Elaborated Unit Focus
The student will understand how various social economic and political changes have impacted life in Georgia since 1970. Students will discover ways that our economy is driven by production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Students will evaluate the relevance and impact of the migration/movement of non-English speaking people to our state. They will also learn that as our society has become more complex, our governance has become more complex.Standards/Elements
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970.- Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.
- Describe the role of Jimmy Carter in Georgia as state senator, governor, president, and past president.
- Analyze the impact of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia.
- Evaluate the effect of the 1996 Olympic Games on Georgia.
- Evaluate the importance of new immigrant communities to the growth and economy of Georgia.
SS8E1 The student will give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced in Georgia in different historical periods.
Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions
Individuals, Groups, Institutions: The student will understand that the actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.- What influential Georgian rose to the political ranks of the state and ultimately the nation to lead our country and what was his impact on the state and on the nation? (H12)
- What was the effect of the end to County Unit System on Georgia? (H12)
- What is the difference between the one and two party system in Georgia and how did the rise of the latter impact Georgia? (H12)
- How has reapportionment affected the power of political parties in Georgia? (H12)
- What international event was hosted by Atlanta in 1996 and how did this event affect the city and state? (H12)
- What is the impact of immigration on our state?
- Why has the population of Georgia increased at a more dramatic rate when compared to other states and regions?
*NOTE: The balanced assessment plan included in this unit is presented as a series of suggested activities. It is not expected that the teacher complete all assessments for a successful unit.
Balanced Assessment Plan
Description of Assessment / Standard/Element / Type of Assessment
Participate in a class discussion of the county unit system. Then do the following: In your own words, define the county unit system. Review the Fourteenth Amendment. What does it do? Explain how the county unit system violated the amendment. Then copy and complete the following: In (date) ______the Federal District Court determined that the county unit system violated the Fourteenth Amendment. The end of the county unit system assured that one person’s (what______would not count any (how much)______or any (how much)______than another person’s (what)______just because of where they lived. This changed the basis of political power in Georgia? How? / H12a / Dialogue, Informal Assessment, Constructed Response
Complete the political focus chart for Jimmy Carter’s political career and life since his presidency (Appendix 1). Your chart should begin with his term as state senator and continue throughout his political career and continue into his life as former president. In the center box, give your chart its title. In the four side boxes, list the office held and the years he held that office. Below that list highlights of his term in that office. For the years after his presidency, place the name of major events in which he participated. Below the name of that event, describe it and its importance to the world.
Many people believe that his work after his terms in various offices has been as beneficial to the world as his work while holding any political office. Think it over. What do you think? Write a paragraph which states and supports your opinion on this question. / H12b / Constructed Response
George Washington saw no need for political parties and was unhappy when they began to develop. The first political parties formed because Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagreed about how much power the Federal Government should have and how much should be left in the hands of the states. For decades Georgia was basically a one-party state. We were part of the “Solid Democratic South”. Complete the
“Becoming a two party state” worksheet (Appendix 2). After you have researched and found the answers, be prepared to take part in a debate or write a paragraph on the following: “Do we need a two party system?” / H12c / Constructed Response, Dialogue
The U.S. Census Bureau estimated Georgia’s 2006 population to be 9, 363,941. This represents a 14.4% increase over the 2000 population. Immigration accounts for a portion of this increase. According to political projections, immigration will, in fact, account for the major reason for population growth over the next 20-25 years. Using your resources, list the countries from which most of our immigrants come. Then, working with a partner, brainstorm a list of reasons why immigrants might come to Georgia. Finally, brainstorm what impact immigrants have on the state. You and your partner should decide how you will visually display this information. You and your partner need to determine how you will display the information. You may make charts, graphs, graphic organizers, cartoons, or any other visual that you think will best show the immigration information.
Informal observation, dialogue, constructed response / H12e / Informal observation, dialogue, constructed response
Multiple choice, matching, true/fast, short answer, and/or discussion question in test form should be answered. / H12a,b,c,d,e / Constructed response, selected response
Performance Task
EU; Individuals, Groups, Institutions- The student will understand that the actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.GPS: SS8H2d
CCGPS: WHST 6-8.2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
Before the International Olympic Committee (IOC) awards an Olympic event to a city, that city has to convince the committee that it will be the best location for the year they are considering. You were a part of the “Bring the Olympics to Atlanta” organizing committee in 1990. You and your committee were successful in convincing the IOC to allow the 1996 Summer Olympics to be hosted by Atlanta and played in various venues around the state. As a result thousands of people came to Georgia that summer and millions more watched the events from afar.
Now another southern city, Birmingham, is considering the possibility of hosting the Olympic games. Alabama will be the host state. Before they make their final decision about whether or not to “Go for the Gold” and present their application to the IOC they want to hear from someone closely involved in the Atlanta decision and games.
