Mrs. Dale’s 4th Grade Class
Parent Information /Student Procedures
Welcome to another exciting school year. Below, you will find some important information about our classroom. Please go over this information with your child and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Class Rules:
1. Use Good Manners
2. Work Hard
3. Support Each Other
4. Be a Noble Knight!
Discipline Plan:
My priority is to first provide plenty of encouragement and accolades to students. I enjoy sending home good notes/emails and giving students public acknowledgement for great behavior/work. I’m always on the lookout for “Noble Knights” and students making the right choices. I also enjoy opportunities for whole class rewards!
If a student does break a rule, they will first get a verbal warning from me. If they break the same rule again, they have a 10-minute classroom timeout. If they break the same rule a third time, they have a time out for 20 minutes in another teacher’s classroom and parents will be contacted. If a student “abuses” the classroom rules during a lesson or school activity and after they have received a warning from me, they will not be allowed to do the activity. For example, if they do not follow directions while using the computer, they do not get to use the computer for that particular activity. I do keep track of warnings/time-outs, and it is reflective on behavior grades in the report card.
I will encourage students to solve problems by talking about them with others involved. Children will be given responsible choices that will allow them to develop the awareness that they are in control of their own actions.
Planners:Every student is given a planner. Parents need to sign or initial planners every night. It is the student’s responsibility to ask you to sign it.Students are responsible to write down their homework and any tests that they will have as well as special areas.
Students will have two main homework assignments each night. They will have a math activity sheet that corresponds to what we are learning in class, and they will have to read 30 or more minutes each night, which is recorded in areading log. On occasion they will have a social studies assignment to complete on Wednesdays. If they are completing social studies homework, they do not have to the reading log that night.
In addition to this, students will be assigned weekly words to study. Weekly words will be given on full five-day school weeks.They need to know how to spell the words and what the words mean. A copy of the words for the week will be in their planners on Mondays as well as on Students take a pre-test on Mondays to determine which list they will have.
Students should also be memorizing multiplication facts through the twelve’s. They need to be able to recall these facts quickly in order to do long multiplication, division, fractions, and problem solving.
If homework seems laborious and is taking longer than 40 minutes per night, please let me know. We may need to modify the assignments.
Reading Logs: Students are required to read each night. It is most effective by reading a total of 30 minutes per weekday (Monday-Thursday) and an additional 30 minutes over the weekend. Acceptable reading materials include: chapter books, non-fiction books, magazines, etc. The amount of time-spent reading is more important than the number of pages or type of book although a mixture of fiction and non-fiction is best. I recommend setting a timer each day after school. Students are to return their reading log the following morning. Reading logs are done Monday-Thursday. At the beginning of the year, reading logs should be a couple of sentences. As the year progresses, it is expected to be a paragraph in cursive. See binders for more reading log information.
Destination College and Career: I continue to implement a program called Destination College and Career. My goal is to instill in children a goal of higher learning beyond high school, i.e. college, trade schools, technical programs, academics, careers. One of the ways to prepare them is through organizational skills. I will be using a one-binder system to help keep students organized. We will be organizing binders the first week of school. We will also work on self-advocacy, note taking, study skills, and goal setting.
FSA (Florida Standards Assessment):Fourth graders take the FSA Writing exam prior to spring break/beginning in March. Then they complete the FSA Reading and Math portion in April. As I get more information on this year’s exam, I will certainly pass it along.
Conferences: I will send home information to schedule a formal conference with you and your child at the end of the first nine weeks. It will take place the week of November 2nd. I am also available for conferences anytime during the school year as needed.
Field Trips: We have four field trips: the Orlando Museum of Art (TBD) or History Center (TBD), the Symphony, the Orlando Wetlands, and St. Augustine (April 26th). St. Augustine will be about $48 dollars for students and about $63 for chaperones. If you would like to chaperone any trip, you must first be an approved Orange County Additions Volunteer. You can be an Additions Volunteer simply be registering online at More information about field trips will be coming home. The Addition’s volunteer application must be updated each school year.
Dismissal: I need, in writing, any changes to a student’s dismissal. If I do not get the change of dismissal in writing, the student will be sent home their usual way. If it is necessary to change a student’s dismissal procedure during the school day, please contact school personnel in the front office only. I must be notified by the office. Please do not leave a message on my voice mail or email. I may not get your message until after students leave!
Money: Please label all monies coming to the school with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and purpose of the money. Please complete free/reduced lunch forms as soon as possible for qualifying families. You are required to pay the full price until all the paperwork is approved . . . if your child was on free/reduced lunch last year they will have 30 school days for the updated paperwork to be submitted for reapproval.
Snacks: We will have an optional snack time each day. I encourage students to bring healthy snacks that may include: any type of fresh fruit, crackers, cheese, graham crackers, pretzels, carrot sticks, granola bars, 100 calorie snack packs, peanut butter crackers. . . Students are not allowed to bring: desserts, soda, high sugar drinks that are artificially colored, high fat potato chips (baked lays or equivalent would be fine). Water only please! If your child has any medical/dietary needs, please let me know.
Tests and Papers:All tests and papers come home on Fridays in a “Friday Folder.” Please check over your child’s work, remove the papers, sign and return the envelope on Mondays.
Communication: I will be using student planners, email, and our class website for our main source of communication. Please feel free to write me any notes in their planners.
I check them on a daily basis. I also check my email several times a day. It is often faster to email me rather than leave a voice message if at all possible.
