think greenhouse gases (ghgs) are causing the current episode of global warming?
A. the negative correlation beteween rising ghgs and falling temperatures
B. the positive correlation between rising ghgs and rising temperatures
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
31. What do most scientists think is causing the earth to get warmer now?
A. changes in the energy the sun is putting out
B. earth has gotten closer to the sun
C. increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
31. Which of these consequences of warming has a positive feedback effect?
A. increased plant growth
B. loss of coral reefs
C. the melting of snow and ice
Grades 3-5 Climate Change
32. What is an important cause of the increase in greenhouse gases?
A. using solar panels
B. using hydroelectric power
C. using coal and oil
Grades 6-8 Climate Change
32. Which of these contributes the most to increasing nitrous oxide in the atmosphere?
A. composting
B. mulching
C. using nitrogen fertilizer