They are greatly concerned about the impact the games will have on their state, both positive and negative. They have invited you to speak to their committee. They want you to talk about the impacts that you feel the games had on Atlanta and Georgia. In order for you to effectively present your ideas, you will need to
* write a well researchedspeech and
* use visuals to present the information. Your visuals should include a
chartshowing the positive and negative impacts. Consider economics,
building programs, employment, and international recognition; also
consider pollution, crowding, transportation and crime. You may wish to
add additional benefits or negative aspects that you found in your
You will also need a map showing many of the varied locations used for the different events, for Birmingham must see that every event cannot be staged in one city. This, too, has an impact on the state rather than just the hosting city.
Use your textbook and internet sites. Present your information a visually pleasing form. Your speech should be clearly written for the committee will read the speech and view your visuals before they decided when and where you are to present it. Your visuals should be factual, attractive, and easy to understand.
*Note concerning rubrics: Each performance task is accompanied by two rubrics. The first is designed to address content and understanding of the standards in terms of the enduring understandings. The second rubric focuses on the product of the performance task. This is where students are scored on items involving grammar, punctuation, spelling, creativity, presentation, etc. It is NOT intended that each rubric counts for 50% of the assessment. It is expected that the content rubric carry more emphasis when grading.
Content Rubric for Performance Task
ScaleCriteria / 1
Standard Not Met / 2
Needs Improvement / 3
Meets Standard / 4
Exceeds Standard
Student correctly identifies at least four various venues of Olympic events around the state. / No venues are identifies. / Only two or three venues are correctly identified. / Four venues from different parts of the state are accurately identifies. / More than four venues are identified. These sites represent various parts of the state as well as a variety of events.
Student assimilates information and gives an opinion identifying and evaluating at least positive impacts of the 1996 Summer Olympics. / Only one or none of the positive impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics identified and evaluated / Two or three of the positive impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics identified and evaluated. / The information has been studied and the required number of positive impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics are identified and evaluated and given as the author’s opinion. / The information has been studied and the required number of positive impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics are identified and evaluated and given as the author’s opinion. Additionally, the long term impacts are related to Georgia today years after the 1996 Summer Olympics.
Student assimilates information and gives an opinion identifying and evaluating at least four negative impacts of the 1996 Summer Olympics. / Only one or none of the negative impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics identified and evaluated / Two or three of the negative impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics identified and evaluated. / The information has been studied and the required number of negative impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics are identified and evaluated and given as the author’s opinion / The information has been studied and the required number of negative impacts
of the 1996 Summer Olympics are identified and evaluated and given as the author’s opinion. Additionally, the long term impacts are related to Georgia today years after the 1996 Summer Olympics.
Product Rubric for Performance Task
ScaleCriteria / 1
Below Expectation / 2
Needs Improvement / 3
Meets Expectation / 4
Exceeds Expectation
Students produce a product that is attractive. / Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but these often distract from the presentation of content. / Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc., but occasionally these detract from the presentation of content. / Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. to enhance the presentation. / Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.
Students produce a product that is organized. / There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. / Content is logically organized for the most part. / Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. / Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.
Students produce a product that exhibits proper mechanics. / More than 4 errors are spelling or grammar. / Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors. / Three or fewer misspellings and/or grammatical errors. / No misspellings or grammatical errors.
Resources for Unit
Georgia Voyager Summer/Fall 2007 Jimmy CarterJimmy Carter, 1996 Olympics
Biography of Jimmy Carter, the thirty-ninth president of the United States.
Information about Carter’s childhood and boyhood home.
Congressman Charles Norwood’s speech
www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-909 Two Party System
Democratic Party of Georgia
Republican Party of Georgia
for summer Olympics and Jimmy Carter’s childhood
U.S. Census Bureau
Appendix 1
James Earl Carter
Political Focus Map
Appendix 2
Becoming a Two-Party State
Complete the following and be prepared to either take part in a class debate or write a paragraph answering the question “Do we need a two-party system?”
Define the term political party:
What are the two major political parties in Georgia and the U.S. today?
Explain the role of political parties.
Before the two-party system, which party controlled most of Georgia’s politics?
When did this begin to change? Describe fully the election, the candidates, and the differences between the two.
How did the two-party system change Georgia politics?
Describe what the country/and or state would be like without political parties.
Do you think we need a two-party system? Maybe more than two parties? Why or why not. (Answer this on the back)
Appendix 2
Becoming a Two-Party State
Complete the following and be prepared to either take part in a class debate or write a paragraph answering the question “Do we need a two-party system?”
Define the term political party:
What are the two major political parties in Georgia and the U.S. today?
Explain the role of political parties.
Before the two-party system, which party controlled most of Georgia’s politics?
When did this begin to change? Describe fully the election, the candidates, and the differences between the two.
How did the two-party system change Georgia politics?
Describe what the country/and or state would be like without political parties.
Do you think we need a two-party system? Maybe more than two parties? Why or why not. (Answer this on the back)
Unit 14 Adapted from GA DOE Eighth Grade Frameworks-2007 Houston County 6/12 Page 1