Voice Mail: 407-207-3875 ext. 4322271
*Grades are weighted in each subject as follows: 80% tests/quizzes, 10% homework, and 10% classwork. If a student receives a D or F on a test grade, they have the option of making corrections or doing extra credit, but the highest grade they will receive is a 70%/C. When doing corrections, students must examine and write about the error and why the correct answer is the correct one.
PEDs: I allow the use of personal electronic devices in my classroom! If your child would like to use one at school, let me know and I will send home a permission slip.
Attendance: It is important to make every effort for students to attend school everyday. In one day, students miss 60 minutes of math, 90 minutes of reading, 45 minutes of writing, 40 minutes of science/social studies, and 30 minutes of small group reading. If your child is sick, I am happy to send home make-up work with a sibling or neighbor. Students are allowed three days to make-up work per one day of absence.
Lunch:Our lunch time this year is from 11:25 – 11:50 A.M. If parents and/or other family members are coming to have lunch with a student, they must be approved as an Additions Volunteer and sign-in with the front office. This must be updated each year at
Birthdays: We love to acknowledge birthdays! However, it cannot take away from instructional time. If your child would like to bring in a special treat, they are more than welcome. The teacher will pass out their special treat during lunch/recess. We are not permitted to stop and have a party. Please make sure any treat is store bought, in original containers, and can easily be passed out. Teachers/staff do have time to cut and serve cakes. If your child is having a private birthday party at home, they are not allowed to pass out invitations to a select few students at school. This causes a lot of hurt feelings. If the whole class is invited, teachers can certainly pass them out.
Manners: We are all here to learn and get along. Students need to use their best manners at all times. Making fun of others, name calling, bullying, etc. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.We will treat each other with respect. We are here to have a great year!
When Guests Enter the Room: Do not stop working when someone enters the room and please do not talk to the guest unless you are given permission or are asked a question. Continue working.If your teacher is talking to another person, please do not interrupt.
Morning Routine: Enter the classroom QUIETLY. Unload your backpack and put your belongings in the designated places. Begin morning bell work promptly. Follow written directions. During morning announcements please listen so we can all hear about our school day. Do not use this time to talk with friends. We’ve got work to do!
When students finish their work:If you are turning in an assignment, be sure your first AND last name is written at the top. Check your work before you turn it in. You may follow your teacher’s instructions for additional choices of activities if others are still working. Please be respectful of your classmates who are still working.
Participating in Class:I expect everyone to participate in class. It is perfectly fine to make mistakes or give incorrect answers. What matters is that you try and do your best. Our classroom will be a safe learning environment. This means there will be NO laughing or teasing of others in any form. Raise your hand to answer a question and wait your turn.
Noise Level in the Classroom:Never talk while someone is speaking in front of the class (teacher, students or visitor). During assignments that call for partner work, alwaystalk inlow voices. When you are in a group make sure that only your group can hear you. Independent work requires no discussion. When the intercom comes on or the phone rings, please be silent so we can hear the message.
Your Desk and Materials:It is very important to keep your materials, binder, and the classroom tidy. Organization is a very important skill for overall success. I will be helping you with this, but you must keep up with your things. This will be especially important for your continuing education and beyond!
Sharpening Pencils:Never get up to sharpen your pencil while someone is speaking in front of the class, or when it is silent reading time. The noise is disruptive. After sharpening your pencil in the morning go directly back to your seat. Please do not stand in line to wait for the sharpener. When two people are at the sharpener, please stay in your seat to wait for your turn. Please do not sharpen colored pencils or crayons in the sharpeners because they clog the machine.
Restroom:You do not need permission to use the restroom. Try to use the restroom when you are doing independent work. Put the bathroom pass on your desk before you go so I know where you are. Please be sure to wash your hands before returning to your seat. Please keep it clean at all times by picking up after yourself. If you are having an emergency, i.e. you are going to throw up, don’t worry about the bathroom pass, just go!
Water:Please use the water fountain during independent work time or you may bring a water bottle. Water bottles must only have water in them, no juice or soda is permitted.
Lining up and walking in the halls:Students will walk at all times. We will line up in alphabetical order unless asked to do differently. Students must walk one behind the other and not beside another student.There is no talking while traveling in line. It is important that we do not disrupt other classes. Please keep hands, feet, and any objects that you might be carrying to your self at all time.Remember, 4th graders are role models for the younger students at Camelot.
Things Mrs. Dale says often . . .
- What book are you reading? I want to know what you are reading. I actually write it down and track it. You will get a classwork grade for independent reading. Stick with a book until you finish it. If you are having trouble finding a book that you like, ask me. I have read almost all of them in the classroom.
- Write me a note: If you tell me something in the middle of the busy day, like “Mrs. Dale, will you look at my AR points?” I will not remember by the end of the day! Write me a note and put in the basket of classroom papers.
- Don’t be a joy stealer: Don’t steal the joy of learning from others! This includes blurting out answers, spoiling the end of a book you already read, cutting in a line to be first, tattling just to get others in trouble, . . . It’s just not good manners.
- Do it again: If I see that you did not put forth your best effort on an assignment/test, don’t be surprised if I ask you to “do it again.”
- Is this bullying or tattling? Do not tell me you are getting bullied when someone does something minor like cutting in line once. Bullying is repeated verbal or physical abuse by another student, which causes harm to others. Tattling is telling on someone just to get them in trouble.
- Tell your teacher: If you have a problem, please tell me! I am here to help!
Team:Remember that we are all a TEAM here at Camelot Elementary. By working together, we will have an outstanding year!
4th Grade Procedures
By signing this form I agree that I have read this form with my child. We understand the rules and procedures.
Parent Signature ______Date______
Student Signature______Date______